Chapter 10

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Hiccup was pushed back by the mysterious light of the pendant. The glow encased Astrid and everyone gasped when the light and Astrid disappeared. They cried once more, truly knowing that their best friend (in Drago and Icy's case, their daughter) was gone.

They rubbed their eyes as Rapunzel said, "Stop crying guys. Astrid wouldn't want that."

"Yeah," Hiccup sniffled, "She wouldn't want that."

"Astrid was, for a girl, cool," that was all Eugene said. Everyone agreed and they all looked down.

"I'm ending this war. Berk needs peace after everything that happened," Drago then said after moments of silence.

Hiccup smiled at the man and said, "Thank you, Drago."

"It's the least I could do for Astrid," Drago responded. Icy smiled and hugged her husband. Eugene comforted a sniffling Rapunzel and Hiccup sat on his own, regretting not spending time with her for three years. Regretting the fact that he didn't think about her memory loss. And now, she died without remembering him.

"Why are you all crying?"

Their heads jerked up at the sound of that voice.

Hiccup turned his head and saw his divine beauty standing right there behind him, smiling. "Astrid!" he exclaimed with happiness and rushed toward his beloved. Astrid smile grew bigger and she yelled his name, colliding with him. Their lips instantly met in a passionate kiss.

When they broke for air, Astrid said, "I remember everything Hiccup."

He smiled. She remembered! Suddenly, her fist collided on his shoulder. He yelped in pain as Astrid said, "I can't believe you had the guts to send me away!"

Hiccup chuckled and mumbled a "sorry" as Rapunzel gave Astrid a surprise hug. Astrid laughed as Rapunzel kept screaming, "You're alive! You're alive! You're alive! Alleluiah you're alive!"

Icy walked slowly towards her daughter. "Oh, how you've grown."

Astrid smiled, "Mom!" She rushed toward her mother and both hugged. When they let go, Astrid took notice of Drago.

She walked towards him and said, "So, you're the bloke who caused this war."

Drago smiled nervously and said, "Yes."

Astrid then responded in monotone, "Five words: You shouldn't have used Dagur."

Dagur laughed and so did Astrid. "Even though you killed my boyfriend's father," Astrid then said, breaking their laughter. Drago gulped. Astrid took after him; well, she was scarier than him.

"Hey dad!" She finished her sentence, smiling, and hugging Drago. Drago then smiled and hugged his daughter back.

(I don't know, but the image of Astrid and Drago as father and daughter looks so cute in my head! XD)

Icy joined the hug, then came Rapunzel and Eugene was pulled into the hug by her. Hiccup was also pulled into the hug by Drago. They were one happy family.

Yay! So there goes the end of The Pendant *cries*.

But I'm thinking of a sequel. Who wants a sequel? Hands up if you want one! *hands up*

God Bless you people of the world!

The Pendant ~Hiccstrid~Where stories live. Discover now