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❤️:429k. 💬:94k itskaylee: never look back unless you throwing dat ass baby comments fanacct: period >itskaylee: periyat 😌 jadenhossler: i took this >itskaylee: liar >charlidamelio: i took it😠 fanacct: were you at the hype house >itskaylee: nope tontlopez: fit : fire notnoen: you're little >itskaylee: i put the lit in little fanacct: the things i'd do if i looked like this hateacc: hoe pose alissaviolet: wowie😍 fanacct: i'm punching air rn😭 pretty af >itskaylee: u pretty paytonmoormeier: swag >itskaylee: 🤓😎
still softish: thanks for the disstrack ❤️
bryce😤: np bro, enjoy
joshewa: you knew we were doing it shh
dunkin bby🧡: you knew?
still softish: yeah
dunkin bby🧡: they dissed me in it about you saying i'm your world. Kinda embarrassing
still softish: i didn't write it
helicopter🚁: you did see the lyrics though beforehand
still softish: it's a joke though
dunkin bby🧡: it makes me feel dumb that i believed that you didn't cheat
ness💙: i tried to tell you char 😞
dicksie😏: idek what to say
add a son💗: me either. i'm not getting involved
jaydan❤️: i mean they were just joking
me: what are you guys talking about
dunkin bby🧡: josh n bryce made a disstrack as u prob know and chase knew about it from a long time ago and i feel like a fool for believing him about not cheating on me and now most of them are saying it's a joke
me: oh dude. dm me separately char
bryce😤: i think there's a bit of overreacting going on in here
me: if she's upset she's upset nobody asked you for your opinion
still softish: tell her i'm sorry
me: you tell her yourself
dicksie😏: she is pretty upset. She's strong though
doormat: still softish fucked this one up
still softish: at least i don't look like good dinosaur
add a son💗: all of you shushhh
my clown🤡 : i'm over here tryna eat my seaweed in peace so yeah can y'all not
antoeknee: don't start beef puh lease
jaydan❤️: agreed
biker noen: i'm staying OUT
abby💜: me too🤓
hoover: me and alex have no part
mads🦋: this is over a disstrack? cmon ppl
jaydan❤️: ^^^
dicksie😏: charli is sensitive
Grayson #2: i'm not siding
my clown🤡: subject change. Jaden what happened with the counter