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Lisa Pov


Jiu left. She left and went to New York for her dream job. I wanted her to go, I couldn't hold her back, career wise and relationship wise. Long distance wasn't an option, she was going to be in a different country, with tons and tons of new people. I told her she would always be in my heart but she had to move on.



It's been three weeks since I first met Luca, and I've been there almost everyday, except for when I have my boys. I called Jennie earlier this week and asked her if Luca can stay with me, to finally meet his brothers, but she was hesitant. He's never been away from her before, so I told her she could come too. She agreed and I was happy, but nervous. This would be the first time she would be back in my house in five years.

With Jennie being back in my life it was like all the feelings I'd ever had for her came back and punch me in the gut. But, I had to clear my head, she would be here soon I couldn't act like a love sick horny teenager around her. Just as I was getting lost in my thoughts, I heard a knock on the door.

"Ok boys, go sit in the living room. I have a surprise for you, well not I actually don't know if you'll like it but hopefully you will." My boys nodded and left their artwork at the dinning room table to go to the living room. 

I walked over to the door and opened it, to see Jennie and Luca. "Hey buddy." I picked Luca up and held him in my arms, then kissed Jennie on the cheek. "They're in the living room. Hang back while I talk to them." Jennie nodded and took Luca back.

When I got to living room, I told the boys to sit together so I could talk to them at the same time. I kneeled down in front of them and took their hands in mine.

"Leo, do you remember your old babysitter Jennie?" Leo shook is head. I shouldn't have been surprised, he was a baby. I looked over to Louis. "You never met her, Louis, but she was Daddy's girlfriend for awhile." I paused to take a breath. "Well, when she and I were together, she had a baby and that baby is mine. I brought him here today so that you can meet him, but only if you want to."

Louis looked at me then whispered something in Leo's ear. They went back and forth whispering, then Leo finally looked at me.

"We want to meet him Dad." I smiled big. My boys make me proud to be their father everyday.

"Jennie?" I called out to her and heard her slow footsteps as she walked to the living room with Luca.

"Hi." She said quietly as she put Luca down on the floor. I watched Leo as something clicked in his head.

"Nini?" Jennie looked up at Leo who was now running up to her. "I remember you." My boy said with a smile as he hugged Jennie. Leo broke from the hug from the hug and looked at Luca who was hiding behind.

"I'm Leo, and this is Louis..." Louis was now standing next to Leo, and once and a had a smile on my face looking at them, their height difference was so cute. "...we're your brothers."

"It's ok Luca, go play we them. They'll be nice." I told him so that he would stop hiding behind me and go play. "We have hot wheels." Leo told Luca and his eyes lit up.

"Hot wheels?" Leo and Louis nodded. "Ok, I wanna play." Leo motioned for Luca to follow and he did, leaving me and Jennie alone.

"He'll be okay, my boys are good and Leo will take care of him." Jennie gave me a small smile. "Do you want a drink?" Jennie nodded so I led us to the kitchen. "Water?"

"Do you have anything stronger?" I laughed. "Bad day at work?" I said as I poured Jennie and myself a glass of wine.

"It's just so hard being new, everyone treats you like you're suppose to pick up their coffee order, when I have a higher job than most of them." Jennie put her head in her hands.

"Why don't you speak up." I sat down on the bench next to her. 

"If you want, I could hire you. You could work for me and then I get you a new place, maybe in this building. You can keep the house and use it at as summer home."

She put her hand up to stop me. "Lisa don't. I don't need your pity."  I grabbed her hand that was on my chest. There was something about her touching me again that sent shock waves through me.

"I'm not pitying you Jennie. You are the mother of my son, I care about you and him. I missed out on four, almost five years of his life and I don't wanna miss another moment with you or him."

I don't know what came over me but the next thing I knew, I had Jennie on the counter, attacking her mouth with mine. I had to stop because my kids are here, but I couldn't. I'm addicted to her.

"Hey dad, we're-" At the sound of Leo's voice we broke apart. Deja Vu. 

"Sorry Leo, um what is it?" I looked at my son who had a smirk on his face. He might be ten but that hasn't stopped him from staring at girls all day long.

"We're hungry, and we want pizza."  I nodded and he left. " We should get going."

I whipped around to look at Jennie getting down from the counter, with tears in her eyes. I put her face in my hands to wipe the tears away.

"You're not leaving, not now, not after what just happened. I want you to stay, I want you to always stay, here with me." 

She shook her head at me like she was in denial. 

"You felt something when I kissed you, I know you did, because I felt it too. I tried to push my feelings for you away for five years, but the three weeks I spent with you and Luca just showed me one thing. That I'm still so very much in love with you, I can't keep it down any longer. I need you Jennie, I need you and my son."

There silence, nothing but silence. I just confessed my feelings and she didn't say anything.

"Jennie, say something please." She leaned in and kissed me, but before I could deepen it she pulled away.

"You broke my heart, Lisa. I can't just forget that, and I'm not saying that I don't still love you, because I do, but I- we can't. I can't put Luca a risk, what happens if we break up again? Luca is too young for that."

She tried break free from my hold again but I'm not letting her go, never again.

"We can take it slow, but I'm not letting you go until you can come to terms with being with me again. Please Jennie, I love you."

I couldn't help myself and I kissed her again, hard. I swear if there weren't kids here I would take her right here on this counter.

"Stay for dinner? And maybe you can stay the night." She chuckled.

"I'm not sleeping. with you, Lisa."

"Fine, then I'll take the couch, but please stay.











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