So...Turns out that he thinks that we all set it up and Nick doesn't like me and Jaden just thinks it's for him to let me back in or talk to me again.
He claims he's not going to believe it until TikTokRoom post it on insta so i'm going to dm them to post it. That sounds like Toxic but they saw the messages because i sent them but never posted.
It's been 2 hours and they've posted them. I've gotten nothing from Jaden nor has Chase. He's being ridiculous at this point.
I turn to my phone to see a notification from Jaden and he dmed me on instagram. I quickly without hesitation grab my phone and open the notif.
Hey i'm sorry i didn't believe you..
It's alright..but you didn't have to be so rude. You kicked me out and wouldn't even check my phone.
I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry if i hurt you. I yelled a lot and we never had a fight like that. I'm sorry.
Listen it's fine. It just hurt when you kicked me out there and then without even looking at the messages and assumed I did it. It hurt because you would think i'd do that to you..You posted with mads so you've either moved on fast or didn't miss me at all and wanted my attention.
No! I know you wouldn't. I was just caught up in that second that my words took me over and i lost it. And of course i missed you over the few days. Kay i literally posted with Mads to try get your attention.
My attention?? I tried messaging you everyday like twice and i got nothing.
Yeah because i ignored them. I just wanted it to make it look like you wanted me back more than i probobly wanted you back. I was a dick about it.
I guess. But that's a dick move Jaden.
I know...But PLEASE! come back to Sway house. Bryce is slowly loosing his mind over here Kay :/
Well i don't know. I have been wanting to go back but i think we should take more time away. I feel like rushing it back together will make everything crumble again.
It won't! I promise! We don't have to get back together right away..never again even if you want...
Ofc i want to get back together with you but not yet. It's too much to handle right now for me and probably for you too..
That's fine with me. Just please come back we all miss you.
Okay...I'll be over tomorrow. I'm going to spend one more night here then i'll head back to you guys.
I'm glad. See you tmr Kay..i'm sorry again <3
Goodnight Jaden
I layed in bed thinking about if i should actually go back or not. I didn't even want to turn my head and look at Nick. He hasn't even said sorry yet. He's the reason i've lost Jaden.
My whole body is just full of anger. I keep thinking of everything bad that's happened and can't even think of any good things if there was any. I don't think i was ready to go back but i missed Bryce and Jaden a lot. Of course the rest of the house but Jaden and Bryce mostly.
I couldn't really sleep. It's almost 2:30am and i got into bed at 11pm. I tuned my phone off at 1am. I have a feeling of something bothering me but i don't know what. It's like an uneasy feeling i've got.
I opened a drawer next to me and took out sleeping tablets i've had for ages now. I don't know why i still have them. I got them like a year ago when i couldn't sleep for a week because i'm over dramatic. :)
I eventually fell asleep but couldn't stop thinking on what it's gonna be like tomorrow. I have a gut feeling it'll be awkward and we won't know what to say.
It's like we've gone from best friends to strangers within a week...