"Kay wake uppp" I hear jaden nag at me while shaking me.
"What? Is somethin wrong?" I asked rubbing my eyes and sitting up. I faced him and pulled my hair out my face.
"Nooo i have a surprise for you. Get dressed"
"Jaden i'm tired what is i-" i was cut off by him
He leaned in close to my face "I said get dressed" He smiled and pecked my nose and then my lips and ran downstairs.
I got up and got dressed. I put on black sweats with flames up the bottoms of them and a thrasher jumper. I put on these black filas i've had for a while like the big papa ones yeah them. Idk how else to describe them, they're big. 😏.....
I clipped a fanny pack around my shoulder and threw money and my phone in it and off a tampon, emergencies ladies. (fannys an odd word and me being irish it has a whole diff meaning. same for the brits)
I hopped down the steps and walked to the front door and nobody was in the house as i called for them like six times. I walked out to the car and Bryce, Jaden, Kio, Griffin and josh was there.
"You guys could've told me you were out here, i sounded insane calling for y'all when you guys weren't even in there. I could feel the demons being concerned" I folded my arms
"Just get in the car" Jaden said as he places his hand on my back gently directing me to the car as we all got in.
"Where is anthony?" i asked
"He's with Avani" Josh replied and i nodded my head.
It's been about 20 mins and i still have no idea where we are going. We pulled up outside bowing alley and arcade, and they parked in the back.
They gestured me out of the car so i assume we're going to bowl or play arcade games.
"Beb close your eyes" Jaden smiled.
"I'm scared i wouldn't be surprised if you guys kidnap me" I say as i put my hands over my eyes with my sleeves covering my hands.
I feel hands on my back assuming it was Jadens as he directed me in the building, hence me almost tripping over a tiny step.
We enter a room with loud music which was definitely the bowling alley and the room was very warm but quiet. I heard no kids as i usually would.
"Ok you can open now" I feel his hands leave my back as i remove my hands to the sight of Noen, Payton, Charli, Anthony and Avani. I haven't seen Avani in about a month, payton in like a few weeks and Noen in 4/5 months.
My jaw dropped open as i just stared at them all.
"I uh think she's broken" Avani said pointing at me making me laugh.
"I love all you guys but imma have to hug Noen first" As i usain bolted to noen, jumping in his arms like the cringey best friends meet eachother for the first time type thing.
"I missed you so much" I whispered in his ear.
"I missed you too kid"
He let me down as i hugged everyone else and thanked them for coming and for getting everyone together for me.
"So it's now 2:30pm" Jaden states looking at his phone. "We have this place to ourselves until 9pm" He smiled at me
I did a little weird excited dance that idk how to explain as we started to team up for bowling. It was me Noen, Avani, Charli, payton and kio against the other 5, who was Griffin, Josh, Jaden, Anthony and Bryce.
Halfway through the game we were loosing by only one point but i was competitive especially with Jaden against me because if he won he'd hold it against me until i'm in a grave.
"Gimme a damn ball" I said storming my little self over to the thing that gives you the balls idfk. They all were laughing at me because i was being aggressive but how short i was.
I picked the ball up and started windmilling it round and round until they told me stop before i let it go and kill someone. I stopped and brought my hand very far back and yeeted the ball. Maybe a bit..too hard. It hit off the ceiling and echoed around the building as i covered my mouth and i didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I chose laugh as everyone was already laughing at me. I became red as shit in the face from embarrassment.
"SORRY!" I shouted behind me because i didn't know whoever was here where they were so i just apologised and even if they checked CCTV they'd see i apologised duh.
We continued playing for another hour and and we lost to them twice and only won one as we did best of 3. So i was prepared to be mocked by Jaden and even Noen even though he was on my team.
"HA. You lose" Jaden yelled pointing with the tip of his finger on my nose and i pouted. I lightly slapped his hand away and walked off to the arcade section and halfway there Noen picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
They had a huge cotton candy machine so i ran straight over to it and got a blue one. I knew people would take some so i just didn't try hold back from them. Everyone took a piece and there was still a lot left it was huge.
We played a lot of games and the funniest one was a huge crossy road and you have to press this huge red button to hop the animal across the road. It was Anthony's turn and he died at score 68 and wanted to get 69 and smashed his hand down on the button from anger...luckily didn't break the poor thing. It was funny though just how mad he got, almost choked on my cotton candy.
9pm came and i said bye to everyone. Noen and Payton were the hardest but they don't live too far away now, they're just very busy. Payton with music and Noen with his modelling and his own brand in general.
We dropped off Avani and Charli at their house along with Anthony because he was staying with Avani for the night. I thanked Jaden and the rest of the guys of course for helping me see them all.
I took a shower and got into my usual, sweats and jadens hoodie. I was so tired only after doing bowling and i fell asleep.
I then woke up not too long after to jaden getting into the bed and i rolled over to face him bc i wanted to be cuddled.
He pulled my into his chest as usual and did that thing where he rubbed his thumb back and forth on my shoulder.
"I won bitchhhh" He whispered in my ear making me jump up barely missing his chin.
"Don't even- fine imma sleep by myself" I said turning over and not even facing him.
"No no wait i'm kidding beb" He grabbed my waist flipping me over and i tried break out of his grip by wiggling. "you're not getting out silly" He laughed and he wrapped his free leg over my waist and his foot twisted between my legs so i couldn't move. I just started laughing and couldn't stop and i was laughing at myself tbh because of how i couldn't break out of his grip.
"Ugh fine whateverrr.." i groaned "HUG ME" I whisper yelled lifting my arm up that was free and he pulled me into a hug and we fell asleep, as you should.
this book has been gettin sm read over past 2-3 days so...THANK YOU!75k😭💗
i hope y'all are actually enjoying this so far and i'll bring y'all more smut and drama soon, hold onto your underwear🤓