Chapter Fourteen

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Well, this is Just great.

Rosaline was standing Righ in front of us, with her knife equiped, ready to slash at us any moment now. Somehow, she had goten a deep cut on her neck and blood on her hands, which wasn't there when she was holding Vinny out the window.

"Aww, is it just us tonight?" she Taunted at me and Elaina. "Where'd your dumb boyfriends go?"

Elaina and Rose were like those kids in Elevators who go in and push all the butttons.

only this time, they were pushing all of  my stupid buttons.

I had to keep calm, though. She could easily block If I jumped at her right now. 

Elaina was trembling, for some reason.

"I assume they're hiding around somewhere here, am I right?" Rose asked without waiting for a response.  "Somewhere very close by..."

Rosaline only took a step forward Something pushed fromk behind, casuing her to fall flat on the ground, and for her knife to fly out of her hand, going directly trough the gap between me and Elaina's shoulders.

Elaina hesitated, but I didn't. I ran to go pick up her knife and shoved it in the blanket with the snacks. I turned around to see what had knocked Rose over.

Lukey was standing there, with one of his feet holding Rosaline down. Vinny wasn't far behind.

"C'mon, you really thought we would just stand there and do nothing?" Lukey smiled. 

I sighed. "Don't do that ever again. You guys could have gotten seriously hurt if she had seen you." I couln't really be mad at them, Because they did manage to execute phase 1 of our plan, it was just a pretty risky idea.

Rosaline coughed a few times. she began to slowly get back up, but Lukey pushed her back down quickly. 

"This... isn't... over." she managed to croak.

"From the looks of it, It will be over pretty quickly," Lukey smiled.

Rose grunted. 

"So, now what are we supposed to do?" Vinny asked.

Huh. That was a pretty good question.

What could we use to tie rosaline up?  Cause it turns out Elaina didn't have the handcuffs we were supposed to bring. Darn it she was so inconvinent.

"We could just kill her," Elaina suggested. 

"Are you crazy?!?" Lukey yelled. "Then We would be the ones breaking the law!"

"We could drag her back to the police station, throw her in a cell," I suggested. 

"I think that's the best choice," Vinny agreed. 

"Lay another finger on me and I'll rip all of you to shreads," Rosaline threatened.

"Bet," Elaina snarled back, Grabbing Rosaline by the foot and dragging her back in the direction we came from. I quickly went over to assist her. 

Rose yelled and fought, but she was actually pretty harmless and lightweight.


We dragged her back to the empty police station and locked her up in a cell.

Misson accomplished, I guess. And mostly everyone was ok now. 

Vinny was still upset about Jojo and Austin, but he had Lukey, and somehow I guess that made up for it. I wondered when they would start dating already.

*7:00 A.M.*

Me, Lukey, and Vinny made it safely back to the Apartment. Elaina stayed behind to guard the prison. 

"Oh look, there they are!" Some one yelled as they noticed us climbing through the Window. "Safe and sound."

"Some one else went missing," One of the girls advised us. "And one more is dead."

"Dead? How?" Lukey asked, still struggling to get through the window. "Are there two murderers?"after helping Lukey through the window, I turned around to see Vinny staring at the body on the kitchen floor. I quickly walked over to confort him. Lukey followed. As i got closer, I was able to recgonize the body of another one of Vinny's innocent friends. Kees, I think his name was.

"But, How?" I thought to myself out loud. Is there something i'm missing?

"Ohhhhhhhh," Lukey sighed. "I think i know what happened. "Kees died saving us."

Im so stupid. I should have been the one to think of that. 

"He was the one trying to hold back Rose to save Vinny," Lukey frowned.

Vinny was trying to hold back his tears. "He would have probably still been alive if he hadn't tried to be all heroic."

"I'm sorry this had to happen to you, Vinny. But there's nothing we can do about it now." I sighed. I wasn't really good at making people feel better, but the least i could do was try.

Vinny quickly walked out of the kitchen and into Austin's room, closing the door behind him.

"Vinny?" Lukey called after him silently. he quickly went after him into Austins room. I felt like i should go with him, but at the same time i thought they might like some privacy. so I stayed outside the door and waited. I trusted that Lukey would be able to confort Vinny.

I managed to hear their quiet conversations through the wall, however.

"Hey, Look on the bright side!" that was Lukey. "Rose is in jail now. she can't hurt anyone else, right?"

"I know." Vinny stuttered. "its just- theyre all gone. I dont have anyone else now. I'm going to be alone and miserable for the rest of my life." 

"You're forgeting you have me and Sophie now! We're perfectly fine right?" Lukey reminded him. 

There was a long moment of silence, And i had the feeling there was some wierd lovey-dovey romance crap that went on within those moments.

Then, i heard Vinny's soft, quiet voice say:

"Yeah, I guess your right."

"I love you, Vinny."

"I love you too."

I smiled.


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