"I didn't fucking send them Jaden! Why for the life of you can you not just believe me?" I cursed at him with my hands signalling everywhere. He wouldn't believe that i never sent them messages, which i actually didnt.
"I still don't believe you! Only reason why i'm NOT checking your phone is because i know seeing them in real life will just piss me off more!" He argued. We've been shouting at eachother back and forth for like 20 minutes now and we got no where. This was definitely our biggest fight and i don't wanna know how it's about to end.
"Oh for fuck sake Jaden. If you don't wanna check my phone then what's the point of me standing here?"
"Yeah you're right" His voice lightened "What is the point of you standing there" He looked up at me smiling as he was still on the couch.
I furrowed my brows in confusion as he just stared at me. I had nothing to say because he said nothing I could respond to?
"What?!" I managed to scoff out
"Pack up and either fucking sleep with Bryce in his room or go to the hype house" He stood up and walked into the kitchen.
"You're not kicking me out over something i didn't do and you won't even look for proof for it!"
"Just shut up and get out of my house" He said in a calm voice.
I felt a presence behind me but had no energy in me to turn around, all i could focus on was my anger and how happy Jaden looked with himself for apparently kicking me out.
"She stays where she is" It was Bryce. He threw his hand over my shoulder and just looked at Jaden in the kitchen.
"Oh really? you're just sticking up for your little girlfriend because idk if i made it clear or not kaylee but we're done" He said nothing after that and walked outside into the back and sat by the pool. It's only been 2 months of us together but...ok cool.
I felt embarrassed as Bryce probobly heard everything word for word of our argument. We never argue this badly and when we do they are stupid little ones we keep to ourselves.
"I'm sorry. You didn't have to stick up for me, he's just being an ass. Ignore him" Tears flood my eyes as i put my head down and walked to me and jadens room.
I kneel down by the drawers in the closet and start taking clothes out and packing them into my suitcase. I need a break so i'm going to text charli and ask if i'd be allowed stay at the Hype House.
"What are you packing up for Kay? I said you're not going anywhere" Bryce came up by the door scaring me a bit.
"Listen i need time away from Jaden and even though them messages are fake, i am better off giving him space" I mumble continuing to pack things away.
I seen his hand come down by my face from behind me. I turned around and looked up at him and he nodded his head at his hand telling me to take it.
I put my hand in his and he helped me up. He looked at me in the eyes and wiped the tears on my face away using both his thumbs as his hands were now cupped around my face
He pulled me in for a hug and it was a long hug, something i needed. It felt like a weight off my chest. It's nice to hug other people once in a while.
He smiled and walked out and i got a notification from Charli saying she will collect me in an hour. I panic pack everything else i had in the room and close the door behind me. I waved goodbye to the boys except Jaden and promised them i'd come back no matter what.
"Have fun and stay safe kitten" Bryce smiled. I didn't find him saying kitten weird at all, i didn't think of it as a pet name i just now think of it as a nickname like someone calling somebody 'kid'.
time skip
I was settled into my new 'home'. I say that but, i'll be out of here by the end of the week probobly. I was staying with another guy but not in the same bed. His name was Nick who i'm pretty sure knows Jaden because he asked for my insta on his last post of me, so his name rung some bells."Why didn't he check your phone?" Nick asked handing me back my phone. I showed him me and Bryces messages to prove i sent him nothing.
"I don't know. He just started waffling on about how he doesn't wanna see the messages in real life." I replied
"That's dumb as hell. His loss anyways so fuck em" He seems sweet and isn't bad looking at all. "I'll keep you entertained in here anyways" He smirked
What the hell is that supposed to mean? I don't know if that's a good thing, bad thing or just weird. Probably overthinking it so i just laughed as a response. Awkward? I think...no.