Photos, Press, Parties

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"Your Majesties, over here!"

Maxon and I turned in the direction of the next flashing camera. I sighed. This photoshoot had already taken 10 precious minutes away from my high of being a newly-wed. Photographers had us turn in all directions before allowing my family through the doors.

"What's wrong, America?" Maxon asked.

"I'm tired," I muttered through my teeth as I turned to another flashing bulb.

"America," he whispered into my hair. "Don't be tired yet. You still have to save your energy for tonight!"

I whipped my head around to find him grinning widely, showing off his immaculate teeth.

"Excuse me?" I questioned, embarrassed at his attempt to remind me of tonight's events. He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I couldn't help but throw my head back and laugh. I heard the click and flash of another camera capturing our stolen moment. The sound travelled through the Women's Room. We had to sacrifice the Great Room for the reception. The Women's Room was easier to navigate today.

The doors were opened and my family's entrance was announced by a butler. Immediately, May came sprinting towards me, and Gerad was close behind. I broke away from Maxon's arms and bent down to hug Gerad, as May became glued to my side.

"America, you look like the Queen!" he squealed. Maxon chuckled behind me.

"Ames, you look so beautiful! I always hoped you would marry Maxon." I glanced behind me and saw Maxon beaming at his new family. "You'll make some pretty kids!" May exclaimed. A blush raced across my cheeks, and Maxon laughed even louder.

"May, be quiet!" I chided. "Mom's coming!"

May giggled as Mom walked over to us, carrying a cloth that almost looked sewn to her hand, dabbing her eyes. She came up to me and gave me a huge hug, trying to get around May, who was an extra appendage of mine at this point.

She pulled away, her eyes glazed with a sheet of tears. "Your dad is proud of you," she whispered. All I could do was nod, as the emotions of a wedding day threatened to take over. Mom walked over to Maxon, embracing him like her own son. He eased into her arms, missing the embrace of a mother. May finally broke away, tailing our mother to my new husband. Husband. I would have to get used to that.


I turned back around, and saw Kenna and James hustling over to us, a maid trailing behind them, pushing a stroller with Astra in it. She pulled me into a big hug, and I could hear her crying in my hair.

"You're so grown up, America! I can't believe you're the queen. And you look so beautiful," she said, pulling away, tracing her fingers down the lace of my bodice.

"Thank you, Kenna. I'm so glad you three are here!" I replied. Kenna looked offended.

"You say that like I'd miss my little sister's wedding."

"Kenna, I didn't mean-" she broke into laughter.

"I'm joking America. Take it easy!" She kissed me on the cheek, and glided across the cream drapes over to Maxon, embracing him in one of her best hugs. James gave me a quick side hug and a quiet "congratulations" before following Kenna to shake Maxon's hand.

"Okay, can the Royal Family please position themselves for the pictures?" asked the photographer.

I sat down on the chair that had cream fabric draped over it. May bounced over to my right side, claiming the chair before Gerad could. Luckily, Gerad refused to sit anywhere but my lap, and Kenna sat in a chair next to me, with Astra bouncing in hers. James stood behind her, and placed his hands on her shoulders, and Mom stood behind all of us. There was a space, that needed to be filled. The cameras flashed. We all knew it should have been filled by my father, but that was an unavoidable conflict. I sighed, and May looked up at me, with eyes that knew all too well what I was thinking behind mine.

After the One: A Connected Selection SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now