A Dinner And Domestic Discussion With A Designer (2)

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"So...how'd you two meet?"

Marinette's cheeks gained a rosy hue, as she shyly glanced to the woman sat beside her. "Well, we uhh...were both at a fencing try out, and I had to decide whether or not she won against her opponent."

"And did she win?" Dick asked.

She bit her lip. "In all honesty, I think it was a tie, but I stupidly chose to say that who she fought with did. It...it was a dumb decision on my behalf."

Kagami laced their fingers together beneath the dining table, prompting her to sigh in order to calm her nerves. She aimed a smile at Dick, before carrying on, "We were rivals for quite a while but realised that what we wanted wasn't worth it. Then I'd just say that everything began from there."

Tim sipped from his mug of coffee. "Enemies to lovers," he mumbled beneath his breath. "Gotta like that generic trope."

"What?" Kagami quizzed, narrowing her eyes. Though her tone was cautious and guarded, there was a layer of curiosity in it.

Jason snorted. "Don't worry about him, Ice Queen. Timmy here's just sleep-deprived like always."

"Ice Queen?" Marinette spoke up. "How did you come up with that?"

"Eh, it was pretty easy," he shrugged off. "Your fiancée's quite similar to our local 'Ice Prince' Demon Spawn, gotta say."

He gestured to a teenager sat to his far left, who scowled in annoyance. "Shut it, Todd."

"Damian? But he isn't mean at all," the designer commented. "Why would people call him that?"

Dick answered for her. "It's the press that do. He acts cold in public so it was probably the first name that came to their minds."

"Well, I think he's a little sweetheart!" she enthused, beaming at Damian from her seat. He blushed, and looked down with a mumble. "He was really nice when I was taking his measurements."

Tim warily scanned over his drink. Concern was hinted on his expression. "Umm...he was being nice? How so?" he doubted with a hint of worry.

"For one he didn't complain a single time during the consultation," Kagami responded. "Second, he was polite by the end of it. Though, Mari-Hime, I wouldn't exactly call him a sweetheart."

She pouted. "But he's so cute!"

Damian turned pink again, much to his utter embarrassment as Bruce gave him a silent yet amused look. His brothers all had varying levels of smugness printed on their faces.


"My Love?"

Marinette's eyes met her partner's through the mirror, then went back to staring at herself. The pink sports bra she wore left room to see the bandages around her midsection, that were slightly stained with blood.

Kagami visibly softened, and bent down to place a kiss to her cheek. "Mari-Hime," she mumbled against freckled skin. "He's not here. I promise."

"I know, but-"

"Sshh..." the fencer hushed, whilst moving an arm to caress the bump on her stomach. "He won't hurt either of you ever again. I promise."

Marinette panted softly, before coming forward to press their lips together. She tangled her fingers inside midnight locks, as Kagami straddled her by the hips at the same time.

Tap tap.

They froze at the same time, whipping their heads to where the noise had come from. The source was at the open glass doors of the balcony nearby, that provided a sight of the landscape levels below them.

There, three vigilantes were stood, all dressed in different colours. One had a bright blue symbol across his chest - another had a black bat over grey fabric in the same place. The last adorned green, yellow and red, along with various shades of onyx.

"I...what are you...?" Marinette squeaked. She squinted for a moment, then a look of realisation took over her features. "D-Damian? Dick?"

Nightwing stepped back in surprise, blinking owlishly. "H-How did you know that? I mean- what? Who?"

The bluenette sighed, and allowed herself to sit up. "Lemme guess...you're Bruce?" she asked, gesturing to Batman.  "And you're going to want an explanation as to why we're in Gotham?"

He tensed, then spoke in a low tone, "No. We've come to give you an offer."

Kagami grabbed Marinette's hand protectively, and clenched her fist around the ring at one of her fingers. "An offer?" she repeated icily. "What kind of offer?"

She was calmed by the hand on her shoulder, as the owner of it rose a brow at the trio.

"We came to ask if you guys wanted official documentation for being here," a voice piped up, seemingly from behind the men. They parted to reveal Red Robin. "Anyone could search you up and realise that you aren't staying legally."

"What do you want in return?"

Tim faced Kagami in confusion. "Nothing. We're not here to help the people in Gotham for money or anything. It's for a different reason."

Robin tisked.

Marinette snapped her focus to him.

"Excuse me, young man, did you just tt at me?"

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