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"Okay,Ameer listen, I did loved you and you jilted me. I just don't understand why your little brain is telling you that I can get back with you. You know what is pissing me off right now? The guts that you have and the audacity. Aren't you even ashamed? You want to play with my emotions or what Ameer? I am sorry but I can't do this, You're not worthy of my heart anymore." I say standing up to leave but he grabbed my hands stopping me from moving away.
I am already ragging and he is adding fuel to the fire in me already.

"Don't leave me like this Leenah, I really want to be with you. I've realized my mistake and I am willing to change, all that has happened wasn't what I wanted I admit that I was foolish to have hurt a pure soul like you but trust me, never again." he say with a hint of sadness in his eyes but that did not even get me as I now know how manipulative he can be.
I stare at him for some minutes without even know what to say, that's when I saw the tears...

I looked at him for a moment not knowing what to say. It really hurts to see a man shading tears because of a woman. But this is not a man, it is the thing who can't treat a girl properly.
"I am sorry Ameer" I say and pulled my hand out of his before I ran towards Najma ignoring all the way he's been calling ky name and trying to catch up with me.
"Najma, We need to go now" I say not looking at the guy she was busy chattering with as that isn't even the mood I am in at the moment.
I left the restaurant not wanting to spend even one more minute in it.
As soon as I went out, I saw Ameer's car drove off insanely.
I shook my head and muttered that's why he keeps bumping into people's car anyhowz.
I walk towards my car and sit at the passenger's seat. Najma should drive. I'm in no mood to drive.

After 5mins Najma is still not out... I wonder what she's still doing! I grab my phone and dialed her number. But she did not even pick it up.
Then I saw her coming out grinning from ear to ear with someone beside her! Not just someone but a guy And he looks familiar ...? Wow wow wow! This girl never cease to surprise me.

They head towards the car and Najma was like. "Here she is" Are they planning on kidnapping me or something?
"Yeah, your best friend huh?" He ask raising his brow. "Hi! My name is Imran, I was Najma's pair during your sister's wedding and I bumped into her at the restaurant, it's nice to meet you Leenah" he say all at once and grinning revealing his white teeth.
"Ohhh! Wow! Cool! Erhmmm... hmmm... Its nice to meet you too Imran!" I say speechlessly.

"Ok... we have to go now Imy!" She say smiling shy lines at him.
Imy?? What kind of lame nickname is that and what the heck is going on here?

"Bye Imran!" I say smiling
"Bye girls, take care!" He say waving at us.
With that, Najma drove off
"So... Imy huh?" I say teasing her
"C'mon, we just got along cause we were kinda open to each other" she say and I saw a hint of smile in her face.
"Ohh cool! It always starts like that" I say clearing my throat in other to annoy her.
"Whatever, what did Ameer say in there?"

I narrated the whole story to her leaving her shocked.

"Oh my God, Leenah. I can't believe he had the audacity to come and plead with you like that. He really doesn't know how to take no for an answer, does he?" Najma says, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I know, right? It's like he doesn't even care about the pain he caused me. All he's thinking about is his own selfish desires," I say, sighing heavily.

"Well, don't let him get to you. You deserve better than that. You deserve someone who will love you and treat you right, not someone who will just use you and hurt you," Najma says, patting my hand reassuringly.

"I know, I know. I just can't help but wonder if I made the right decision. It's like a part of me still loves him, even though I know I shouldn't," I say, feeling a pang of guilt in my chest.

"Leenah, you have to let go of that. He's not worth it. You deserve to be happy, and you can't do that if you're still holding on to someone who doesn't deserve you," Najma says, giving me a stern look.

"You're right. I just need to move on and focus on myself. I can't let him bring me down anymore," I say, determined to put Ameer behind me and start fresh.

"That's the spirit! You're stronger than you think, Leenah. You can overcome this and come out even better than before," Najma says, giving me a warm smile.

I nod, feeling a renewed sense of strength and determination. I may have made some mistakes in the past, but I'm not going to let that hold me back. I'm going to move on and create a bright, beautiful future for myself.

The rest of the ride went by without anyone saying anything and I really needed that silence.

At Najma's house, we say our prayers and I ate along with her family
She has such a sweet, caring and loving family whom have each other's backs and extremely supportive.

We finish having our meals and chatted with her family, I so much enjoy their company. Soon I realize that it is getting late and the last thing I'd want right now is mum's rants. So, I bid the family and left.

I arrived home and thought of telling mum all about I and Ameer. I can't keep hiding this from them and they deserve to know and they'll get to find out sooner or later.

I narrated all that had happened between I and Ameer to her leaving her speechless and shook.
"Leenah dear, whatever that is yours will make itself to you and whatever is meant for you will make it's way to you. Don't beat up yourself too much and have fate in your lord as he will heal and bring you someone who is far better than him" she say smiling sweetly at me.
"Thank you mum, when will dad be back" I ask immediately trying to change the whole topic.
"He said soon. I have no idea" she says
"Okay, may he be back safely, I should go to my room now" i say and sauntered towards my room praying not to bump into Meelah as she'll start asking me questions which I am not ready for right now.

I successfully reach my room without seeing Meelah anywhere which I am thankful for.

I laid on my bed and closed my eyes, trying to clear my mind and focus on the positive. I have a job interview tomorrow and I need to be in the right mindset to make a good impression. I can't let Ameer or any other distractions get in the way of my goals.

I took a few deep breaths and reminded myself that I am capable and competent. I have the skills and experience to excel in this job, and I just need to believe in myself and give it my best shot.

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