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Taylor smiled as she woke up for school. She started getting dressed when her mother walked in to help. "Good morning princess." Taylor looked up with a smile. "You look beautiful, Taylor."

"I took it after you, didn't I?" Taylor replied. Her mother kissed her head. "Is Tyler already gone?" She sighed as she saw the nod. "Of course."

"Taylor, give your brother a break."

"Mom, Vicki is playing both guys. Tyler and Jeremy." Taylor said. "It's like she doesn't even care what she's doing as long as she has the attention." Carol smiled at her daughter. "I would prefer any girl out there instead of Vicki."

"I agree." Carol says. "Now go before your late."
Taylor arrived when she arrived at the school. First she's going to do is jump Tyler for leaving her behind. First she saw Jermey. "Hey." Jeremy turned and smiled at a Taylor Lockwood. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Jeremy tells her. "I'm looking for Vicki." Taylor looked at Jeremy and shook her head. "What?"

"I don't see why you and Tyler go after Vicki." Taylor said. "She's playing the both of you."

"Taylor, just leave it alone."

"Fine, but if something happens don't come crawling to me when you finally see what's happening." Taylor said as she saw Tyler. "Same goes for you." Taylor glared at Vicki as she walked by. Jermey knew he lost the only friend he had because she was trying to tell him what was going on. He sighed and knew he had to make it up to her.
"Hey Taylor." Elena said hugging her.

"Hi Elena." Taylor said as she sat in her seat. "I'm guessing Jeremy told you about me ignoring him."

"Yes." Elena replies. "I can tell he feels guilty."

"Yeah right." Taylor replies as the bell rang signaling for class to begin. Taylor started taking notes when a person walked in. She wasn't really paying attention as she was focused on righting notes.

Stefan looked at the girl beside him and knew she was smart as she was more focused on Tanner. Taylor saw the new guy looking at Elena when she looked up and smiled, but felt bad for Matt as she left him and he still has feelings for her. Taylor looked back towards the front and continued her notes.
Taylor arrived at the grill to see the party was in full swing. She saw her brother playing pool with Matt as Matt was talking about Elena. She walked through everybody and smiled as she found a way to the bar to order her a drink. Taylor's eyes landed on Jermey who smiled at her, but she never returned it as she wasn't lying about what she told him that morning.

"Hey Taylor." Caroline said.

"Hey." Taylor replied hugging her friend. "Elena here yet."

"Yep and she's here with Stefan." Taylor can tell that Caroline was hurt and hugged her friend.

"Caroline, there is someone out there that will love you like you want to be love." Caroline smiled. "Now let's get to know some about Stefan."

"You are my favorite."

"I know."
The next day,Taylor sat in Tanner's class again. She never got picked on as she actually did the lessons and listened. Taylor sighed as she took her notes when Stefan answered for Elena. She watch Stefan correct Tanner. She was shocked to say the least cause she was the only one to ever correct him.

"Seems like you are right up there with Taylor Lockwood." Taylor smiled. Stefan was shocked to hear someone was extremely smart.

After class, Tyler draped his arm over his sister's shoulder. "Still up for the party tonight."

"Someone has to go and keep you in order." Taylor tells him. "Cause we all know Miss. Donavan isn't going to do nothing to keep you out of trouble." Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Give her a chance."

"Nope." Taylor said as she shrugged her brother's arm off. "She is pulling you and Jeremy along, causing the two of you to fight, and there's plenty of more where that came from." Taylor started walking off. "Also, like I told Jeremy , when realization hits you, don't come crawling to me."

Tyler was stunned as Vicki stood there shocked. She couldn't believe Tyler's little sister would say that. Taylor made a point, but Vicki likes the attention between both boys and Taylor Lockwood was causing problems.
Taylor was drunk that she was walking through the woods. She was mumbling how her brother just embarrassed her because she told the truth about Vicki Donavan. She heard a twig snap. "hello..." Taylor called out as she looked around her. "Who's there?"

When she didn't get no answer, Taylor started walking away till she saw nothing but darkness.
"Just leave me alone, Elena!" Jermey tells her as he stumbles over something.


"I'm fine." He said as he looked to see what he tripped over. "Taylor?" He crawled to her and started shaking her. "Taylor!"

"We need to get her help." Elena said as she saw her neck. Jeremy picked her up bridal style and carried her to the table near them. "Help!" Tyler saw his sister and ran to her.

"Taylor!" He cried out as he tried to get through the crowd. "Let me through." He tells them. Once Tyler had made it, Taylor had blood coming from her neck which scared Tyler.

"911 is here." Someone said. Tyler held onto his sister's hand as they left the party. Only one question went through everyone's mind. What attacked Taylor Lockwood?

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