Chapter Eight

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Why did this have to happen? It could have been anyone else, but it had to be Jojo? Why?

Lukey pated me on the shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Vinny. I know the pain of losing someone you really cared about. It hurts."

I just continued crying into my arms. 

Jojo's body was on the side of Austin's bed. His head was cut off and thrown onto the floor. I couldn't belive this was happening. Who could have done such a thing? And why Jojo?

Lukey sighed and looked up at me. "Would you like me to leave you alone?"

"No, please stay." I sobbed.

Me and Lukey sat in the corner of the room and stared at Jojo's body. It was a terrible sight, and the fact that it was one of my best friends made it a thousand times worse.

I just want to go home.

"Are you hungry?" Lukey asked.

"No, I've lost my appitite," I repiled.

Lukey looked away, then rested his head on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry Vinny."

The feeling of him on my shoulder kinda made me feel better, and that feeling of confort came back to me. That weird feeling that I always have when I'm with him, only alot stronger.

The creek of the bedroom door made me jump. Austin was standing there with slight teardrops rolling down his cheeks. "You ok?" he asked.

Do I look like i'm ok?

"No, Not really," I sighed.

Austin frowned, then walked and stood right infront of me. "Kees wanted you to have this," He said, reaching out his hand to give me something.

"A muffin?" I asked.

"Yeah. He had brough them to the party, but no one ate them. He thought he would hand them out to people to cheer them up." Austin explained.

"Tell him I said thank you," I said to Austin as he left the room.

"Wanna go out of the room? Maybe play a game or something?" Lukey suggested. "Maybe if you're not staring at him, you'll forget all about it and feel better?"

"Sure," I agreed.

Lukey opened the door for me. Outside people were already up and eating breakfast or something. It was about 11 a.m.

"Hey, Vinny!" A voice called. I spun around to see who it was. It was that girl from the night before. Rose, I think her name was.

"Hi, Rose!" I said with a big fake smile.

"Who's this?" Lukey asked with a suprized look on his face.

"A girl I ment a few nights ago," I replied. I actualy barely knew who she was.

"Oh, cool." Lukey said with a slight smile. Was that a hint of disapointment in his eyes?

"How'd you sleep?" Rose asked.

"Pretty good," I lied.

"Well that's good," Rose smiled. She looked around the room for a split second. "Where'd your friends go?"

"Well, If you mean Austin and those guys, two of them are in the bedroom, and the other... er... is in the bedroom with them."

"Oh. So it's just you and me, huh?" Rose smiled.

"No, this little guy's here too." I smiled, patting Lukey on the head. 

"I'm not little," I heard him murmmer.

"Oh," Rose sighed. "Well, did you maybe wanna, Hang out a bit today?"

Lukey stared at us with wide eyes, almost as if he was scared.

"No thanks," I declined. "I want to spend as much time with my friends as I can before we're all murdered."

"Oh," Rose hesitated. "I understand. Well I hope you have fun!" She said cheerfully, the walked away and slouched down on the couch.

"What's her problem?" I muttered to Lukey.

"You tell me!" Lukey spat. "Is she you're girlfriend or something?"

"Uh, I'm a little more into boys than girls actualy," I told him

Lukey sighed. 

"Listen up, suspects!" Elaina's voice echoed through the apartment. Me and Lukey turned around to see her standing on the couch. 

"One of you guys is going home today!" She said cheerfuly. "Now which one of you guys is a murderer?"

Everyone around went silent.

"I think it's that guy!" A guy wearing a stripped purple shirt yelled. I looked up to see who he was pointing at whwn I realized he was pointing right at me. I hesitated.

"Vinny? No! he would never!" Austin yelled. "Isn't that right, Vinny?"

I should have lied and said it was me to get out of here, but part of me wanted to stay with Lukey to make sure he was safe. Not to mention Kees and Austin.

"He's right, I'm completely innocent," I replied.

"I agree, Vinny's very shy and quiet, not the type capeable of murder." That was Lukey's voice.

One of the investegators, Sophie I think, came up to me and looked me dead in the eyes for a long moment. "You're right Lukey, I don't think this is the guy behind it."

I sighed with relief.

"What if it's that guy!" Austin shouted, pointing at the guy in the purple shirt. "He was quick to acuse someone he barely knew. What if he did that to distract us from his own identity?"

mutters of agreement rose from the crowd of people.

"Everyone who thinks the murderer is this purple shirted man, Raise your hand," Elaina ordered.

"My name's Alex, you dumb investegator, and I'm no murderer!"

Elaina rolled her eyes.

I couldn't tell exactly how many people had raised their hand, but it was definetly the majority of the room, Including Lukey and I.

Elaina finished up her counting. "Majority belives the murderer is Alex." Elaina signaled Sophie over. "Sophie, what do you think?"

Sophie went over to Alex and looked him in the eyes, Kinda like she had done to me. 

"You know," She started. "I really don't think this guy's the murderer either."

"How can you tell by just looking at him?" A voice asked.

"Trust me, I'm alot more skilled than she is," Sophie smiled, flicking her head towards Elaina.

Elaina opened her mouth to argue, The Sophie shot her a warning glare. Elaina shut her mouth.

"I'm kinda glad you got to stay," Lukey smiled. "It would have been lonely without you.

"I know. That's part of the reason I stayed," I smiled back.

"Really? To be with me?" Lukey questioned.

"Of course!" I laughed. "Who wouldn't want to be with you?"

Two chapters in one day? Wow I must be awesome.

Also thank you all very much for over 300 reads! It really means alot to me!

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