Strays Need Love Too - Riah 0.1

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My friend and I were taking pictures of the spring trees that have blossomed. After having taken enough of them, we started walking back towards the dorm. However, I had this sudden uneasy and restless feeling that something was approaching us. I turn around and see something flashing quickly towards us and scream, only to find out it was a cute dog. The dog immediately stopped at my feet and got scared and whimpered because of my scream. I felt bad that nobody was playing with the animals nowadays, but the cafeteria gives free food to animals nowadays, so we took it with us to the cafeteria and gave it food.

Conclusion: Even if you can't play with the animals, don't forget to give a little bit of food to the stray animals you see.

Thanks for reading! See you Wednesday for Quarantine Quenchers: Quarantine-friendly activities to quench your stuck-at-home boredom! 

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