Note, Please Read

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        Guys, I'm going to change my username to InkyBlossom910 because my archnemesis found out my username and I don't want him/her to read my stories! Gah! *hides in shame* So if you don't find FYIris109 in the house, just know I changed my username! :)

        Also, I published a new story, please read! I'd like to have some feedback on it since I've been working on it for ages. I'm also going to be posting a new one - shot on my other story Hiccstrid - Our Life, so stay tuned for a short story entitled "Meeting Again".

        The new story is "Hydrokinetic Love". If I update soon, you'll find I have quite an obsession with pendants. XD Haha!

        Anyway, FYIris109 shall leave!

        Say goodbye to FYIris109 and say hello to InkyBlossom910! XDXD

        God Bless you people of the world!

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