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In a musuem somewhere in the world...

Mrs. Harrison toured her class around the musuem, which served as their last stop in their all-day field trip. Currently, they were touring around a hall filled with old trinkets.

A slightly chubby girl at the back saw something she found herself fascinated with.

It was a heart-shaped pendant with a carving of two people on it. She looked at the paper underneath it and read:

This artifact was found on an island, buried by the sea, layers of sand covering it with each day that has passed. Miraculously, it was found by two lovers, who were having their honeymoon on the said island. They passed it over to this very musuem, and now it's displayed. Along with the pendant, however, came a letter written on decayed paper. A team of scientists were able to decipher the faded ink and translate it from Old Norse to English.

Years ago, in the Viking era, two lovers were connected through this pendant. It was given by Chief Hiccup to his beloved, Fearless Astrid Hofferson, a few days before their marriage. But their happiness was cut short when a war occured.

Chief Hiccup had lost his love twice during that war in ways you would find impossible. But in both times, even death could not seperate them, because the pendant had always brought her back into his arms.

Thus, I tell you, whoever is reading this, love is powerful. And it will find you too. I promise you that.

Fearless Astrid Hofferson

The girl smiled after having read the paper. She glanced over at her class, who were a little ways farther down the hall, and spotted a certain red-headed boy in the crowd of bored students.

She looked back at the pendant, then reread the lines, love is powerful. And it will find you too.

Smiling, she took off back to her class, feeling joyous.

Up above, hands intertwined, was a smiling couple.

And you could say they lived happily ever after, up in Valhalla, but they would tell you no.

Their happily ever after ended long ago, when they found love and ever lasting happiness. Looking down upon the girl who had read the paper, they came to an agreement.

It's time to pass down that happily ever after, to their great, great, great, great, great, great - well, let's just say there's a lot of 'greats' - granddaughter.


Hai! So this finally concludes "The Pendant". Oh, I had so much fun with this story!

Now all of you - find your happily ever after. ;)

P.S: If you'd like, try and check out my newest story ever: False Bride. :)

- InkyBlossom910 -

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