Chapter 18

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Morana woke up and carefully took the bottle of water next to her bed to drink some water. "I am glad you are awake." A voice spoke next to her. She jumped in fright. "What the fuck? What are you doing here?" "I came to see if you are okay. I was worried." "I am fine."

"Cathalina you nearly died. You are not fine." "What do you want me to say?" "Do you still want to continue with the plan? I will understand completely if you don't." "No, I am done playing this game. I have had enough." "Okay. I will start organizing everything."

"Thank you." The man nodded. "I should go. Miquel will be here soon. I will see you again very soon. Rest and heal." "I will. Tell Noah I love him very much." "I will and he knows you do." He said before leaving the room.

She covered her face with her hands and just let the tears flow. She cried for everything that she had lost, what she had gone through, for almost dying, and for her son. She felt a hand on her arm.

She took her hands away from her face and saw Miquel. "Hello, Miquel." "Hi, how are you feeling?" "Better, my head still hurts but it is a bit better. How is Nathanielano?"

"He is asleep but fine. I am busy signing over some paperwork to move you two to Nathanielano's house in New York but we are going home."

"But his leg is broken and the cut?" "You should not worry. His leg is not broken but is cracked and the shrapnel did not do any internal harm."

"That is good." "Morana tell me what happened? Nathanielano is still asleep." "I don't know we were flying. Bianco was giving Nathanielano shit about me and how he shouldn't trust me when the plane shook and then fell."

"What happened after the plane fell?" "I came too and heard someone calling me but it felt like I was underwater. Then Bianco told me that it was our chance to kill Nathanielano I refused he tried to kill me but I think I pushed him because he fell. I then found Nathanielano and that is the last thing I remember."

"Why would Bianco want to save you and kill Nathanielano?" "I don't know. He wanted me to contact Azrael to come and help us but Nathanielano shot him. A detective and officer came by and showed me a picture." "Nathanielano said something about a detective and a police officer."

"I didn't tell them anything." "I know you didn't but do tell me who is your brother that you phoned?" "No one of importance." "Don't lie to me I know you didn't phone me so who did you phone?" She closed her eyes before talking.

"I called the man who is protecting my son. I told him I was in a plane crash and he should protect him." "Why go through all this trouble? Do you honestly think that Nathanielano will hurt a child?" "No, I know he will never hurt him but it is not him I am worried about."

Miquel was about to ask her who she is afraid of when someone called him. "Excuse me? Sir, you asked me to tell you when your brother has woken up. He is awake now." "Thank you." He looked at Morana. "Rest, we are leaving later."

He walked out and into his brother's room. "Is it that fucked up that I have seen you at worse?" "Don't make me laugh brother," Nathanielano said rolling his eyes. Miquel smirked at him. "Well, you will be pleased to hear that you are leaving the hospital."

"Thank god. I can't take it anymore." "Maybe I can get you a sexy nurse to nurse you back to health." There was a pause. "What is it?" "Morana is terrified about something. The brother that she called was for more protection for her son."

Nathanielano clenched his jaw. "Maybe it is time to have another heart to heart with her." "That won't work and you know it." Nathanielano pinched the bridge of his nose. "We better think of something. When are we leaving?"

"Before the end of the day." "You are not leaving and I am glad you are finally speaking." A voice spoke behind Miquel. Detective Quinton and officer Zane walked in. "Why is that?" Miquel asked looking at the two. "You are under arrest for murder." "Who did my brother murder please do share that information." "You murdered a man, Bianco was it?"

Just then the doctor wheeled Morana into the room. "I don't know a Bianco how about you?" Miquel asked Morana. She shook her head. "No." "Ms Colletti. They can't hurt you. You can trust us. We can protect you Morana."

She looked at the men confused. "I am sorry but I don't know what you are talking about. My name is Cathalina, Cathalina Allesandro." She looked at Miquel and Nathanielano. "Mike? Noah? Who are these people?"

"Stop this front Ms Colletti. We know you are Gustavo Colletti's sister." She started laughing. "The mob boss? No, I am not his sister. That would be super gross since I am in love with him." "Stop fucking lying. You told me his name was Nathanielano, the dead guy's name was Bianco and your name is Morana Colletti. That your brother is Gustavo Colletti is your brother and that Nathanielano was protecting you from Bianco!" Detective Quinton said.

"I am not lying; you are scaring me." She said with a high-pitched voice. "I think it is time you should leave," Miquel spoke hiding his smirk. "Oh, you lying bitch, I am fucking arresting you."

"No, you are not. I told you that you cannot talk you her, she is suffering from a concussion and it is not uncommon for victims to be confused and lured into the answers they are looking for. No, leave before I get security to remove you. I am also filing and report against both of you. Good day." The doctor spoke.

Both of the men walked out of the room. "Whoever you people are all I ask is that you leave my hospital and don't come back. I will make sure that they can't get a case against you if you leave now. The papers have been filled out both of you can leave."

"Thank you," Nathanielano said. The doctor nodded before leaving the room. A deadly silence filled the room. Only the sounds of machines were heard. No one moved, no one even breathed.

"So, who are you Morana or Cathalina?"

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