Chapter One

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I was chilling in my bedroom. I had my airpods in, listening to my favorite songs, wearing my favorite outfit. It was a perfect evening. nothing could ruin it. What made it even better was that tonight was Austin's party. We didn't acutaly celebrate anything, just a party he every so often to give people a chance to get out of the house. It's always tons of fun.

 Me and my friends would always go and spoil ourselves. Me, Kees, Austin and Jojo. That's our friend group. WeWe all meet up at Austin's house about an hour before the party to help prepare for the guest.

Austin wasn't very rich. His apartment is old and run down,  but we still have fun. lots of people always come, since Austin's a pretty popular guy around the city. We all would chill up there, help ourselves to any snack or drink, paly games, all sorts of cool teenage boy things.

A nonification on my phone inturupted my music. Slightly annoyed, I picked up the phone to see what it was. It happened to be a text message from Kees.

Ayo, you still coming to the party? it starts at 7.

I began typing my response. You know it. is everyone else there already?

No, Just me and Austin. Still waiting on You and Jojo.

Jojo's always late bruh.


Ok, imma be on the way soon see you later.


I walked over to my dresser and got my Bag off of it. I shoved in My phone, and my deck of UNO cards. I zipped it up and ran down the halls of my appartment, slipped on my sneakers, and rushed out the door to walk to Austin's.

The walk to Austin's wasn't long at all, about 2 miles at most. I was broke and just got out of collage, so I didnt have a car yet. I was used to long walks. I didn't really go places that much. and in the event that i did have to go somewhere far or in a hurry, I had my bike. Now wasn't that occasion.

I reached Austin's Apartment before long. I walked up the stairs and too his door, and knocked on it exactly four times. It's our friend group's secret Knock so we know it's one of us. After a while, Austin showed up at the door.

"Hey, Vinny! what's up!" He held out his hand for a fist bump.

"Nothing much, how about you?" I asked, bumping his fist.

"Nothing Much. just waiting on Jojo." Austin srugged. "Come in, Make youreself confortable." Austin stepped out of the way so i could walk into the appartment and Take off my shoes. I didn't want to be completly useless, so i offered to help get ready.

"Anything you need me to do to help?" I asked.

"No, not really, I've done most of it already," Austin said as he placed snacks and drinks the table. "You can hang out with Kees in my Bedroom. Oh, and could you please Text Jojo and see what's taking him so long? it's already 6:37!"

"Ok, will do." I smiled at him and headed over to The bedroom. Inside, Kees was on the floor playing on his phone. He was wearing his Fancy clothes, his vest and his hat. he looked up from he game and saw Vinny. 

"Hey, Vin!" Kees greeted him. "Have you seen Jojo?"

I sat down on the floor next to Kees. "Nope. Austin asked me to Text him." I grabed out my phone and went to text Jojo. Before I could start typing, I heard a Knock at the door. 

Four knocks.

"Jojo! Finally!" I heard Austin yell from the other room. I quickly got up to go greet Jojo. Kees followed. "Jojo!" I yelled happily.

Jojo was My favorite out of the friend group. he's the one I feel most connected too. like he understands me, and I understad him.

"Yo, Vinny!" Jojo smiled. We greeted eachother with a hug. "Austin! Kees! how is everyone doing?'

"Not much, How about you?" Austin smiled.

"Great. Ready to have fun tonight. Hey, Kees? what's with the fancy clothes? someone you trying to impress?" Jojo teased.

"Oh ya know. just gotta be prepared incase a hot girl pulls up!" Kees joked. Him and Austin cracked up. Me and Jojo only chuckled.

It wasn't as funny to us. We were diffrent from Austin and Kees. We still love them (no homo) equaly, and we treat eachother the same. They respect us, and we respect them. The reason we were diffent though is because... well... me and Jojo are Bisexusal.

No, we're not dating, Jojo Has a crush. But we do talk to eachother about it alot. About things Straight people just might to understand. Jojo was Awesome.


It was 6:52, minutes before the party. 

"Uno," Jojo smiled as he slaped down a yellow skip card into the pile.

"Awww," Kees frowned.

Austin sorted through his cards. He had atleast 9.

"Sorry to do this to you, Vinny." Austin smirked. He played a Yellow draw 2 card onto the deck.

"I think not," I smirked back. I placed a green draw 2 on top of Austin's. 

Jojo frowned. "Gosh darn!" he complained. "I was so close to beating you all!"

We all laughed at him. Just at that moment, there was a knock at the door.

"Our first guest!" Austin smiled. "C'mon guys."

We all went with Austin to open the door and Welcome the guest. I didn't know alot of the people there, i'm not very social. But Austin is. 

"Hey, Ash!" He greeted him.

the boy walking through the door  just looked at Austin and nooded upward as he walked through the door. Guest flew in for about twenty minutes. 

"Hey, Charlie!"

"Hey, Ally!"

"Hey, Veronica!"

I only knew the names of about three people out of at least thirty. yes, I counted.

After a while, Austin ran up and Jumped onto his couch. he stared at the croud of people. "Let the Party begin!" he yelled. Cheers arose from the crowd. Austin smiled then jumped off the couch and back over too us. 

"So, another round of UNO?" He asked. "I'm certain I can beat you all this time."

"Bet," Jojo smirked at him challangingly.

"Who wants to play UNO with us?" Kees Yelled.

A few people began pushing trough the crowd.

"Meet us in the bedroom!" Austin yelled as we all raced to the bedroom.

"I call going First!" Jojo called.

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