Chapter 4

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That night, Astrid fell asleep the same way she always did: clutching the pendant in her hands and wondering. Thinking about her past, trying to remember her past. The necklace just gave her a small glimpse of her past. A blurred vision of her memories.

All her dreams always consisted of this one guy. Auburn hair, green eyes, some type of armor and that heartwarming smile. She longed to know who he is, for he might know all about her forgotten past. Or he might be someone important to her.

She sighed and closed her eyes. She tried her best to sleep, but this time, her heart was beating fast. That night, her memories became slightly clearer.


Meanwhile, at Berk, Hiccup groaned as he stabbed a map with a dagger. "Where is he?!" He yelled at no one in particular. For three years the Berkians have been at war with the Beserkers. It was a deadly war, and at this time, Dagur had retreated somewhere in Berk.

Hiccup was worried that he might attack them by surprise, so he made Snotlout, Tuffnut and a few other warriors guard their base, which was the Great Hall. Both sides have bases, but Dagur's base was still a mystery to him. That's exactly why he had yelled.

Hiccup paced about the room. He found it that both the Berkians and Beserkers were at a tie. No one was winning this war. I mean, how else could a war have lasted three years? It was practically impossible unless the two sides were at equal advantage.

Hiccup was on the verge of tearing his hair out. Everyday he's been worrying about two things. The war and Astrid. Oh, Odin, Astrid! He always wondered where his love was, how she is. He hoped for this war to end as soon as possible. He wanted to find Astrid again.

But that night, his heart swelled even more. It was December 20. It was the day he sent her away. The day he would regret what he did. But then, he told Stormfly and Toothless to send her far away.

Oh, man, Toothless! How he missed his best buddy.

Hiccup cried that night, but his sorrow was cut short when he heard Snotlout yell, "Attack!"


The next morning, Astrid and Rapunzel woke up and sang their usual early morning song. It wasn't that it lasted the whole day, just probably three minutes. It was a song after all. When they finished, they both lay down on the floor, both wondering how this day would go.

"Do you want to ride the dragons?" Rapunzel asked her sister. Astrid turned her head so she faced Rapunzel. She smiled.

"Sure, why not? But first, I'm going to braid your hair!" Astrid said. Rapunzel laughed and sat up. Astrid crawled behind Rapunzel and started braiding it. It took a long while, but Astrid finally finished. Rapunzel's hair was in a certain twist so it would look like her hair just reached her toes.

"Come on!" Rapunzel giggled. They both went down the trapped door that lead outside the cramped tower. The dragons' heads perked up when they noticed the two. Stromfly walked over to Rapunzel while Toothless came bounding up to Astrid.

"Hey there, Toothless!" Astrid rubbed Toothless' chin. The dragon gave a purr in response. Astrid smiled at him and mounted the Night Fury. Rapunzel, who was already on Stormfly, flew up into the sky. Toothless leaped off the ground and followed after them.

"This is awesome!" Astrid yelled into the sky. She spread her arms out and enjoyed the feeling of being in the sky. For the past three years, Astrid and Rapunzel had been training themselves to fly the dragons. Now that they can, it was a truly thrilling experience.

"Want to race?" Rapunzel challenged her sister. Astrid smirked and her eyes glistened with mischieviousness.

"I have the fastest dragon, Rapunzel," Astrid boasted, "Still think you can beat me?"

"Yes!" Rapunzel retorted, "First one to the harbor wins!"

"It's on, Sis!" Astrid accepted the challenge and the two sped off to Corona's very big harbor. Both sisters travelled fast on their dragons, but Astrid won.

"You got me again!" Rapunzel groaned. Astrid just smirked and patted Toothless' head. The dragon nudged Astrid and growled.

"What's wrong Toothless?" Astrid asked her dragon. Suddenly, Stormfly began growling too. The sisters looked around in confusion when suddenly a man knocked Raounzel down.

"Get off me, get off me!" Rapunzel struggled to push the man off her. Two other - more muscular and scary - men came running towards them as the man that hit Rapunzel muttered unintelligable things.

The man then rolled off Rapunzel and glanced at the two men. He pulled out a dagger, "I'm a soldier of Berk! You'll regret this you nasty Beserkers!"

"Oh really?" The two men said at the same time, cracking their knuckles and smirking.

"Stormfly, spines, now!" Rapunzel ordered her dragon. The Nadder obeyed and shot it's poisonous spikes towards the men. They ended up pinned to the ground.

The man with the dagger faced the two sisters and said, "Thanks."

"No problem, but who are those men?" Astrid asked, being the most curious out of the sisters. The man looked at her like she was crazy.

"Berk and Beserkers were clearly in the line I said earlier," the man said. Astrid and Rapunzel tilted their heads.

"You don't know who they are?" The man inquired with disbelief. Both sisters nodded a 'yes'.

"So you've never heard of the Three Year War?!" The man, once again, said with disbelief.

"Oh, for the love of Thor, could you jsut explain to us?!" Astrid exclaimed, clearly exasperated. The man shivered a little at her tone.

"Okay, fine. Berk is a Viking tribe and so is Beserk. We're having war against each other because Dagur, the leader of Beserk, wants revenge from Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III."

Astrid gasped at the name. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. Why did that name sound so familiar?

"He is the Chief of Berk," the man finished. Both girls nodded.

"Can...can we help with the war? We could use some adventure," Rapunzel asked timidly.

"Why not?" The man said cheekily, "And I see both of you have dragons. And, oh Odin, a Night Fury! Awesome! You both would fit in well with the Berkians."

"Cool! Do you have a dragon?" Rapunzel inquired. The man smiled and whistled a certain tune. A huge green dragon then came up from the sea water. (If you've forgotten, they're in the harbor.)

"Wow," Rapunzel gazed in wonder at the dragon. It looked so majestic! "What species is that?"

"A Scauldron," the man smirked, "His name is Flynn. I'm Eugene Fitzherbert, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, now let's go!" Astrid said, clearly excited. Rapunzel and Eugene smiled. The threesome mounted their respective drahons and flew off in the direction north.

"North is the aay to Berk," Eugene explained. Both girls nodded and just followed Eugene over to Berk.

As for Astrid, she kept wondering about this Hiccup guy. Hearing his name gave her the shivers, and the name seemed to fit the guy that's been evading her dreams every night. She sighed and just shook the thought off. Maybe she was just imagining things.

Yeah, maybe she was...


Haloooo!!!!!!!!! Soooo I made a new storyyyy....wanna check it out? No? Okay.........

The story is Hydrokinetic did I even come up with that I don't know......

Oooohhh it's 10:57 P.M now that I'm typing this senteeence...
Gahaahahahaahaha I'm updtaing soooo laaaate....brrraaaaaa I'm tiiired buuut blehck...

Copyright © MaryCresenta


Guess I'm sleeepin laaate tooonight.....hehehehehehehe

Time check it's 10:59 P.M in the Philippines!!

Hhahahaha sooo raaandommm....byyye!!!!!!!!!

God Bless! Pshl immma gonna gooo sleep....

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