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Sorry this took so long, my computer broke and I lost all of my work. :/ I had to type this straight to wattpad on a library computer, sorry! I don't doubt that a lot of you have given up with me and that's totally cool. Just enjoy this okay ^^

I looked around the small clearing we had reached, we'd heard bells tolling not moments before and had ran like our lives depended on it only to arrive at this spot. The first thing that I had noticed was the small chapel in the centre of the clearing.

I stopped, this wasn't right.

"This ain't the right church, Rick." Shane growled. "It ain't got a steeple, there ain't nowhere for bells to be ringing from." He was right, I'd known something was missing but now that Shane had mentioned it I saw. This couldn't be where Sophia and Emilia were, they couldn't be ringing the bell from here.

Even so, the bells started up again, and it was certain that they were coming from here. "Timer!" Daryl shouted, punching the wall of the church, "They're on a timer!"

Of course it was on a timer, of course Emilia wasn't here. Of all the bad things that had happened they couldn't have just one break. Not one. "It has to be, what-what if they're inside? They have to be inside, right? They're there. I know it." I rambled, stumbling forwards towards the entrance to the church. "They're inside." I repeated as I opened the door, shrugging off anyone and everyone's arms who tried to stop me.

As the door flung open I immediately stepped back. Walkers. At least five or six of them. "No, no, no, no..." I repeated over and over. This wasn't right, they had to be inside, we had to have something good at some time, we had to. I felt someone's arm grip my waist as Rick, Shane and T-Dog entered the church.

"Can't let you go in there, Bex." Daryls hushed voice said, his breath tickling my ear as he spoke. "It's not safe yet. Let them sort it out first." I gave a small nod at his words, a silent tear falling down my cheek as I watched the three men killing all the walkers inside.

"Where is she, Daryl? Where's Emilia?"


"What're you doin' out here all by yourself?" Daryl said, entering the small clearing a few miles away from their house.

"Just thinking." I said. I was squatting down, my back to my brother so that he couldn't see the tears streaming down my face.

He was my brother though, my twin, I knew he'd know I was upset.

"What's the matter, Becca?" He asked, his voice smothered in concern.

"Nothin'." I stated. I knew he wouldn't believe me, there was no use in even trying to hide it, he'd find out eventually and then ask more questions like how, why and more importantly who.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and my body being turned. I watched as his eyes widened, as his mouth opened and closed much like a goldfish's, trying to work out what to say. "What did he do to you, Becca? I thought you were hiding, I thought you were safe."

"He found me." I whispered, so quiet that I doubted he could here me.

Then he did something that I didn't expect, he held me close, one of his hands stroking the back of my head as he slowly rocked my broken body back and forth.


Everyone else was waiting outside, waiting for me to be done with my prayer. I'd never been much of a believer, wasn't really one now either, but I had something to ask of him. It was just a matter of whether he was listening.

I slowly knelt myself down in front of the statue of Jesus on the crucifix and looked up at him as I began. "I don't know if your listening, it sure don't seem like it of late, but I have something to ask of you." I paused, trying to word my next sentence. "You're putting us through all this, making us survive in this awful times, unless you ain't really up there anymore, unless you're gone and someone else took your place."

I realised I was rambling, so I stopped, pressing my lips together tightly before continuing. "We all deserve just one thing to happen, just one thing that's good to come from this hell-hole. And that's Sophia and Emilia to be alive. They have to be. Only you can ensure that, so please, let it be?" My tone came out more of a question, but I meant it as a statement.

"Becky?" Andrea's voice rang through the chapel. "We're moving on, you done here?"


So, I'm hoping that I'll be able to upload this much quicker than *cough*threemonths*cough* quickly, but I'm not sure because I have college and other stuff to get on with. But enjoy this, and know that I'm still writing for you! <3

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