Chapter 5

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It was a quiet night in Shellside village. A light breeze of wind went through the empty streets and the moon lit up the dark town. Chattering was heard from a pub that stood in the Town Center. Inside sat a few people, relaxing after a long day of work. Everyone there was there every night and knew their way around. But tonight was different. 

Four strangers sat by one table and played cards with Cardman, the old fisherman. The strangers were all from different places, from distant countries. No one knew their names, since they hadn't stayed there for long. They were all strangers to each other but chatted like they were old friends. 

One of them was known as "The Gunslinger." She was an Inkling from the south and had traveled long distances. Rumors were that she was the fastest gunner in the south, that she could draw out her dualies in a blink of an eye and hit the target before anyone could process what had happened. She now wandered the lands, looking for a place that needed a gunslinger's help, but could offer good pay for it. 

The second wanderer was an assassin. She was an Inkling from the north and was traveling south to get her promised payment after a successful mission. She had an eye of an eagle and the ears of a fox and word was, she could hit a moving target in a moonless night with her trusted charger, and not be noticed. 

The third traveler was a royal scientist from a distant country in the west. She had been traveling through the land, helping people in villages to overcome many challenges using her knowledge and inventions. She was now on her way to Inkopolis castle to offer her help there. 

And the fourth and final traveler was a wandering warrior, who had come from a village from the east. She had lived happily there, until it was destroyed by savages. She had been away from the village when they attacked and when she got back, she came back to ruins and burnt houses, not a single person had survived. There had been no one to protect them from the savages, so she swore an oath to help those who could not protect themselves and needed her help. 

There they sat, four different people from different places, playing cards with old man Cardman. "And then I shot him where I stood," the Gunslinger said. "And just like that, I had destroyed the Southriders gang. I check."

"Pretty impressive story," the Warrior said. "I heard stories about the Southriders gang. They terrorized the south part of Octopia for many years. I was actually on my way to take care of them, but then got news they were dead. All shot down by a lonely gunslinger, guess that was you. I call."

"I haven't had many adventures," Cardman said and took a sip of his drink. "Been stuck here my whole life and ain't a single thing happened here has it? Always the same thing, over and over again. The most exciting thing that has happened to me was when a fish pulled me out of my boat and dragged me downriver, I was hours getting back to town. I fold."

"Sounds pretty dangerous," the Scientists said and examined her cards. "I haven't had anything exciting happen to me recently, but I stopped a man who was terrorizing a village up north a few months ago, otherwise I haven't had many adventures. I fold as well."

"Yeah, I don't expect many things happening around here," the Assassin said and took a sip from her bottle. "Inkopolis is a pretty relaxed land, nothing much happens here. The Lord is a good man. I raise."

She took another sip of her bottle but it was empty. "Don't worry, drinks on me," Cardman said and turned in his seat. "Hey, Tommy! Five large drinks for me and these ladies over here. My treat."

Tommy the barman nodded and started to take out glasses of the shelf. "Actually, a lot of things have been happening here in Inkopolis for the past few months," Cardman said and turned in his seat. "Attacks on travelers, towns and little towns. No one has survived these attacks except one girl. Nothing is stolen, just burned to the ground. The Lord has no idea how to stop these attacks and neither does anyone else."

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