A Frisbee Flying At A Fiancée That Fled (1)

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Kagami sighed, a small smile playing on her lips. Birds tweeted around the bench she was sat at. Dogs barked in the faint distance. Cherry blossom leaves fell from branches above.

One of her hands was gripping a thin book, whilst the other threaded through the silky locks of the person laying along her lap. They were staring up to the sky blanketing them both, holding fluffy clouds and the sun.

Marinette closed her eyes, allowing her muscles to relax as Kagami ran slim fingers across her hair. She moved an arm to drape over her stomach, and absent-mindedly stroked the small bump just about visible from it.

A melodic hum drifted from her throat to the fencer in her presence, and caused plants nearby to grow out their petals and vines. Several ladybirds began to gather at the grass beneath their bench.

It was all so peaceful, so care-free, that Kagami couldn't help but finally smile softly.

"Watch out!"

Her head shot up at the warning, just in time to see a thin object sailing their way. Alert eyes sharpened. A muscled arm snapped out on instinct to catch it. She scanned over the frisbee, out of all things, then slowly looked to where its destination would have been.


A flash of anger shone in her chocolate brown orbs, and her hold tightened on the toy until a crack formed in the centre of it.

The sounds of footsteps provoked her to glance up, only to see a trio of men walking their way. They were of various sizes, though the two things they had in common were their dark hair and blue eyes.

Kagami grit her teeth, yet kept her expression carefully blank.

"We're so sorry about that, Miss..."

She didn't provide him her name, and simply rose a brow before holding out the damaged frisbee. "Be careful next time," she warned, voice like ice. "You could've harmed my fiancée."

The same man chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, we'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

"You better," she spoke coldly.

The woman to her side placed a hand on her shoulder with a sigh. "'Gami, be nice. I'm sure they didn't mean it," she chastised half-heartedly, then turned to the males. "Sorry about Kagami. My name is Marinette, it's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too! My name is Dick, and these are my brothers Jason and Tim."

He gestured to a man with a white streak at his fringe - who waved in greeting - and then to the person next to him.

Tim tilted his head, a spark of something akin to recognition coursing through him. "Wait, aren't you the daughter of famous fencer, Tomoe Tsurugi?"

A steel glaze formed over Kagami's eyes. "Leave us be," she commanded, with her brows furrowed and fists clenched. "We are trying to enjoy a date."

Marinette sent Dick an apologetic smile, making him give one of understanding back. "Okay," he agreed cheerfully, before adding on, "We're so sorry about the frisbee, again."

The designer nodded, and watched as him and his siblings turned to walk away. Her fiancée sighed, and she placed her head on her tense shoulder to calm her down.

What the two didn't notice as they moved in to lock lips was Tim pulling out his phone a decent distance away, a suspicion lingering at the back of his mind.


"The designer that I have hired is coming in today with their bodyguard. I need you to be on your best behaviour."

Dick fought off the urge to pout. "You say that like we never are."

"Jason and Damian were sent to the hospital at the last consultation that I set up," Bruce deadpanned, giving the oldest a challenging look.


He was cut off by a knock at the door down the Manor's hallway, which was soon followed by it opening. He exchanged a glance to his brothers, before making his way over with them.

"Good afternoon, Miss Dupain-Cheng," Alfred greeted politely, stepping aside to let them in. "Miss Tsurugi."

"Thank you, good afternoon to yourself!" Marinette exclaimed, beaming as she strolled in alongside a taller woman. Her posture held a certain grace with the way she moved, yet also had excitement with the way she bounced on her toes.

Dick opened his mouth to speak, but stopped when realisation struck him as his eyes met hers. "Wait, aren't you the two I met earlier today at Central Park?"

Marinette rose a brow, then began to study his features. "Oh, yes! I believe so. It's great to meet you again!" she enthused, holding a hand out.

He shook it, as he too gained a disarming smile. "It's such a coincidence that you and your fiancée are with us again!"

She glanced down shyly with a blush, causing the female beside her to smirk. Kagami grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on the wrist of it, much to her horror as her cheeks became redder.

"Forgive me for asking, Miss Dupain-Cheng, but where is your bodyguard?" Bruce asked, not noticing Tim snort from behind him.

The young bluenette gained a quizzing expression. "My bodyguard? Oh, Kagami is mine, she's right here," she replied, pointing to said person. "She's trained in self defense, martial arts, jujitsu, fencing...basically everything. I couldn't think of anyone more trustworthy to protect me."

Her partner froze in surprise at the compliments, which didn't go unspotted by the Wayne family.


Bruce turned to look down at Marinette.

"Is it okay if I start by taking everyone's measurements? I think I'll go from youngest to oldest to make it easier," she started. "Then I'll collect preferences and create some drafts and sketches for your suits."

He nodded in agreement. "Of course. Dick, would you mind calling Damian from his room?"

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