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Cathalina woke up due to someone coming into the room. The unknown man walked up to her. She started screaming, kicking, and punching. Nathanielano stood in the door looking amused at the scene in front of him. Miquel looked at him for help.

"Enough!" He yelled and she freezes. "Thank you. I'm Miquel and I'm not going to hurt you I just want to check on your wounds. Okay?" He said out of breath.

She nodded and laid back down. He unwrapped the bandage. The wound is starting to heal but the skin around the cut is purple-blue. "It will leave a small scar otherwise it will heal well just don't pull on the restraints again and also try not to get the bandages wet." She gave a nod and he left.

Nathanielano was still standing in the door. "Come with me." She was hesitant but slowly got up. He led her through the passages with his hand on her back.

He opened the door and walked into the bedroom. Black was the main color in the room. She knew it was his room, it smelled of him, his colonel. He kept walking and opened another door that led to a bathroom. "You can shower or bathe, whichever you prefer. There is clothing felt for you. It was all I had at the moment."

"Thank you." She told him before going into the bathroom, closing the door. She carefully took the bandages off as the water poured into the bath.

She took her time bathing and getting dressed not knowing when she will get the chance again. The clothing that was left for her was just the right size. They still had their labels on. Her eyes nearly popped when she saw her underwear was nearly $300.

She was given black leggings and a maroon long sleeve tank top. There also was sneakers and ankle sock for her. After she was fully dressed, quiet as a mouse she opened the drawers and cupboards. She found a razor blade and hide the blade.

Opening the door. Nathanielano was sitting on the bed his eyebrow raised. "Where is the razor?" He asked holding out his hand. Contemplating on whether or not she should, she slowly reached behind her and gently placed it carefully in the palm of his hand. 'How did he know? She asked herself.'

"Smart choice. I'll send some of my men out to buy you some more clothes. Do you have any preference?" "No, just not anything slutty or too revealing." He wanted to say something but chose not to instead he stood up and gestured her to follow him.

She did that and followed him. Letting her eyes wander around the place she didn't notice that she wasn't following him anymore. She walked around a corner and noticed that she was alone. Turning around trying to retrace her steps didn't help, it made her more lost.

She heard someone walking towards her. Hoping it was her captor only to find that it was one of the men who followed her the previous night.

"How did you get out?" He asked but she kept quiet. It angered him and he tried to grab her. She stumbled backward and tried to run but he caught her.

Her hands were trembling when she pulled the other hidden blade. She turned around and slashed him on his arm and face. She kicked him in the balls before running again.

"You fucking bitch!" He yelled running after her. She had somehow managed to Nathanielano's bedroom and hid in his closet.

"Come out you Bitch!" The man yelled coming into Nathanielano's room. He started looking everywhere and was about to open the closet when Nathanielano spoke. "Marcus why the fuck are you in my room?" He asked deadly. No one was ever allowed to enter his room without his permission.

Nathanielano saw blood droplets on the ground and his eyes found Marcus's face and arm bleeding. "The bitch we brought here yesterday escaped the holding cell. Look at what she did to me! Sorry for entering your room Young Boss but I had to find her."

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