Approvals And Explanations (2)

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"So, how'd you meet Demon Spawn over here?"

"Demon Spawn?"

"Yeah - Damian."

"Oh!" Marinette realised with a blush, as she placed down her knife and fork to explain. "Well, on my first day at Gotham Academy I ended up bumping into him and apologising. He told me it was okay, and I walked off to class."

Tim squinted, then glanced down warily at his cup of coffee. The man asked, "He wasn't rude?"

She raised a brow. "...No, why?"

He scoffed. "The Brat isn't really known for being nice."

Damian scowled, but his retort was interrupted by the girl at the chair beside him.

"Hey! He isn't a 'Brat' at all, I'll have you know! Dami is the sweetest boyfriend I could ever ask for, and most humble."

Everyone around whipped their heads to Marinette. They processed her folded arms and offended expression, along with the male blushing red next to her.

Bruce smiled from his seat.

"Gotham Academy, huh?" Dick quizzed. At her nod, he carried on, "What subjects do you take there?"

"Business, Fashion and Graphic Design," her easy response was, just after swallowing another piece of lettuce. "It's because I plan on becoming a designer in the future."


"Y-Yeah," she shyly admitted. "I already have a business going, and I wanted to make sure I know how to handle it independently further down the line."

"But Demon Spawn doesn't take any of those," Jason noted.

Marinette fought off the urge to send a glare his way at the nickname for her boyfriend, and instead took in a breath. "You're right. However, he helped me in English classes with the language, and we're also in the same group for Gym sessions."

Damian discreetly smirked. He added in, "She managed to beat me in a match of volleyball after everyone else was knocked out."

Jason choked on the carrot stick he was eating, whilst Tim coughed up some of the coffee in his throat.

"Wait, what?" Dick questioned, tilting his head to the flustered teen that the youngest was now grinning at.

"I-It was just luck, Dami!"

"Nonsense, Angel, it was pure skill. You can ask our classmates back at school."

Marinette buried her head in her hands.

"Excuse me, Marinette," Bruce politely called, prompting her to glance up at him from across the dining table. "You said you needed help with your English classes?"

"Oh, right. I'm French, actually - I'm from Paris. I've lost the accent after all these years, but didn't enroll in any American schools before going Gotham Academy, so I wasn't too good with the language."

"Wow, never would've guessed," Jason whistled. "How long ago did you move here?"

"Maybe...two years ago? I moved to America before that, but not specifically this city. My uncles and dad were a bit...overprotective, to put it lightly, so they didn't want me to be here when I was so young."

There was the sound of a muffled protest from the side, but the girl hushed it with, "Don't deny it, Dad. You wouldn't even let me go to the fabric store by myself, god forbid to go get an education."

She sent a deadpan look to the Riddler, who was tied up to a chair nearby. Tape was plastered over his mouth, though there was still a plate of food in front of him.

Tim snorted, lifting his mug to his lips.

"Can, can I remove the tape?"

Dick shrugged, saying, "As long as he doesn't ruin the mood."

"Okay!" Marinette enthused, turning to Edward. She raised her hand to take the corner of his gag, while glaring at him in warning.

In a quick movement, she tore it off, making the Riddler yelp, "Ow! Mari-Honey, calm down!"

The female sighed, patting his back. "Sorry."

Nyma's eyes softened. "Hey, it's fine, Sweetie," he assured, smiling.

She returned the gesture, and leaned her head on his shoulder. Then, she brought a clean glass of orange juice up to his face, as he begun to drink it.

Tim raised a brow, gazing down at his cup for a second time. Meanwhile, the rest of the family watched in a confused stupor.

"You two sure are close," someone commented.

Marinette levelled a stern look to whoever had spoken - the man with a white streak at his fringe. "I hope you're not implying that I'll become the next Riddler or anything. Are you?"

Jason paled. "N-No, I'm just curious as to why you're so close. Or how you met in the first place."

Damian appeared to be very smug at the terrified attitude he had towards his girlfriend, as his lips twitched upwards. Bruce, seeing this, felt his own do the same in accordance.

"Well, I..."

The baker turned up to Edward, asking a silent question with her bluebell eyes. He understood perfectly, and nodded.

"...I was lost in Paris, and Dad helped me find my uncles."

"Mr Crane and Mr Tetch?" Bruce queried.


The thought of just how she had met them too lingered in the air, and the Riddler sensed it.

He sighed. "Mari-Honey's parents...they passed in a fire at their bakery years ago. Jonathon and Jervis saw it when they were in Paris at the time, and went in to save her."

Marinette gazed to the side, and everyone watched how Damian wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her in for a side-hug that she willingly returned.

"They've been looking after her since," Nygma explained. "When I managed to find her uncles, I was shocked as to who they were. Long story short, us three decided to all look after her together. Oswald agreed when she moved here, too."

Silence thickened the air for a few moments.

"Marinette," Bruce softly spoke. "You wouldn't by any chance know how to bake, would you?"

She snapped her head up to him, and the man could make out the faint spark of excitement twinkling in her eyes.

Damian sent a thankful glance his father's way, as he rubbed circles on the girl's back, and Bruce acknowledged it with a faint nod.

"I shall get the kitchen ready, Miss Marinette."

Maribat/Adribat: One-Shots ✅Where stories live. Discover now