Chapter Eleven

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I'm so dumb. Why hadn't i realized this earlier? Maybe I'm the idiot Sophie and Vinny were talking about?

It was about  1:30 in the morning. I had just woken up and realized the danger me and my friends were in. Kees was probabaly dead already. And if what Vinny said was true and the Murder was after Vinny's friends, surely me and Sophie were next on the list.

Honestly, I'm suprised we aren't dead already.

We had to get out of here Now.

Vinny had slept beside me on the floor that night instead of Austin's bed with Kees. He kinda just wanted to forget everything that had happend.

"Vinny," I shoved him lightly. "Please wake up. Now."

Vinny grumbled. "Why?"

"We need leave. Now. Or else we'll end up like Austin and Jojo." I felt bad for reminding him of thr thought, but this was important, especialy Sophie, with her powers and all. 

But ovbiously I was more concerned about Vinny. I couldn't bare to leave him, and he probably wouldn't want me to leave either.

Oh please, even if you did leave, he'd just back to that girl Rose again.

Vinny's voice startled me. "Did you already wake up Sophie?" he asked.

"Er, no," I muttered. "We should go do that now."

We quietly creept across the floor, steping over the sleeping people curled up on the ground, with the floor creeking at each step we took. 

Sophie was one of the lucky ones who got to sleep on the couch that night. 

"Sophie," I shook her. "Get up. We're leaving."

"That time already, Elaina?" Sophie grumbled angrily. 

"No, It's me, Lukey. And Vinny's with me." I whispered.

"What are you guys doing?" She sighed, slightly opening her tired eyes.

"Getting us out of here," Vinny replied sternly. "You guys ovbiously aren't safe here."

Sophie sat up and stared at us. "Did any of you see a murderer?" 

"No," I replied. "But they migh hear us if we stay in here too long."

Sophie hesitaed. "I really shouldn't go. Elaina needs my help."

"Well then we'll take Elaina with us," Vinny suggested.

"But the murderer can still kill people," sophie worried. "Or worse, escape."

"Or," I inturrpted. "The murderer wioll come after us since we're friends of Vinny's, reavealing their identity to you, and you can arrest them from wherever we are!"

Sophie considered the idea, then turned and looked me in the eyes. "Wow, you're alot smarter than I thought."

"I try," I smiled back at her. "We should hurry now. Vinny, do you think you can carry Elaina?"

Vinny looked at me with suprise. "Me? Why me?"

"You're probably the strongest out of all of us, I said, smiling at him."

Sophie looke at me, slightly offened.

Vinny accepted the compliment. "Ok, fine. It just feels so akward to carry a sleeping girl."

Sophie was in the kitchen going through cabinets  and taking food. 

"What are you doing? Isn't that stealing?" I asked

"It technicaly doesn't belong to anyone now that Austin's dead," She explained. "Besides, we don't know how long we're gonna be out there or where we'll be. Hey Vinny, can you go in Austin's closet and see if he has an extra blanket?"

"Why?" Vinny questioned.

"Just do it, please." Sophie sighed, continuing to go through the food.

Vinny srugged, then crept over to the bedroom to get the blanket.

"Anything specific snack you want?" Sophie asked. "looks like there's some stuff left over from the party."

"No thanks, I'm good," I repiled. "I'm don't eat that much anyway.

"You're missing out," She smiled, taking a bag of chips out of one of the cabinets.

Vinny came out of the Bedroom with the blanket. "What are we gonna do with this? he asked."

"Like I said, we don't know where we'll be or how long we'll be there. You'll want to sleep, won't you?" she asked. "And you didn't want to carry all this food, did you?" she smiled.

Vinny stared, confused. 

"Lay the blanket down flat. I'll show you." She rolled her eyes.

Vinny layed the blanket flat over the rug.  Sophie placed all the food in the center of the blanket and folded all the corner of it in and tied them all together with a knot. "See? It's a bag," she showed us.

Me and Vinny stared, very amused. 

"Something useful they taught me during police training a few months ago. Never thought I'd actualy use it though."

"That's amazing!" Vinny smiled. 

"I wouln't call it that cool," Sophie shrugged. "Anyway, we should hurry up and get out of here. Vinny, go get Elaina."

Vinny nodded and went to go find her.

It was just me and Sophie standing there in the kitchen. 

"I'll start opening the Window," Sophie whispered. She took a sharp tool out of her pocket and started cutting the glass.

"You know, Vinny's kinda cute," The words randomly slipped out of my mouth.

Why did I say that? I mean, i'm not wrong, but...

"I figured you guys were kinda more than just friends," Sophie srugged, Struggling to cut through the glass quietly.

"I can hear you guys, you know," Vinny reminded us. "I'm not deaf." 

He smirked at me then went back to searching the room. Vinny's adoreable when he smirks like that.

After Vinny had found Elaina and gently carried her, Sophie had almost finished opening the window.

"So, how exactly are we going to get down?" I asked. "We aren't just going to jump off the third story of a biulding are we?"

"We'll figure it out. There's probably a bush or something we could fall into," Sophie suggested. 

"Won't we get poked?" Vinny asked. 

"Better than dying," Sophie reminded us. 

Vinny froze. "Good point."

Sophie removed the glass and placed it on the couter. There was now a hole in the window large enough for us to fit through. The cold winds of the night blew into the apartment.

"I guess I'll go first, if yall are so scared," Sophie smirked. "Look, It's not that hard. Just watch."

Sophie Jumped up onto the counter and began crawling through the window.

Me and Vinny watched her carefuly, taking note of what to do. However, our thoughts were inturpted by a voice.

"Hey, What do you think you're doing?"

We all turned our heads in suprise. 

Standing in the Living room was a tall dark figure that appeared to be a female with a long braid. My heart sunk. 

"Guys, You might want to hurry up and stop staring," Sophie whispered. "Because if my senses are correct, this is the murderer we're looking for."

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