Chapter 21

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"As I had told you how planned everything to use the threat of Azrael to get to you and kill you. But there is more to it." "Who is Azrael? Are you Azrael?" "The name Azrael means the angel of death. I found an angel when I was supposed to be dead. Azrael is real but not in the way you think. He is asleep in his bed down the hall. My- our son's full name is Noah Azrael Agostini Jade but to protect him it is just Noah Jade."

"You gave him my last name why? You wanted to kill me?" "Because I knew that if my plans went south of, He finds out what I had planned He would kill me and that you would take care of him." "You are talking in circles. Talk fucking straight."

"It is not that easy. Six years ago, when you shot me. I felt myself die but I woke up in the hospital and was told I was lucky to be alive. That if I hadn't been brought to the hospital that I would have died. They told me I would be fine."

"What do you mean brought to the hospital? You were declared dead at the scene." Miquel asked. "As I said you should have paid more. He paid more." "Who are you talking about?" "I will tell you but I first need to tell you how I got there. After I was discharged, I went to Gustavo for help. At first, I didn't tell him anything. I just wanted to forget about everything."

"What changed?" "He did. He made me turn bitter and cold. He showed up at Gustavo's house and asked to see me. He came to thank me said without me his plan would have never worked. He showed me your wedding invitation."

Morana sat down on the bed. "Cut to the chase." "No, I am going to tell you everything. He said that I was a means to an end. That I served my purpose then he asked if I was pregnant. I lied and by some miracle, he believed me."

She took a breath. "I could somewhat come with being used as a plan but what he told me next broke me. You see my father worked his whole life in this world and he also died in the world. He was not Don or a Capo but he still held power. He was killed wrongfully."

"Who was your father?" Nathanielano asked. "I think you know. His name was Dimitri but he went by his last name, Allesandro. And you were the person who killed him. He then told me to never contact you again. So, I went to Gustavo and I told him everything that had happened. He was mad and upset at first. Then he told me if I wanted revenge then he would help me."

"I didn't know Alessandro had a child." "Would it had changed anything?" "No." "I thought so. Gustavo and I started to plan all this but he found out I was pregnant and wanted me to stop. I didn't want to stop. I was hurt and destroyed."

"How?" "Gustavo funded it by hiring contractors to steel shipments burndown warehouse's, killing people who were terrible people. There were hints and whispers dropped here and there of a new protentional player. Even the information about me was planted so I knew when you were going to kidnap me. Again."

crossing his arms Nathanielano spoke. "How is that plan going?" "I got burned. I thought I would rise like a phoenix but I didn't. I had no control over what followed. From the kidnapping at the club, the arrogant police officer. When the plane crashed, I thought that maybe it was the end and I know it might have been too late but I wanted to stop all of this. Deep down I think I wanted to end it sooner."

"How did my son end up on my doorstep? And while you are at it please explain why he lived down the street from me!" "I called Gustavo from the hospital and told him about the plane and that I am done with this plan. I got a call from him just before we left the hospital to tell him we were flying to Rome."

"Wait all that time we were looking for him her was right here?" Miquel asked shocked. "It gets better brother. You remember there was a boy who delivered that envelope well it was Noah." "You are a bitch."

"I know but do you know why? Because my dad was killed by the man I loved, then I was forced to kill Stephano who wanted the man I loved and nearly succeeded by the man I love d's father. So, after I had killed Stephano, which was horrible to do, then the man I loved took me to some place, the docks where we walked. he told me he loved me right before he shot me twice and left me to die."

"You still haven't explained to me why are you so scared and who this person is." "It is your father. When I told Gustavo that I killed his father because of his betrayal he started to investigate it further. He found the phones and had someone tracked the numbers used all of them traced back to your father. He was behind the attack that day at the club."

Nathanielano grabbed Morana by her throat. "You are lying." "I am not and if you do some research you will find that Bianco also worked for Tomasso." She croaked out. "What do you mean?" Miquel asked.

Her face was turning red. "Nathanielano let her go." He gave one more squeeze before letting her go. She gasped for breath. "Bianco used the exact same words as Tomasso did when we first met. 'Beauty and brains. I am glad I didn't give you a gun because you would be lethal. You are a very deadly combination. He was right about a dangerous woman'." she said with disgust.

"Then there was how Tomasso bragged about how he got you to marry the person he wanted. He got twenty million out of that deal. He even invited me to the wedding. But if I went then I should change how I look."

"Why? What would he have to game from killing me? He is retired they will not let him back in." "I don't know but do you really think that the plane crash was an accident?" Nathanielano remained quiet.

"When you sat Rosaly free you killed her so she doesn't exist but she is someone else right?" He gave a nod. "Don't you think Tomasso would have found out that you killed your wife? I bet Tomasso had to pay that money back."

"so, you are telling me you wanted to get revenge by killing me but also get revenge on my father for making you kill Stephano." "Yes." "I must say you had a well thought out plan and it could have worked had luck been on your side."

"What name do you go by now?" "Morana. It means death. I became Morana when Catharlina died." "What does Noah know about this live?" "Not much. I tried to keep him sheltered." "How long has he been living down the street." "Three years."

"Three years he has been living right under my nose for three fucking years. Leave right now. Grab what you need and leave. I am doing you a courtesy by not killing you. Our son does not deserve that. I'll tell him you had to go away to work again. Also tell Gustavo if he sets foot on my property that I would kill him."

She nodded and stood up. "That is fair." She went into the closet and packed her bag. "Here," Nathanielano said handing her a card. "I don't need it. Can I say goodbye to him?" "No. Leave now before I wound you with a bullet."

Without a word she felt the room. Nathanielano followed her to make sure she leaves. Once she walked through the gates and they closed behind her did he finally have time to breathe.

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