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❤️:394k. 💬:76k
itskaylee: sapnu puas
📸: paytonmoormeier
paytonmoormeier: pic credits woop
itskaylee: 🙌🏼

fanacct: I- read it upside down
fanacct: lmaoo i never noticed 💀
itskaylee: ;) 💜

fanacct: you cheated !!
itskaylee: i didn't. Me and Jaden aren't even dating so if i did anything how would it be cheating?

luvanthony: that place looks pretty
itskaylee: @ the woods behind my house

fanacct: you're so pretty
itskaylee: 💜💜

hateacc: C H E A T E R 😑
itskaylee: i did not cheat

hateacc: 🤢🤢roach
itskaylee: 😐🦗
itskaylee disabled comments



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❤️:428k. 💬:82k
jadenhossler: u ruin me
madslewis: hope ur okey <3
jadenhossler: <3

Fanacct: throw her A W A Y😤
jadenhossler: 🙁

notnoen: ily bro
jadenhossler: ly🙌🏼

fanacct: did she really cheat?
jadenhossler: 👎🏼

fanacct: lyyyy
jadenhossler: <33

luvanthony: u got swag
jadenhossler: 🖕🏼😎🖕🏼
fanacct: lmao💀

nessabarett: u look tired
jadenhossler: i am

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