3. Him, again

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Last autumn. October 2, 2017.

Don't you ever just want to skip a class but can't do so because you're scared of failing it? As a freshman in high school, I had to start off good - but I still skipped classes. Just like I am doing right now.

Five minutes before the bell rings, I was walking to the other side of my school, and the opposite of where my class was. I was going to be alone because none of my friends wanted to join me because they had tests to do.

As those 5 minutes passed, I made my way up to the building 1300 and it's bathrooms. As I walk up the stairs, I see a familiar silhouette of a hand and a gold ring on the index finger; I fasten my pace, and I see him.

He was on his phone, and I couldn't help but look at him amazed. He had a nice look when he was distracted, and I had never seen before at school in a weekday but on Saturday Tutoring. He put his phone in his pocket, and looked up - seeing me standing across him.

"Don't you have a class to attend, little one?" He asked with an ironic tone in his voice. I rolled my eyes at him, and kept walking up the stairs.

Of course I did, I just didn't want to go.

"Yes, but what about you? Don't you have a class to attend?" I dared him back. Something inside of me told me that he had the same intentions that I did when I was going upstairs - we were both going to skip class.

He raised his eyebrow, and laughed, "You got me there, but you don't skip in the bathrooms," he finished his sentence with a mischievous smile.


I really tried my best not to shake anytime that the administrators would walk past us and our fake passes in our hands. We entered the foreign languages building and went upstairs, and he walked to the end of the hallway - to where the lockers were. He looked at my and pointed one of the lockers that were in the lower half, opened one (without a passcode) and put his bookpack in it. "Are you just going to stand there? It's better if you put your stuff her," he said, and I had to blink twice to actually realize what he was doing.

"Is this even allowed?" I asked with a little fear, "Probably not, but skipping either - and I am just showing you how to do it right" he finalized as he closed the locker's door.

He really is messed up in the head.

"Now, we can just walk around with passes even more normally. I always do this and never get in trouble," he said as if it was nothing. I'm just wishing to be able to say that, too, after today.

~* ~

The ball rung to go to sixth period, and I have never felt so comforted with that sound. Today was really something, and we never got caught. At the end, we went back to the locker and grabbed our stuff to go to our next class.

"Hopefully we do this again some other time, little one," he said as a goodbye, and walked away from me. Unbelievable.


October 30th, 2017.

The time kept going fast, and Eli and I were almos like dirt and mud: we were always together, and after school we would try to hang out in my house or in his.

My birthday was tomorrow, and I still haven't bought myself a gift, nor told my friends if I was doing something or no - but I was thinking of doing a costume party. My 15th birthday, and yes, I won't be doing a huge quinceañera.

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