"Jaden" I say in a low tone. I wanted to spend time with him. I'm working very hard, as he is too, to build back up our friendship. After the bump in the road, our friendship has been a little damaged.
I was just inviting him to a little walk on the beach this evening when it was quiet. The sunsets in LA are beautiful with amazing purple to pink gradients or red to yellow, you know what i mean.
"Yeah?" He looked up from his phone as our eyes met. I could literally sink in his eyes, as cringe and cliche as it sounds, it's true. They're very bluish green and could snatch your virginity by looking into them. I ruined that cute paragraph with that. sorry. (:
"Wanna go to the beach later? Like for a walk. You don't have to if you're busy i was just wondering.." I panicked halfway through that sentence if you hadn't noticed. I started saying iF yOu WeReNt bUsY...like, I don't care if you're busy, you're coming with me!
"I'm really sorry Kay, but i have something on tonight. Maybe another night?"
"Oh ok, sure" I smiled for a sec, and walked out the door. I wondered what he had planned because he had no meetings, in pretty much his assistant this point, i get emails when he has meetings n stuff because he never opens them.
I flopped down on my bed and took a deep breath. I was starting to think he just has no general interest in me that way anymore, and i'm not just judging that off of him saying he doesn't wanna come with me to the dumb beach, i just mean he's been acting distant.
I don't know
maybe he's just trying to give me space or something.
>Jadens POV<
I felt very bad denying Kaylees offer to visit the beach, but, i had already planned a whole thing for us at the beach with blankets because i know she loves the sunset. I was in pure shock that she asked me the exact same day as i had planned it, it was like a secret or something.
I texted Kio and Anthony who were at the beach setting up the blankets and lights to send pictures, as they did.
It looked so cute and the view was gorgeous. It was quiet at the beach they said, no more than 10 people there. It's 6pm now, and i was bringing her there at 7pm. I knew exactly how i'd get her there too.
>Kaylees POV<
"Hey Kaylee, what about that walk on the beach? I cancelled my plans" I turn around on my bed to see Jaden leaning against the door frame asking to go to the beach for a walk. He claims to have cancelled any plans he had and go with me.
I smile and nod at him. He tells me to be ready by 7, which was 55 mins from now so i quickly did so. Throwing on high waisted jeans and basic superstars and a crop top. I put a cropped bomber jacket over my crop top so it was easy removable. FOR WARMTH PURPOSES...mind out of the gutter.
We headed to the beach at 7 and i hopped out the car. We started higher than usual because Jaden wanted to go for a longer walk this time.
We get halfway to where we usually start walking and i see stuff piled on the floor in front of me with light shining on it.
"Is that someone's things?" I ask Jaden. He just looks at me and smirks weirdly. He points again to the stuff and i was still confused. "Pointing at it isn't helping" I laugh hitting him playfully. no abuse here to be seen.
"Just walk to it idiot"
I walked forward and it was these blankets layed out with one of them mini cooler things beside it. There was battery powered fairy lights along 2 cute pillows stacked on the blankets, one beside the other.
"I think somebody had a date or something here and either went somewhere or didn't bother tidying everything up" I looked at Jaden to see what he thought and he just face palmed himself pretty hard. "What?"
He turned towards me and cupped my face with both hands and just looked at me. "You got the looks but you really don't got the brains" He laughed.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I folded my arms and pouted. His hands slid from around my face to on top of my shoulders.
"This is for me and you. I got Ant and Kio to come set it up earlier and i was shocked how you wanted to come here too on the same day i had planned this. These were my plans and i declined your offer because i had this one planned since like 3 days ago." He paused and laughed lightly looking down and back up. "Then i figured since you asked to go here, i'd take advantage of that and bring you here convincing you it was your idea"
"Woah. That's insane. Thank you. You really didn't have to put in like this much work just for me though"
"Of course i did are you crazy, You tried everything for me and never gave up on me. This is cringe but i'd literally do anything for you idiot." He smiled and hugged me. I was wrong anyways on what i said earlier. Maybe he does still have feelings for me that way, well, i hope so anyways.