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Leenah's POV
"Congratulations! It's now official" was the first thing Noor says when I picked up the call.
"Omg! Alhamdulillah (All thanks be to the almighty). Congratulations to you too baby" I say smiling.

"Thank you,Can't wait to see you" he say excitedly.
"Same here!" I say and hung up the call grinning.

I told the girls and we kept dancing happily. They kept teasing me non stop.

"Sameera, please go tell mum and the rest" I say.

At one point I am happy but still can't believe that I am married.
The artist finished making my face and the girls escorted me down to where everyone is.. I got tons of comments from the groom's side and also my family as well.
The groom and his friends came by after the reception was over and we take so many pictures. Before I went in to finish greeting the  guests inside.

The first person my eyes fell on was my aunt, Rahma. She kept glaring at me. But I ignored the looks and just went to greet her.

"So it's now that you've seen me? After your rudeness of rejecting the man I choose for you and making me look like a bad person" she says still the owing daggers at me.
As if she isn't bad And rudeness? Seriously?!

"I am sorry" I say and stood up ready to leave.
"If it is your mother will you just leave like that while she's talking to you?" She says making me stop I turned, looked at her for almost a minute and left without saying a word.

I heard people that were there telling her that what she did wasn't right. 'As if she'll listen.'

I couldn't stop myself from crying after all the words of advice I got from different set of people (the elders).
I am leaving my family to go live with those that am not much familiar with.

"Exercise patience and stop crying" Aleeya, Meelah and Najma kept saying to me when they're also crying.
I hugged everyone for the umpteenth time before they bid me. I got into the car with my Najma and few of my cousins while Imran drove.

We arrived at Noor's house first to greet his mum.

She kept praying to us nonstop till it was time for us to leave.

We arrived at our destination and my legs felt heavy. The tears aren't coming anymore, I looked up to have a view of the house immediately I stepped out of the car.

The house looks big. Moderately big and is decorated with amazing flowers of different colors and shapes that smells heavenly.

I was escorted into the house by my aunties and they were also trying to soothe me. Little did they know that I am done crying and just want to be with my husband.

The elders left after about an hour and I was left all alone with my friends as the groom and his friends aren't here yet. I kept dancing out of joy while the girls join in. I went into each and every corner of the house.
The house has 4bedrooms , 2living rooms, a kitchen and a store. Everything was royal and I liked everything about the house as it is simple and elegant everything was screaming luxury.

Noor's POV
My friends wouldn't stop teasing me.
"Can't believe you're getting married man!" Asad says laughing.

"I have to follow your steps man" I say
"You ought to" Imran chipped in.
We went inside the house but it looks as if it's empty.

So I went into my room first but she wasn't there.
I went to the room next to mine

"Boom!" Najma yell which startled us all and the girls joined her in laughing.

I just shake my head and went towards my wife who's all covered up.
Was about to to open her face when my sister stopped me
"Not too soon bro" she says giggling
"Shut up!" I say and Aleeya chipped in
"Don't!" She warned

"Money first" they say in unison making me roll me eyes
"We're no longer in that era please" I say moving closer to my wife
"Okay then, let's go Leenah" they say grabbing her hands and Imran immediately stopped them.

And gave them a bundle of God knows what note
"Thanks for coming" I say trying to push the guys out. 'Just want to be left alone with my wife.'

"Fine, brat! Keep us updated" Imran said and I knocked his head
"Goodluck" Asad mutter grabbing his wife.

Najma said something to Leenah and they chuckled before she pushed her man out
Azra trailed behind them.
I followed them to luck the house and heard them drove off.

I went in to see her veil lifted and she was smiling sweetly at me.
"You're so beautiful girl" I say moving closer .

"Greetings to you too, thank you" she says getting up.

I grabbed her immediately and engulfed her into a tight hug.
"I love you so much Leenah, it's good to know and feel what love is like with you" I say hugging her tight and she hugged me back

Leenah's POV
We've prayed and had a shower. I changed into my nightwear and so did Noor.

"I'm hungry" I whined
He didn't say anything but just kept looking at me.
I ignored his looks and went into the kitchen as I am so hungry. Extremely!

I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge/freezer. My eyes fell on a huge container of icecream. Maybe I am not hungry I muttered and grabbed it.
I took it along with me to the living room. Along with two spoons incase Noor would like to join.

That's when my eyes landed on different cooler on the dining and opened them. Which contained chicken. Peppered, grilled, fried and boiled with egg. 'Delicious I say licking my lips.'

Noor came out of nowhere and grabbed me from behind placing kisses all over me.
"The ice cream is melting" I half yell making him jump and I chuckled.
"Baby that's not fair, why must you be hungry?" He says trailing behind me.
"Cause I didn't get to eat anything the whole day" I say handing him the other spoon.

"Ohh my baby, and you're going to have this?" He say stuffing some ice cream into his mouth.
"Was going to have the chicken but you made me forget" I say looking away and digging in into the ice cream.

Who knows that my first night was going to be like this?
"Okay, Let's hurry up please" he says still digging in into the ice-cream
"Are we going somewhere?" I ask innocently.

"Maybe, I am taking to somewhere you've never been" he says dashing me a wink.

I kept shut and slowly close the ice cream container and get it back to where it was before serving us the chicken in the same plate.
We finished and I take away everything.

"I love you Leenah, I really do love you a lot" Noor say for the 100th time this night.

"I love you too honey" taking him by surprise, I smash my lips on his... he was surprised for a moment before he gave in.

This is all I could ever ask for, I am so grateful for not making the mistake of marrying someone like Ameer. SonThankful for having someone who genuinely loves me not just because of my looks or what I possess but for the sake of The Almighty I pray to have the patience to live with him and continue bringing him to the right path. I pray to be able to support him in every situation as long as it is legal. I pray to God to bless our union.

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