America's Birthday (part 2)

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The air inside the palace was dry and cool. When it touched my arms, it send chills up and down my body, and I began to shiver with the new environment. Maxon placed an arm around me and led me to my suite.

"Dry off. Then we can catch a movie before the celebration, if you want," he suggested.

I looked up at him and smiled. "Of course." I laughed lightly. "This is a lot better than the time your dad caught us and we couldn't even see a movie," I said with a mock pout. Maxon chuckled. "Yes, I remember. I'll still let you have your pick of movie, though. I suppose I must relent since it is your birthday," he concluded with a wink.

I entered my room, and Mary was sitting on a stool and practicing her needlepoint. She looked up at me and saw that I was soaking wet, still leaving a trail of water behind me.

"Shall I get a change of clothes and a towel for you?" she asked sweetly. I nodded, and another shiver ran down my body.

In a few short minutes, I was in a new day dress, with my drying hair in an updo. There was a knock on my door, and Maxon entered without being given permission. Not that I minded.

"Are you ready for our outing, birthday girl?" he asked playfully, bowing down, extending a hand for me to take.

"How could I say no to the king?" I responded, fanning myself with my hand.

The last time I was in the theater, I had just realized that Aspen was a new guard in the palace and couldn't quite focus on the movie itself. But, this time, I was able to experience something completely new. There were rows of cushy seats with holes in the arms. The purpose, I assume, was to hold any cup of a drink you had while watching the movie. There was a gold rimmed popcorn machine on one of the walls, which already had steaming popcorn sitting in it.

"Did you make the popcorn?" I asked Maxon, and he chuckled.

"America, you know I can't cook for the life of me. I tried to make popcorn once but it failed," he explained, wanting his embarrassment to end, going to pick a movie. I smiled to myself, remembering Marlee's first date with Maxon, where he burnt the popcorn. She gushed about it all afternoon.

The movie was in the category of "romantic comedy." I think this was my favorite style of movie; filled with lots of laughs, but deep, tender moments that made me look over at Maxon to see him looking back with adoring eyes. Thankfully, the chair we had chose had no arm rests to keep us separate, so I cuddled in close to him, placing a hand on his chest, and we watch the rest of the movie in that position. I'd have to reconsider my birthday celebration for next year; this was much better than any party I could have planned.


I sucked in a deep breath.

"Mary, is this really necessary?" I pleaded, staring at my waist, becoming more cinched by the second.

"Yes, Your Highness. You have to look perfect for this evening," she responded, zipping up the rest of my dress. I groaned with discomfort.

"So much for eating tonight," I grumbled. Mary giggled, and fixed the last few strands of hair to my head.

There was a knock at the door as Mary finished placing the last pin in my hair. She went to open the door, and fell into her usual curtsy. "Your Majesty,"

"Hello, Mary. Mind if I steal America from you for a few hours?" Maxon asked in mock seriousness. Mary giggled. I looked Maxon up and down, and he was dressed in a crisp navy suit with a deep red tie, the color matching the prison of a dress I was wearing.

"Please, take her! She's been complaining about her dress and how there's no eating room." Mary exclaimed. I smiled, because she was absolutely right. When Mary mentioned what the dress did to my figure, Maxon couldn't help but stare at me. I felt myself blush as he finally met my eyes. He cleared his throat, but I was the first to speak.

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