A Mother and Son's Reunion! Goku Meets Gine!

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Gine lands harshly on earth as she wakes up with a few bruises on her arm. She looks around and realizes that the people around her have a relatively low power level so anyone who tries to attack her can easily be defeated. Using her scouter, or Bardock's in this case, she scans around for powerlevels until she reaches a high power level near an island. Gine quickly flies over the island until she reaches Kame house.

Gine: Who is this person? Why are they so powerful? I have to be careful.

Gine takes a peak at Master Roshi's place and sees all the dirty magazines and TV programs he watches

Gine: Oh my gosh, people of earth are real perverts! I hope my son isn't like this.

Roshi notices Gine on his window so he gets out to see who she is

Roshi: Hey show yourself!

Gine hides but Roshi, with his tactics, immediately spots her. Roshi notices her tail as well.

Roshi: Who are you saiyan!?

Gine: Huh? sorry I was just looking for my son haha...

Roshi: No problem, I'll forgive you, if you let me have some of those saiyan panties if you know what I mean HIHIHI!

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Roshi: No problem, I'll forgive you, if you let me have some of those saiyan panties if you know what I mean HIHIHI!

Gine: AHHH *SMACKS* You pervert!!!

Roshi: Well why are you here on earth anyway?

Gine: Well, I'm looking for my son, Kakarot

Roshi: Kakarot? Aren't you a bit too young to be that boy's mom?

Gine: so you know him then?

Roshi: Of course I do! I've trained him ever since he was a little boy.

Gine: *facepalms* Oh no! my son is gonna turn out to be a pervert! Do you know where he is?

Roshi: Of course, since you can fly, you can easily get there in 7 minutes. Just go that way and you should see a house near the woods.

Gine: Thanks...umm

Roshi: Just call me master roshi

Gine: Thanks Roshi!

Roshi: it's master--oh well. I better tell Goku what's going on. Her powerlevel isn't too high so even if she was evil, she can't even land a punch on Goku. Plus she did have Goku's eyes and her hair looked like his a bit.

Gine arrives to Goku's house and sees Goten and Gohan training in the woods. Then to the right, she sees the house Roshi was talking about. Gine approaches that house and as she is approaching she sees Goku, her son, coming out of the house with a big smile on his face.

He was ready to train with his....sons? Could they really be? Gine thought to herself.

Gine flies down as Goku notices a saiyan with a tail approaching their house. Goku, Gohan and Goten take a stand and are ready for anything that comes their way. Gine calls on Goku.

Gine: Kakarot? Is that really you?

Goku: Huh? You know me?!

Gine: Do you remember me, Kakarotto?

Goku: umm.....no? Just speak up who are you!!?

Gine: Just take a guess kakarot *smiles*

Goku: You're an evil saiyan trying to destroy earth!

Gine: *punches Goku* No you idiot! I'm your mother!

Goku: wh-WHAAAT?!?!

Gine: Oh my Gosh just look at you! You've grown so much!

Goku: But how can that be?

Gine hugs Goku as he puts his hand on Gine's head.

Goku gets instant flashbacks of how Gine and Bardock sent him to earth. How did this happen you ask? Well remember the whole Goku reading minds thing that happened in the frieza saga? Well now Goku is using it to see if Gine was telling the truth, and he realizes that she was.

 How did this happen you ask? Well remember the whole Goku reading minds thing that happened in the frieza saga? Well now Goku is using it to see if Gine was telling the truth, and he realizes that she was

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Goku: Y-you are telling the truth....

Goku sheds a tear after he feels the memory coming back to him. He realizes what his parents had sacrificed for him feels guilty for not giving them any credit for it. In this moment, he regains all those memories back before he hit his head. It was an extremely emotional moment for Goku. He remembered everything he did with his parents before he was sent to Earth. And most importantly, he realizes what Bardock did to avenge the saiyans. Goku hugs Gine back tightly and then Goku takes Gine to meet his grandsons Goten and Gohan and it goes a bit like this:

Gohan: Hey grandma, it's an honour to meet you, my name is Gohan

Gine: Oh my gosh! Gohan! What a wonderful name! You have amazing manners dear! I am so glad I have an intelligent handsome grandson! *hugs*

Goten: haha and I'm Goten

Gine: Goten-chan!!! you are such a sweetheart just like your father!!!

Goku smiles and then decides to introduce her to Chichi. At first, Chichi is jealous and annoyed at Gine as she thinks she is Goku's new saiyan girlfriend or something since she seems way too young to be Goku's mother, and technically she is younger. However, Gine and Chichi later bond because of their shared love for cooking.

Chichi: Oh Gine! I can't wait to introduce you to Gohan's daughter pan!

Gine: Yeah, I'll need to learn a lot about you earthlings haha.

Goku: Hey mom, what's dad like? I can tell he's really strong. I really wanna fight him one day.

Gine: Well he sure has the same hair, and the same obsessive passion for battle

Goku: Hehe...well is he still alive?

Gine fills Goku in on the whole revival of the saiyans thing


Chichi: Goku, you know you're not going anywhere before you get a job!

Gine: Ya know Chichi, I used to work at the meat distribution centre, so I can really help you guys out

Chichi: That's really sweet of you Gine but Goku needs to learn how to be a proper adult

Goku: I am a proper adult!!!

Goku: I am a proper adult!!!

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