Chapter Five

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This is ridiculous.

I knew the police would most likely want to Investegate us and all, but I would have never guessed they would go this far! Now we're stuck in this stupid house on lockdown!

my heart was pounding. I had no idea what to do now.

The guy of my dreams was at the door talking to some guy in overalls that appeared out of nowhere. Two other females had came in with him. None of them looked like the police at all. They were out of uniform for a start, and they all looked too young and vurlnerable. 

In other words, weak.

But seriously, These kids looked no older than fourteen at most.

I sighed. Speaking of the guy of my dreams, I did say it was now or never with him. And I did decide on now. I should go talk to him. I will go talk to him.

I looked over the couch to see him akwardly walking away from the door with a cringey smile on his face. I wonder what he's so happy about.

It didn't matter. He'd be happier once I was over there, I hope. The only problem now was I couldn't ask him out for ice cream cause we were both stuck here because some idiot decided to murder someone.

Oh wait, That was me. Darn it.

I watched as his smile suddenly faded into worry. He stood in the kitchen staring into space as if he was in deep thought about something. 

Probably scared of the murder.

He  then walked over to the kitchen table and sat down with his head in his arms. 

Perfect, I can go confort him or something.

I nervously approhed  the kitchen table. I sruggled  too keep my balance as my knees wobbled. 

This is it, the moment you've waited for, I told myself.

I sat down in the chair right next to him. Dang, he was a lot cuter up close. His bear beret slid off of his head, and I slightly put it back on. Somehow, he hadn't noticed me yet. So i just had to talk.

"Hey," I said weakly.

He slowly lifted his head up and jerked back a bit, as if he was startled to see me there.

"Sorry, I didnt mean to scare you-" I quickly appoligized.

"No no, It's okay," he studdered. "You didn't scare me." He sighed and looked away from me.

"Is something bothering you?" I asked.

What kind of question was that, idiot? Of course something's bothering him!

"Yeah," He muttered. "I'm just scared. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before."

I frowned, feeling slightly giulty. "I'm sorry. I know murder is scary-"

"No, It's not that," He interrupted me.

"Oh, well then, what is it?" I asked him.

"I just met the cutest guy in the world!" he turned to me and smiled that cringey smile.






I swore I could have died right there on the spot.

"Ahhh- Girl! I meant Girl!" He stuttered. "I met the cutest girl in the world! Ha ha!"

"Is it one of those police girls?" I asked, pretending to be intrested.

"No, uh, she actually just left! I saw her walking down the steet outside! very pretty girl!" He stuttered some more.

I still could barely speak. "Well, Thats, Great!" I said, forcing the words out of my mouth. "Oh, by the way, my name's Rosaline. What's yours?"

"My name's Vinny." He replied. 

Vinny. a cute name for a cute guy.

"Well Vinny, I-"

"I have to go now," He interrupted again. "It was nice talking to you, Rosaline!" He got up and hurried away from me.

Well that went well.

I blew that. I was too late. He's intrested in someone else now. And he seemed to want to get away from me really fast. 

Why is that?

Probably socialy akward. He proably wants to be alone. Look, he's gonna go stand in a corner-

He was indeed standing in a corner, but he was not at all alone.

Three other boys surrouned him, and one of them appered to be Austin. Vinny seemed to talk to them like they were family. 

One of the boys was crying, and look like they were close to it, but it was hard to tell behind his shades.

Who wears shades indoors in the middle of the night?

 Vinny and Austin seemed to be conforting the crying boys. Vinny seemed alot more comfortable around them than me. That was a bad sign.

Austin said something to Vinny and the other two, then they all walked over into Austin's bedroom, closing the door behind them.

I got up from the table and went back to my spot on the couch. I needed to figure out how to make Vinny more confortable around me. Even more confortable than he was around those other guys. 

I sat up and looked around the room or nervous people. Who here might be able to give me relationship advice?

Seriously Rose? You literally just murdered someone, and everyone's scared out of their mind. You really think someone's going to give you RELATIONSHIP ADVICE?!?!


I sighed. I was getting really tired and annoyed. At myself and Vinny. But I would worry about that later. Right now I honestly just needed some sleep. I had the feeling things would be crazier the next morning. I didn't need to make it worse by being a zombie.

I took of my glasses and rested them on the side table. I curled up into a ball on the soft couch. 

I could finally relax here. A little. I still had alot to do to get to Vinny. For starters, get his stupid friends out of the way. How the heck do I do that?

Easy. The same way you got Collen out of your way. It's just going to be a bit more difficult, now that people will be more alert. Not to mention the police and their skills.

This will be a challange, but it's probably the only way to get to Vinny. At the rate you're going now, you'll get nowhere with him.

Couln't I try just talking to them? I'd be alot less risky and the chances of going to prison are alot lower. 

You really think they'd just hand over Vinny like that?  Idiot. This is the best way, and this is the way I will go.

I'm going to murder them all, one by one.

 (Thank you so much for 100 reads on this already! I really did not expect this story to get as popular as it did! Please keep reading, There's so much more excitement coming up later!)

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