Chapter 15

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A fortnight had passed since Morana was brought back to the house. She had healed well. She was laying on a chair getting her tattoos done. The man was just finishing after he added two more roman numeral lines.

"Get out now," Miquel told the man. The man nodded and got up and left. "I feel like we need to, how do you say it, have a heart to heart." "Now?" "Yes." "Okay, sure what do you want to talk about?"

Miquel looked at the numeral numbers and questioned her. "What do the lines represent?" "Times I almost died. First, two were accidents, the second two I was shot. The fifth one was my son's birth. Six I was nearly drowned and seven, if I wasn't found I would have been killed."

He nodded. "Why?" She questioned. "I am going to ask you a question and I want you to answer me truthfully otherwise I don't care what deal you have with Nathanielano, I will kill you myself. Why are you back Catherina?"

"I thought we were past this I am not Catherina." He closed his eyes and when he opened them, they were blazing with anger. "Stop for once fucking lying to me. I know it is you. You can change everything about yourself almost everything but you can't take away your allergy. Bee venom."

"You fucking tested that when I was unconscious you fucking bastard." She stood up and went to push him. He grabbed her arms. "Stop." She didn't and tried to fight him. He harshly pushed her to the ground.

"Stop. You know that I don't want you to hurt you but I will. Tell me why you are really here and why haven't you told Nathanielano who you really are?" She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "Azrael. He got me into this mess."

She told him without denying anything. He let out a breath and shook his head. "I hoped and prayed that I was wrong that by some freak coincidence you had the same allergies but you just confirmed it."

"Are you going to tell Nathanielano?" Miquel sat down next to her on the floor and rubbed his face. "I don't know. I should but I can't. You have to." She shook her head.

"How do you think it will go. Hey, Nathanielano. You remember six years ago you kidnapped a girl named Catherina, you slept together and then shot her twice in the chest after you told her you loved her? Well, hello, it is me. I am not dead. How have you been?"

"Maybe not say it like that. How did you survive? I was told you were dead. I called the police after you were shot. I paid them to cover it up and if you were alive to hide it but I was too late." She smirked.

"You should pay more. They will obey the highest bidder and it wasn't you." He shook his head. "Who helped you?" "Someone." "How did you figure it out? I look nothing like before. What gave you the idea about the bee venom?"

He pointed to his pulse and dragged a line on it. "I saw the line and felt them then I cleaned your wounds. You told me you cut your wrist and almost died but when I just asked you about the lines you left it out." She nodded. "You know he will kill us when he finds out the truth." "I know. You might not want to hear this but he was destroyed after that night. He has little emotion now because of it."

"I don't care." He nodded and got up from the floor. With a hand on the door, he turned to her. "Is he your son's father?" "All I am going to say is that you know my son's father." Without a word, he left the room.

She went down to the training room. First, she started running on the treadmill until her whole body was covered in a light coat of sweat. She was trying to wrap her hands when Nathanielano came in.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" "Aren't you supposed to be in Sicily?" "How did you know about that?" She gave him a blank stare. "It was postponed. Do you need some help there?" After a few more tries she turned to him and he helped to wrap her hands.

She got her gloves on and started punching the punching bag. She could feel Nathanielano's eyes on her. She turned to him. He was leaning against the wall arms crossed. "What?" "Nothing. it is just that the punching bag is not a great opponent."

"Well, I need to unleash some steam otherwise I might blow later." He gave a nod before removing his shirt. "Fight against me. Don't worry I won't kill you." "Fine." He quickly wrapped his hands before putting on his gloves.

They circled each other studying one another. Nathanielano swung first. She blocked his punch but it made her step back. She moved her stance and gave a false kick which he blocked but she was too fast with her punch which landed solidly on his jaw.

"Are you holding back? Come on I thought you were this type of warrior, not a timid doll. You would make a great doll with that body of yours." "One, I am not a warrior. Two, you know I am not a timid doll. Three, I'll show you what this body of mine can do."

She went for a punch to his face but missed he countered hitting her in the shoulder. She shook her arm before attacking him again. They were pushing each other some hitting the other's missing. He gave her a hard punch to the stomach sending her backwards.

"How can you be someone as Azrael's right hand if you can't even protect yourself from being kidnapped twice." He taunted her walked closer to her. They were standing about a foot from each other.

She gave him a hard punch to the chest to distract him. She crouched down and did a sweep kick which brought him down to the floor. She grabbed his arm and placed it in a lock. With his arm in the lock, he lifted her body and sat up straight before flipping her placing her in a lock.

"Morana, breath. If you let your manager consume you and take control you will lose." She let loosened her grip on his arm. He let her go and helped her up. As she was standing up her face briefly flinched in pain.

"You are still hurt, aren't you?" He asked folding his arms and looking at her. "No, I have been through worse it just hurts when I stand up or something." He nodded without believing her. "I hit a tended spot when we were sparing didn't I? You lost control."

"Your taunting made me feel like someone I am not anymore." He stepped closer to her. "And who are you? Who are you really? Morana the warrior, Morana the victim? Or Morana, the girl stuck between a battle not even her own."

She closed her eyes, letting out a deep sigh before looking back into his intense eyes. "I am tired of not feeling. I just want to feel something. Make me feel something even if it is only for a little while."

He took her face in his hands and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he picked her up against him. Wrapping her legs around his waist she felt him walking as they continued kissing.

She felt silk sheets underneath her as he laid her down on his bed. Kissing down her neck he undressed her while she unbuttoned his pants. He entered her hard and fast. Her body perfectly moulded for him. Fitting together perfectly as if their bodies were made to fit together like a puzzle.

Naked flesh against naked flesh. The sounds of the skin making contact on the skin, while the melody of moaning, grunting, and heavy breathing filled the room. The late afternoon till early leaving was filled with ecstasy. There was no love just pure passion filled sex.

Their bodies were covered in a light coat of sweat as they laid on the bed as sleep overcomes them. She has been awake for ten minutes now. It is dark outside meaning it is somewhere in the late leaving.

Staring at the ceiling. This was her choice. She slowly turned in the bed not to wake him. She watched him, his every movement to make sure he stayed asleep. Quietly she took out the hidden blade. She had hidden them throughout the house.

The edge of the blade, less than a quarter-inch away from his throat. All she had to do was press down. "Do you know how easy it is to kill you?" She whispered. "All I have to do is move my hand. But I can't kill you. I hate you." She whispered and slowly getting out of bed before going into the bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror.

"Get your fucking act straight. You know why you are here and what you have to do." She told herself whipping away the angry tears. Once she was happy with how she looked did she went back to bed. Laying down she closed her eyes.

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