As usual, it was a boring ass day at Sway House. Nothing was planned and I had nothing in mind to do either.
"Hey Kaylee, i'm having people over later if you wanna hang then with us?" I knew that was Jaden. I turned around facing him and thought about it for a second. I know i was complaining five seconds ago about having nothing to do but that doesn't mean i wanna be productive.
"Hmm. Who's coming over first?" I ask
"Just a few people i've known but never really met" He replied and i was still thinking because they were more than likely dudes because Jaden doesn't bring girls over that much.
"Not like you're doing anything today" He chuckled leaning against the door frame.
"Bold of you to assume" I crossed my arms and laughed. I gave in and just nodded "fine fine"
He smiled and left to go back downstairs. I'm guessing i have to dress decently then, time to go swimming in my closet. I fished out a cute dress but had a staring competition with it for a solid minute and a half debating on whether i wanted to look THAT nice. I don't wear dresses often because like why.
There's was now a competition on whether to wear a pink velvet dress or black jeans with a bandana top thing. Should've probably asked who's coming over because if it's someone i like i'll wear the dress but if it's someone i don't like then i'll wear the black jeans because why dress nice. :)
I'm deciding to put on the dress because i don't think Jaden would invite someone or people i don't like. If he does then he gon get the smoke. pa pow. ok.
time skip
"Kaylee she's here!" I heard jaden yell. Uhm SHE? do he mean a FEMALE? He's gon get the smoke i swear. he said PEOPLE...PLURAL...MULTIPLE body's. I slapped a hair tie on my wrist in case of emergencies aka me beating a bitch and walked down stairs.
They were nowhere in the house so i walked out to the back yard to check in the pool. When i tell you i was FLAMING on who i saw. Yes you're correct it was Mads. I gave her the dirtiest look ever and Jaden as i was not impressed.
"Calm down babe" Jaden laughed.
"What did you just call me sir?"
"SHIT! I meant kaylee...bad habit" he chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. He either accidentally did that fr or did that so he wouldn't get his shit rocked because NO MA'AM.
Mads is about to get her shit rocked if she opens her mouth so, buckle up baby.