// 7

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my heart skipped a beat as when i saw the one and only WillNE had replied to my comment. i never really expected it. i commented on many peoples posts just to give my opinion. opinions are something i liked. you can have your own one and other people can have theirs. it's something that can make or break friendships, an opinion.
i grabbed my phone and opens the notification. i was desperate to see what he had said.

WillNE: bet ya do lad.

i instantly like, i didn't know if i should've replied back or not. i could try and spark a conversation but who wants to have a full conversation in the comments of their own post? i just kept it at liked and instantly opened up the chat.

The Wangle Bats

guys guess what?!!

Neck Beard
you're pregnant?!!

yes james, I a gay male am

Belle Delphine
alex is having a kid?!

no geroge, i am not having a kid
what i WAS going to say is
that Mr WillNE not only
like my comment but also

Neck Beard
i don't give a shit

Belle Delphine
didn't ask

actually george you did ask and james
u should. do you think he might like me?

Neck Beard
alex not EVERY gay man are madly
in loge with you you know. plus
he was just replying to a comment.
but yh sure. he LOVES you.

thanks for the encouragement james😔


i closed my phone, yes james was right but that wasn't the point. i've bumped into him on the street before and james had seen him aswell. he must live very close to james for him to been spotted in the same place twice in less then 24 hours. maybe i could go over to james and smoke a bunch outside to "accidentally" bump into him. it would be such a coincidence.
      i pulled out my phone and text james


i'll be over in 30 :))

alright then :))

alex was on his way to james, ciggerate in one hand phone in the other. he was shuffling his music u til he found a song he liked. sure, he could've just selected the song he wanted to listen to but there was no fun in that. the sound of 'migraine' by twenty one pilots filled alex's ears and he was content with his song. he placed his phone back into his pocket and looked back up. he took a drag from his fag and couldn't believe his eyes. right there mr WillNE was walking up the street, almost mirroring alex's stance with a cigarette in one hand and a pair of black headphones caressing his ears. they made eye contact and WillNE smiled at alex just before he took a drag of his own cigarette.
       they were in communication distance and the boy alex only knew as WillNE spoke up.

"second time i've seen ya round here and both times you've been smoking. not good for ya that isn't." he chuckled to him before alex replied

"speak for ya self mate, not like you're doing the exact same thing as me right now." he smiled back smuggly.

"that is true, but the difference is i've only been smoking once out of the two times we've met and i don't smoke frequently."

alex pretended to be offended at the taller boys comment, placing a hand over his heart and one on his head, being carful not to get any cigarette ash on himself.
    the brunette laughed as he threw his own cigarette on the floor and stomped it out of light. he held his hand out and spoke
"i'm will, glad to meet you." he smiled.

alexa heart was racing, the boy who was stood in front of him wanted to shake hands. alex knew that will probably wasn't thinking to deep into things and especially not as deep as alex was. he let out a shaky breath and shook wills hand.

"and i'm alex" he beamed at him. they let go of there handshake. alex was about to walk off but the taller boy spoke again.
    "ya live round his?" he questioned.

"nah, just visiting my mates." he smiled back at him. now he thought of it, after not even two days he had seen him at his mates. that was probably a bit weird.

will raised in eyebrows and spoke. "fair play, i'll let ya get to your mates then. would want to keep your 'mate' waiting" will smiled as he made the quotation mate.

"for context i am NOT shagging my mate. he had a boyfriend." alex yelled, trying to keep serious but laughing halfway through his sentence resulting in a not so serious tone.

will once again raised his eyebrows and giggled. "aight oh then mate, i'll see ya around probably." he smiled and made some weird gang sign with his hands before walking off.

"see ya!" alex yelled before continuing down the road towards his best mates house.

alex couldn't believe what had just happened, he had only gone down to james to see will again but now he'd already accomplished that goal and he didn't see the point in going. maybe he should just text james and tell him he felt ill or something? he was still relatively early. he decided that he should just go back to his because if you go to james there's no way you're leaving sober and right now alex didn't fancy being hammered. he turned around and pulled out his phone and went to message james.


i feel a bit ill, i ain't coming over 2night

it's alright, gives me and fraser some
more time ;)


alex was pretty sure he threw up in his mouth. he loved his best friend but he really did want to know about his sex life. now that he thought of it he was glad he didn't go round to james becuase he would've probably walked in on them piping each other. as he continued to walk home he tried to push the image of his best mates fucking out of his mind and focus more on the events earlier.
     should alex dm will? he could tell him it was him and it would all be good. they could talk more often and maybe even arrange to meet up.  he settled on that idea and rushed home as quick a possible.

so alex has lied, he had been home for around three hours and he was yet to dm will, but he had drank three cups of coffee and ate two cup cakes so he saw that as the same thing. he sighed a little, he knew that he should dm will but he was to scared.
will was a rather large instagram photographer and what if he thought alex just wanted to be friends because of his fame. he sunk back into his chair and took a sip out of his fourth cup of coffee.

i'm sorry about the fact it changed from first perspective to third half way through the chapter but it was doing my head in and i needed to write in 3rd. other than that enjoy your days!

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