Chapter 19

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A nurse came in. "Hello, I am here to help both of you to a vehicle." Miquel nodded. "I'll help my brother you can help her. The car is outside." The nurse nodded and wheeled Morana out of the room. "You have a call waiting."

The nurse took her to the phone. Morana picked up the phone. "Hello?" "What is happening?" "We are flying back to Italy. He knows who I am. He is not impressed." "Has he said anything does he know the whole story?"

"No, he only knows who I am but I still want to send the gifts out. I hope to see you again soon." She hung up the phone and waved the nurse over again. "I had a terrible fear of flying and it is so much worse now after the accident is there any chance that I can get a sedative or something to knock me out?"

"Oh, you poor thing. I will get you something don't worry." The nurse quickly left and brought back two pills. "This will make you sleep for twelve to fifteen hours. I have to see you drink it now and not mix it with something later."

Morana nodded and drank the pills. "Thank you." The nurse nodded and wheeled her out of the door. A black car was parked at the entrance the driver climbed out and opened the door for them.

He helped her into the car. She rested her head on the backrest of the seat. She was the brothers approaching. Miquel was pushing Nathanielano in a wheelchair. She closed her eyes and felt herself slipping away. Someone was talking to her but did not know who.

"So, you are just going to ignore what you said in there?" Nathanielano asked her. She gave no. reply. Miquel came and sat in the car. "She is not going to talk. She asked the nurse for sleeping pills for the flight back. She will be knocked out for fifteen hours." "Smart bitch. We will talk about everything once we are back home."

Morana had woken up Nathanielano's room. He was asleep next to her. She got out of bed, grabbed some clothing, and went to the bathroom. She poured herself a bath. she threw in some bath salts.

Climbing in she sank into the water. The water just below her chin. The warm water burning away the tension in her muscles. Sinking completely under the water she wetted her hair. coming back up she washed her hair and body. Once she was dressed, she left the bathroom. Nathanielano was still asleep. She laid down next to him in a sitting position, closing her eyes.

She heard movement next to her. Nathanielano was waking up. He sat up as she got up and poured him and herself a drink. She gave him his glass. "I have somethings I need to tell you." She said closing her eyes. "And you are not going to like it." When she opened her eyes, he had finished his drink. His body starting to show signs of the drug.

"Don't move too much." He collapsed with his back on the backrest. "It will wear off in a half-hour. I had to make sure you didn't kill me while I was telling you everything. You can kill me afterwards." He just stared at her. "I planned everything. How I'd use the threat of Azrael to get to you and kill you. I came so close to killing you multiple times. All I had to do was slit your throat or leave you to die but I couldn't. I hate you that I still love you after six years."

He kept his face blank. "You didn't kill me when you shot me." His eyes widened. "It is me Cathalina." She closed her eyes. "You have no idea how scared I was laying. I woke up in the hospital and was told I was lucky to be alive and that I would be fine. After I was discharged, I went to Gustavo' for help. I told him everything that had happened. He was mad and upset at first. Then he told me if I wanted revenge then he would help me."

She sat at the foot of the bed. "We started to plan all this but then I found out I was pregnant. He wanted me to stop but I didn't want to. Dropping hints here and there of a new protentional player, burned down different were houses and steeling shipment. I even knew when you were going to kidnap me. Again."

Tanking a breath, she continued. "But since then, I had no control over what happened. With the kidnapping at the club, the police station, plane crash, no even before that, I wanted to stop all of this. Miquel figured it out but I made him swear not to tell you, that I would tell you. I know you will hate me and probably kill me but you have to see it from my point, you had tried to kill me."

She swiped the tear out of her eyes. "I had to make sure that if you really wanted me dead so I went and visited you. I had bribed someone to give of the replica of the necklace you gave me after our first night and your reaction was all that I needed. You nearly killed the man and your direct words were. Whatever this message is know she deserved to die and if she didn't then I will happily kill her again and again. I'll make sure she is dead. So, I went with this plan. I just wanted to protect our son."

In a flash, he was before her. "Our son?! You kept my son away from me?!" She nodded with wide eyes. Her eyes screaming HOW. "I didn't drink it and my leg is only fractured not broken." He said staring at her. "See I had my suspicions that you were Cathalina after the plane crash no eve before that but I had thought that you lost our child then had gotten pregnant by someone else or Azrael. I was actually glad that I didn't kill you but now I don't know. Armin!"

A man came in. "Sí?" "Take her to the questioning cell." The man nodded and took her harshly with him. Once they were away gone, he picked up the bottle and threw it against the wall shattering it. He yelled out in anger and frustration. He was shaking with anger as he made his way to Miquel.

When he saw him, he saw red and punched him in the face. "You knew! I thought I could trust you. You are my eldest friend, my brother but you knew!" Miquel stood up and whipped the blood from his lip. "She finally told you." "Of fucking course." "Where is she?" "She is dead. I killed the bitch for good this time. I shot her in the head."

This time it was Miquel who punched Nathanielano in the face. "You bastard. Wasn't it enough that you destroyed her life the first time you had to do it again?"

Nathanielano stared at his brother with anger, hate, and betrayal. "You are in love with her?" "I was. When she was Cathalina now that she is Morana don't love her like that but I care for her deeply." They sat down on the floor. After a moment of silence, Nathanielano spoke.

"Why didn't you tell me? Since when did you know?" "I figured out who she was after the kidnapping." "That was quite a while back. Why haven't you told me?" Miquel turned and looked at Nathanielano.

"How the fuck should I have told you that? Cathalina who you shot twice in the chest is not dead she is actually alive and is Morana and that there is a huge chance that you are the father of her child. Would you have believed me?"

Nathanielano's jaw clenched. "Yes, because Cathalina's body went missing the night I shot her so it would not have been hard to believe you and I... am the father of her... our child. She admitted it to me."

There was a silent pause. "I didn't kill her. She is in the questioning cell." Miquel let out a sigh of relief. "I am sure she will tell you everything you want to know." Nathanielano's phone rang. "Sí." "Sir there is a woman with a child at the gate. She said you are expecting them should I let them in?" "Yes. Sent them in." He got off the ground and stood up. "What now?" "I am not sure."

A woman and a small boy were in the foyer. The little boy's eyes lit when he saw Nathanielano. "Daddy!" He yelled and ran to him. Nathanielano picked up the boy and hugged him. Nathanielano's eyes found the woman. "She always told him you were a businessman and was busy working but that you loved him dearly. She kept pictures of you and gave them to him to show him how you looked."

He just gave a nod."Daddy, are you coming home?" Noah asked hopefully. "No, but youare going to come live and stay with me. What do you say?""Yes!" The boy said excitedly.

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