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Author's note: It has been 10 years since Bardock, Gine and Raditz have been revived. Bardock is approximately 35, Gine is approximately 32 and Raditz is about 30. Keep in mind that the reason their ages are so close is because they came back to life the same age they died. Also keep in mind that Bardock was wished back to life around the same time Kid Buu was defeated. At this point, 10 years have passed since Buu was defeated and 10 years have passed since Bardock was revived. So right now, the events are taking place around the same time as the last tournament in Z, where Goku takes Uub to train with him. One last thing, since Bardock was trained by one of the most powerful beings, if not, the most powerful being in the universe for 10 years, he can now achieve super saiyan 3, God, Blue (And even 4 and ultra instinct if you wanna go there). Raditz on the other hand, cannot do as much since he is not as strong but he can still go super saiyan 2 and ssj God (idk about 3 lmao that would look hilarious for his hair).

Gine: Bardock! Kohl sent a letter, he wants you to go meet him right now

Bardock: What? But I just finished training with him, dammit! Couldn't he have just told me earlier?! What must be so important--

*Kohl appears via instant transmission*

Bardock: uh--hey Kohl, what's going on?

Kohl: I have news. As you know, I have started sending some saiyans on missions to save planets.

Bardock: Yes Kohl I know! YOU sent me on those missions many times!

Kohl: Oh haha sorry, I guess immortality makes you forget certain things doesn't it?

Bardock: Go on! Whadya want?

Kohl: Well I was just wondering if you wanted to meet your son kakarot

Bardock: I don't want to get in his way, or limit his potential

Kohl: But you're stronger than him right now.

Bardock: Still, I was never there for him anyway, why should he trust me?

Kohl: Oh you do not want to meet him then?

Bardock: *smirk* No. I don't 

Kohl: Why is that?

Bardock: Hmph even if I wanted to, he would not see me as his father. Not when I haven't been there for him his entire life, and especially not after he bumped his head.

Kohl: Well, you could prove yourself a father by training him

Bardock: I don't care. He does not care either.

Kohl: Bardock, he hit his head and completely forgot about you....

Bardock: Well then he'll have to hit his head again and remember!

Kohl: You are a terrible father!

Bardock: Say what you want about me, I'm not seeing Kakarot yet

Gine: Hey!!!

Bardock: Gine?! What are you doing here? Were you spying on us?

Gine: Well I just happened to be walking by and I heard a lovely conversation about my Kaka-chan!

Bardock: Your kaka-chan?

Gine: I mean Kakarot stupid! 

Bardock: Yeah well I have no plans of meeting him

Gine: ugh just stop the tough guy act and let us meet him! You wanted him to unlock his potential and he did!

Bardock: Gine, we'll just get in the way!

Gine: Well I waited 10 years to meet him and I'm not waiting any longer for your "pride" Bardock!

Bardock: Gine where are you going?! GINE NO! 

The alarm goes off as Gine immediately steals a pod and leaves the planet for earth.

Kohl: Oh no.

Bardock: I'll stop her, *Bardock flies out* 

Kohl immediately grabs his tail to stop him

Kohl: Have you gone mad?!

Bardock: That wasn't an invisible pod! She can be in danger!

Kohl: Bardock! Control yourself. Don't let your anger overpower you! If you go after her, you'll only make it easier for the enemies to get to her due to your high power level!

Bardock: Grrrr! DAMN IT GINE!!!

Kohl: All we can do is hope that she gets to earth safely and finds your son. 


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