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❤️: 493k. 💬: 58k paytonmoormeier: love hurts, y'know? comments itskaylee: i do know fanacct: You okay pay? luvanthony: ly brotha >paytonmoormeier: ❤️! jadenhossler: felt >paytonmoormeier: :/// fanacct: he likes kaylee >paytonmoormeier: no. I never said that madslewis: head up buddy
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❤️:429k. 💬86k itskaylee: It is friday my dudes. comments fanacct: are u and jaden ok now itskaylee: don't ask meee bc idk :( paytonmoormeier: miss u kid >itskaylee: i'm older hateacc: no respect for u madslewis: i mean the skirts cute >fanacct: i can smell the shade fanacct: jaden just posted and threw a lot of shade for nothing, she did nun😐 >itskaylee: ilu❤️
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❤️:593k. 💬:82k jadenhossler: we don't give a f**k about no b!tch comments fanacct: you need to calm your balls luvanthony: oof chill itskaylee: oh ffs just dm me fanacct: he doin too much i-😳 comments were disabled
dude why are you acting so rude?
how? i'm not
you clearly called me a bitch and that i ruin you n shit. i did NOTHING :/
you got too big of a head not everything abt you
what else is it abt? what's happened to you..u were so sweet😐
people change
wow how aesthetic. tell me a proper reason
i don't have one
whatever. how u gna treat me on monday now? not talk to me?