Chapter 34

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The following weeks we where inseparable. Always touching eachother or having sex any spare time we had. We had been known to have sex in cleaning cupboards and once in the disabled toilets in target. It was sickeningly sweet but we where in love.

I met his parents while we where in Texas that was the worst nervous I've ever been. He laughed at me the whole journey. I withheld sex to make him pay. It didn't last because I caved by the end of the day. All that pent up tension turned into hornyness and it didn't take me long to get him to give me what I wanted. Luckily his parents are really nice and we all got on. They also told me while he was distracted that he seemed to be the happiest they had ever seen him. That gave me a bit more confidence.

After Denver we had 8 weeks off. There was going to be a few festivals I'd be performing at but other than that I'd be flitting between home at Austin. I had my cast off and felt better than ever

I went home to see my family but didn't last long I missed Austin too much we had spent nearly every day together for months. It was like I'd removed a limb. I travelled to his house in Utah and he picked me up from the airport. I didn't care that there was paparazzi everywhere as soon as I saw him I jumped on him. I missed his face. We spent a week together before I had to go home to perform at an event. I hated leaving him. When we parted at the airport it was like I was leaving a part of me there with him.

Me and Austin had struggled to keep in touch with me being in another time zone and going from one festival to another. So I decided to suprise Austin in LA at his home while I had a last minute meeting. I ubered to his house and security let me in with no problems as they all knew me. Pat came running out as I walked down the drive. He was stalling me. There was something wrong going on he was hiding something. I dropped my bags and ran in the house. My heart was in my mouth. I had a gut feeling. I was going to be sick. I walked through the house. It was empty I headed straight for the bedroom. As I pushed the door open I saw him and a brunette scrambling for their clothes. My heart broke. He stood there with this unreadable look on his face. Pat caught up with me and put his hands on my shoulders. I lost it. Screaming the house down. Then I realized who it was. Jade, his ex. "So he cheated on you so you think it's ok to help him cheat on someone else? I fucking hope your happy" He tried to step closer to me. "Don't fucking touch me you've lost the right to do that!" I pulled out of Pats grip. I called the only person I knew I could trust. I grabbed my bags off the floor and I stood at the end of the driveway to wait for my ride. I hear him coming after me. Crying. "Don't give me that shit" I spat

"Baby I love you, don't leave me. I don't want to lose you" he tries to wrap his arms round my waist. I push him away tears streaming down my face.

"You should have thought about that before you fucked another girl. Do you think she cares? Look at her face it was revenge, she just wanted to get back at you! " A car pulls up, G gets out of the drivers side to help get my bags.

"You fucking phoned him!" He looks devastated

"At least he didn't cheat on me. You fucked up now you will have to live with it"


I stayed at G's for a couple of days just as friends. Then it was Coachella. It was my birthday halfway between the two weekends so we where staying in an air BnB for nearly 2 weeks. Austin and his some of his friends where supposed to be coming but with the recent events we thought it would be better to have a girls holiday, obviously not including Reggie.

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annemarie Coachella chillin

makeupbyreggie no makeup needed
charliexcx how are you so hot? 🔥🔥
annemarieswife omg G has liked it, are they back together?!?

We arrived a couple of days early and relaxed I had just stopped crying. I was angry how could he? With her? He was supposed to be in love... I had ignored all the messages. Lottie had my phone for the most part. I just wanted to shut off from the rest of the world. Stay in my safe bubble where I couldn't see the headlines and if he had back with Jade, that would kill me off. I didn't want to hear what he had to say I was still too angry. I just wanted to get through Coachella without seeing too much of Austin. It was inevitable I was going to see him at some point. It may be big but we have similar taste in music and mutual friends.

We headed to a few party's first mostly make-up brand party's with Reggie. They where fun. You go to an awesome party and cone away with loads of goody bags.

liked by jamesarthur and 2930,578 others annemarie Coachella day1

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annemarie Coachella day1

makeupbyreggie wait till I've done your makeup 😘
ariannagrande love the pony 🐎
dottielottie arghhhhhhh I'm so excited

I managed to not see Austin untill the 2nd night luckily and by that point I was bladdered. He was with Justin watching Travis Scott. My heart skipped when I saw him. I knew I was still in love but I pushed that feeling down. I couldn't deal with that realisation right now. I wanted a carefree week and not have to deal with my fucked up feelings.

liked by justinbieber and 237,793 othersannemarie Coachella and chilly

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liked by justinbieber and 237,793 others
annemarie Coachella and chilly

haileybieber I'd chill with you all day anyday 🔥
ritaora bitch text me back
machinegunkelly 🤤🤤🤤

Hailey Bieber came running over flanked by some of Austin's team. Austin seemed to know not to approach me just yet.

"How are you?" She hugs me tight.

"Not great, I'm trying to numb my feelings with alcohol" I lift up my cup

"How's that going for you?" She chuckles

"Great I can see two of him now' I lean on her shoulder my eyes tearing up"She's not here is she? I couldn't cope with that!"

"No he's not spoken to her since, he says he sent you like a million texts and your voicemail is now full" she puts her arms around me " I'm not condoning what he did but he's devastated"

"So am i, especially when I found him in bed with his ex girlfriend" I wipe a tear from my face that has managed to fall free "I'm not sure who that was but it wasn't Austin. Maybe he's more Post Malone these day's. The man that was stood on that bedroom wasn't the man I love. I think he's gone"

F.R.I.E.N.D.S (A Post Malone Story)COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now