An Awkward Reveal (1)

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"Excuse me?"

Edward glanced down at the sound of the voice, and found himself staring at a girl no taller than his knees.

Her dark hair was pulled into pigtails by baby blue ribbons, that matched the colour of the bow settled atop her head. She was looking up at him with scared eyes.

The man couldn't help his heart melting at the sight, as he asked, "Yes?"

"I'm, I'm lost," she revealed in a shaky tone, whilst scanning about with hunched shoulders.

Nygma's brows furrowed at the information. He chanced a quick gaze around, causing him to spot the darkening sky above.

The male slowly knelt down to her height, watching as she slightly flinched at the action. However, the girl still kept her head held high.

"What's your name?" Edward questioned.

"M...Marinette," she answered in a shy manner. Her foot dug into the ground beneath.

"Well, my name is Edward," he spoke. "Where are your parents?"

At the question, she visibly froze up, and glanced to the side. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"They, they're gone. My uncles look after me now."

Nygma softened at the confession, and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "What do you say we go find them then, huh?"

Marinette met his gaze, and a small smile tugged at her lips. She nodded, and took the hand he held out.


"Damian?" Marinette gasped aloud, taking in the sight of him standing at her balcony.

She rushed to open the doors seperating them, and settled herself in his arms. He hugged back, and leaned his head on hers.

"What are you doing here?" the designer quizzed, stepping back after a few moments.

"You said that you had nothing to do earlier today, am I right?"

"Well, yes, but..."

Damian embraced her again. "And my brothers were starting to get annoying."

Marinette giggled, and commented, "I don't think they're that bad."

"You'll think different when they actually find out we're dating," he grumbled. "The imbiciles think I'm incapable of acquiring a partner."

The couple strolled to the bed inside the room, and lay down on its duvet. The Wayne curled around his girlfriend.

"Oh, that reminds me," she realised. "My uncles and dad are going to check on me soon. We have to make sure they don't catch us."

Damian grinned playfully, his eyes solely focused on the woman cuddled close. "I'm sure we won't be caught, Angel."

"Let's hope so."

There was more silence for a while, consisting of just their even breathing and occasional shuffling on the blanket.

"You know, Angel..." the boy broke the quiet with. "I don't see myself spending the rest of my life with anyone else."

Marinette beamed - pink dusting her cheeks - against his chest. "Me neither," she breathed in admittance after a second.

Their heads both tilted in each other's direction, and their eyes met in sync.

They moved closer.

Until there was a cough from behind.

The teens jumped in surprise, and shot up on the bed. There, at the entrance of the bedroom, three men stood. Those known as the Riddler, Scarecrow and Mad Hatter.

"Mari-Honey? What happens to be going on here?"

Marinette blushed a bright red, as she responded, "N-Nothing!"

Edward tilted his head.

"It doesn't take a genius to know you're lying, Sweetie," he revealed.

"And is that the Wayne brat?" Crane quizzed, stalking closer. "What do you think you're doing here?"

"Don't!" the youngest there defended. "Please, don't hurt him. He hasn't done anything bad."

The Mad Hatter smirked from the door of the bedroom. "So, am I right in saying that our Little Alice has herself a boyfriend?"

"Yes, you are."

Everyone turned to Damian.

"And I already knew that you were her uncles, though that doesn't change the fact that I still love her."

There was a faint crash from above the balcony, yet no one paid it any mind. The adults were all to busy studying Damian for any falsehoods or lies in his claim.

"My, my," Jonathon pondered, finally breaking them out of their dazes. "Maybe you are worthy of our niece after all."

Nygma snorted. "Just wait 'till Oswald hears about this."


"Are you sure about this, Dami?" Marinette asked cautiously, facing the front door of the Manor.

"It will be fine," he assured. "My family agreed to put aside who your carers were and instead form a judgment from you by yourself."

The girl let out a sigh. "Oh, what a relief," she breathed. "If that weren't happening they'd probably think of me as some criminal."

Damian smiled, and planted a kiss to her cheek. "I wouldn't let that happen, Angel."

The couple blushed, and stared into each other's eyes for a while.

"I think it would be best to go inside now, Master Damian. We wouldn't want to keep your family waiting."


He squeezed Marinette's hand tight, before opening the front door.

"D-Dad?" the female stuttered aloud.

In front of the duo sat the Riddler on his knees, with ropes wrapped around his arms. Behind, Jason was gripping them, keeping him immobile.

Damian smacked a palm against his face. "What are you doing here?"

Edward pouted. "I wanted to check that my daughter was being treated right, I'll have you know! You can't blame me for being worried."

There was no noise for a while.

"I need more coffee to deal with this..." someone suddenly grumbled nearby.

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