I Expected Business, Not...Babies?

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"And here I thought I'd be able to finish my work here," Tim grumbled, ducking down and turning into an alley. "Guess not."

The young man sighed, leaning his head on the wall behind him. He pulled out his phone, and began to research certain information on the internet. Meanwhile, explosions and shouts echoed above and around him.

There was around a minute of him staying silent, until he hummed. "Ladybug and Chat Noir, heroes of Paris, fight someone named Hawk Moth-" he let out a tired sigh, "-have been for over two years, this is an akuma, yada, yada, yada..."

Tim's eyes scanned across his device's screen for another few seconds, until he swiped down and pressed on the app for his camera. He clicked the recording button.

"Bruce would probably freak if I didn't get a video..." he muttered, soon after stepping out into the morning light showering the ground.

On a rooftop nearby, there were several crashes and bangs, followed by a body being thrown into a building across the street. Cracks spread along the brick it was tossed at, and the unknown groaned in pain.

From where their attacker was, a figure stalked out. "Paris! I am the Youngster, and you will all feel my wrath for daring to make fun of my childish spirit!"

The villain - a female - floated up into the air, and proceeded to shoot rays of energy at unsuspecting people around. As soon as one made contact made with someone's skin, they were enveloped by a blinding flash of blue, before leaving behind a shorter version of themselves.

No, Tim realised when a moment passed. Younger.

He quickly crouched down when the akuma turned her head his way. Then, he waited with baited breath for her to focus her attention elsewhere.

She finally seemed to when a distinctly male voice called from afar, "M'Lady! Are you okay?"

"Guessing that's Chat Noir," Tim mumbled aloud. "And the one chucked like a rag doll was Ladybug."

He poked his head out from the car he was behind, and, after deeming it safe enough, walked out with his phone in hand. Blue eyes narrowed at the structures above, where three individuals fought each other in a heated battle.



"I assure that you do not need to shout, Master Tim. I have already answered the call."

"Sorry, I, I just...can I have some help?"

Tim moved the phone back, revealing what he was holding in his right arm. A toddler, by the looks of it, who was sleeping peacefully with her head leaning on the man's chest.

Alfred schooled his expression, merely raising a brow at the camera.

"Master Tim, am I correct in saying that you were in Paris only for business?"

"Yes, but it turns out that there's some man using magic to terrorise the people here. Apparently, he's after something called the 'miraculous' - and he uses one of them himself to turn people into villains to do the work for him."

The butler froze minutely at the mention of the sacred jewellery.

"And who would that girl be that you happen to have, Master Tim?"

He turned his head to the child in his grip, and responded, "Ladybug, one of the heroes here. The 'akuma' running rampant right now has the power to make people younger."

"I assume you want me to call Master Bruce?"

"No, no," Tim denied, shaking his head. "I just wanted to ask for some advice on how to look after a child well. I tried to call Dick, but he wouldn't answer his phone."

Maribat/Adribat: One-Shots ✅Where stories live. Discover now