Chapter Thirteen

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"Vinny!" Lukey yelled from below.

Somehow Rose had caught me by the wrist and I was now dangling from the window. 

"Hey Vinny," her voice shook me. "Woundn't you rather be with me than with those idiots?"

"What do you want from me?" I asked, trying to sound tough. I still couldn't belive Rose was the one behind all this. 

"I don't want anything from you," she smirked. "I just want you."

I rolled my eyes. Why did she have to be so flirty about it?

"I'm assuming that's why you killed my friends?" I sneered.

"Correct a mundo," Rose smiled.

"Killing my friends is no way to get to me. I don't know who would want to spend the rest of their life with you." I spat.

Rose's creepy smiled washed away. she held her gaze on me like she was staring deeply in soul, like Sophie had done, only to a whole nother level.

"The rest of your life?" Rose snickered.

I hesitated. I'm pretty sure that's what I had said.

"You're already spending the rest of your life with me," She smiled. "How romantic."

I stared up at her, confused. Sophie and Lukey watched nervously from below. Elaina was still brushing the the leaves off her dress.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to hide my fear. 

And I thought Sophie was scary.

"I mean this is the rest of your life," she said as she slowly drew a knife from behind her. "I thought I liked you. I really did. But you weren't the person I thought you were."

"I could say the same about you," I snarled back, stuttering inside.

Is this it? Is this how it all ends?

"So I guess it's a loose-loose for both of us," Rose said, fidling with her knife. 

"Look, if you're going to end me, would you just do it already?" I stutterd. I couln't act tough for much longer.

"Vinny, No!" Lukey yelled.

"Very well," She sighed, Raising her knife. "Goodbye, Vinny."

I winced, Preparing my self for the sharp pain.

There was a long silent pause, although I swore I requested a fast service.

Suddenly I felt Rose's grip on me release, followed by a broken scream. I fell into the leaves of the bushes below. It hurt a bit, but hey, at least I wasn't dead.

I think.

"Vinny are you ok?" Lukey rushed over to check on me.

"Lukey, we can't stay here," Sophie reminded us. "You can talk when we get to a stoping point."

"So is anyone going to explain why-" Elaina began to spat.

"It doesn't matter now, we have to go while she's being held back," Sophie yelled. "Move. Now. Into the woods."

I quickly ran after Sophie into the woods. I wondered why, But now didnt seam like a good time for questions. I looked back up at the broken window. Rose was there, and she appeared to be... fighting something?

I didn't have time to look back for very long as we contined running into the forest behind the apartment. We had no idea where to go, but we had to hurry, because rosaline would be after us soon.

We took a pause when we had been running for a goof few minutes. we were all cold and exhausted.

"So," Lukey painted. "What exactly do we do now?" 

Sophie hesitated. "I didn't think this trough very well."

"What kind of fool just runs into the woods without a plan?" Elaina said irritatedly.

"You can't be talking," Sophie snaped. "I bet you could have easily come up with something a whole lot stupider."

Elaina rolled her eyes.

"If we can somehow get her knife away from her, she'll be alot less dangerous, so thats obviously the first step," Sophie explained. "That doesn't seam to hard. Then once we're able to get our hands on her, we can tie her to a tree or something to get the handcuffs on her."

"Did you just now come up with all that?" Lukey asked.

"Kind of," Sophie srugged. "Anyway,  we should probably get ready for when she comes."

"What do we do?" I asked nervously.

"You and Lukey stay behind, Me and Elaina can probably handle this."

"What?" Elaina turned around to look at Sophie. "Me?"

"You're supposed to be the most experienced one here," Sophie mutterd. "So get over here and do your job." Elaina wanted to protest, but obediently walked over to stand by Sophie's side. 

"Do you need me to remind you who's In charge here?" Elaina whispered loudly.

"No, right now it seems quite clear," Sophie sighed, Tapping her fingertips against a tree.

Elaina was furious now. "Listen here, you little-" 

Sophie put her hand over Elaina's mouth before she could finish her sentence. " You're the only one here who's little," Sophie reminded her. She suddenly looked up and became more aware of the surrounding enviorment. 

The sound of Rusling leaves came from somewhere near. "Shut up. I think she's close by," Sophie said, now very alert. "Vinny, Lukey, Go hide in a bush or something."

Lukey and I obeyedand ran to hide in a bush. Neither of us made a single sound except our paniced breaths.

The rusling noises from the leaves on the ground gradualy got louder and closer... 

Lukey curled up closer to me, shivering both from the cold and in fear. I put my arms around him and leaned in closer, trying to keep him warm as well as myself. 

The rusling got louder and closer...

I began looking around. I had no idea where Rose was about to pop out. She could take us by suprize and kill us both any second. My mucles tensed up and froze.

Maybe this really was how it all ended.

Hiding, alone and helpless in the woods.

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