Chapter four

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It was 8:00pm when I got home.

As soon as I closed the door violate popped into my face half screaming “oh my god Amber I thought you would never comeback but your dad told me that sometimes you come back home late but that didn’t stop me from worrying_”

She took a deep breath and continued “I’m so sorry”

I didn’t say anything, I just kept walking looking to my dad, and it seemed like violate knows what was on my mind “your dad went out for work… that’s what he told me”

I kept ignoring her and even though I felt bad about it, but this is who I am if you know what I mean?

I opened the refrigerator to grab some homemade strawberry juice


Still ignoring…

“If you want I can leave tomorrow morning…?”

Stay strong Amber, just ignore her…

I went to my room, and of course she was following me but before she could enter my room I shut the door… IN HER FACE, which made me feel bad more about it but hey, I just discovered that I had half-sister…

Make sense?

It continued for a week… me ignoring violates; she didn’t give up… like literally she did NOT give up at all.

Things that violate did to me and I don’t know why I’m writing this list but here you go:

1-    she made me pancakes, my favorite dish (I refused to eat it )

2-    She bought  me a book “the truth about forever” the one I was looking for in months  (with a small scream inside of me, I had to return it to her)

3-    She told me that I could borrow whatever I want from her outfit (now that was a rude thing to say considering my style was kind of Emo/punk while she was wearing Barbie outfit)

4-    I found all of my music albums organized in an alphabet way, that’s when I know she has pull, the last straw…


I got down the stairs in a rush, I was ready to kill her and it was going to happen but my father was in the middle.

Dad: What’s going on?

Me: Where is she? Where is this little god damn bi-

Dad: Hey watch your tongue young lady!

Violate: did someone just call me?

Me: YOU! I’m going to kill you!

Violate: what the hell???

Me: who told you to touch my music albums ha?!!

Dad: she touched your what?

Violate: they were all around your room; I thought you will be pleased if I put them all in one place and_


Violate: okay I’m sorry, it’s not a big deal though?! They are just some cd’s…

Dad: oh god, you didn’t not just say that to her…


If my dad didn’t get literary between us, I would have spent whole life in jail… but yeah.


Everything changed that night…. everything.

I was at the market buying some stuff my dad needed.

And guess who I saw?

It was him. Adam the stalker or whatever he calls himself.

Before he could notice or anything I walked through the cashier quietly and paid then walked toward the door.

While I was trying to stay quite as possible while unlocking my bike lock, I was straggling between tried not to make the plastics bags dropped from my hands and controlled my nerves.

But the key doesn’t seem to fit inside the lock, a voice behind me said “need some help?”

I turned around and found myself facing a guy… a collage guy I guess.

“Yeah… please” I mumbled even though I hate getting help from people especially boys, but I have no choice or soon I will be having another nonsense conversation with that Adam guy.

“Here you go” he told me.

“Thanks” I said without even looking at him.


The moment I entered the house, I heard my dad calling me “Amber... Violate…”

Why did he call violate?

“I’m here!” I responded.

My dad showed up with a concern look on his face “Amber… where is Violate??”

“She was here when I went out to buy what you asked for” I hold the plastics bags in front of him “why?”

“I think she’s gone, when I came home I didn’t find neither her nor you, so I guessed both of you would be out, but not… oh god” he said and collapsed on a chair beside the door.

“What?! Why in the world did you think she was out with me dad! What about her stuff, are they gone too??” I rushed to the stairs, heading to the guest room, the one that violate slept in…

It was empty… the room was empty.

The concern started sneaking into my heart, but I shake it off by telling myself, it’s gonna be alright…. But that made it a lot worse actually.

“Her luggages are missing, I’m going to_” I stopped when I saw my dad wearing his jacket.

He looked at me “You stay here Amber; I’ll go and look for her”

“No… no, I’m coming with you” I said.

“No! You’re staying here!” he insisted.

“It’s my fault, I can’t stand setting here waiting! I’m coming with you”

He looked at me with a concern look, “please” I begged.

“Fine, but be careful” he opened the door “I will scan the town center, maybe she went there, it may be a small town but it could be dangerous at night and god knows what else” he added.

I know what he meant…. by dangerous, especially for a girl like Violate.

“I will check the beach” I said finally.

“Okay, but don’t get too close to the fair… it’s Friday”

“I won’t, I promise”

“Amber…” my dad called.

I turned around and looked at him “yes dad?”

“It’s not your fault”

I smiled weakly and start running down the beach.

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