Scary? Scarecrows Aren't, That's For Sure

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"We need to find a way to locate Hawk Moth."

"I know," Adrien agreed over the phone, his voice projecting from its speakers. "But I haven't had any luck. Neither has Max for that matter."

Marinette sighed. "Do you think it's time to ask the local heroes for help?"

He hummed in thought. "It depends, really. If one of their villains gets akumatized it could end badly, so we might have to consider telling them the situation soon."

"Okay. I'll suit up tonight and try to get their attention, but you better come with."

"Great!" he enthused, and she could sense his smile. "Hopefully their tech will let us track down Hawkie."

The woman chuckled at the nickname for their enemy, before bidding, "Goodbye, Adrien."

"See ya later, Buginette."

The call cut off with an audible beep, as she placed her phone into a pocket at the hip of the jeans that she adorned. They were a bright pink, that contrasted well with her white shirt and grey jacket.

Thin flats clacked against the floor. Toned arms rested themselves against balcony rails. A sigh escaped a pair of chapped lips.

The Gotham sun seemed brighter than usual, with its rays illuminating the heroine with a heavenly glow. She glanced around for a while, taking in the nearby gargoyles and stunning blue sky blanketing her above. Fluffy clouds sat in it, appearing to be as soft and delicious as cotton candy.

There was a nuzzle at Marinette's neck. She scooped up the kwami that had been resting within her flowing locks, and smiled gently at it.

"What is it, Tikki?"

"I think it's time to water the plants!" she exclaimed, holding her paws up. "They're growing so well - I can feel the Creation magic that you've enthused in them!"

The female giggled. "Okay, just give me a sec."

She settled the god on a nearby chair, then strolled over to an item close to her. It was a spray bottle filled to the brim with water.

A pleasant tune drifted out from her as a hum, whilst she made her way over to the flower pots to the side of the balcony. She pushed the handle of the bottle, and watched as the nozzle released what the leaves so desired.

They almost seemed to reach out for their source of energy, and the plants' stems stood straighter at her presence. Several blossoms bloomed bigger.

Marinette chuckled, but soon frowned when a breeze blew past and ruffled her fringe. A shiver wracked through her whole body.


Something whizzed onto her shoulder, hiding within her tresses. "Is it okay if we go inside, please?"

She nodded in agreement. Her footsteps echoed as she walked over to the glass doors leading to her home, and opened them up with a click. Just as she was about to step onto soft carpet, the sounds of yells reached her ears.

The sounds of screams.


"Ah sh- great. Here we go again."

Jason grinned when Dick's glare faltered, then turned his head to the scene before them. His family - consisting of himself, Richard, Bruce, Timothy and Damian - all scanned about. They processed all of the ruckus and havoc around.

Civilians ran about in all directions, with most screaming their lungs out or attempting to escape nightmares. There were characters from horror shows, villains that had once plagued Earth and so much more.

Maribat/Adribat: One-Shots ✅Where stories live. Discover now