Three: Foolish Bandits, Right?

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This foolish, stupid, dumbass bandit. I can't believe he believes the rouse me and Jack set up. I was right in the idea that you can't blow it up due to the shield, but if you are inside the shield, you can blast this place sky high. I knew the plan to get into the BNK3R was going to be suicide for those who aren't Hyperion approved. I very easily could walk up and talk to Angel whenever I felt like it. She adored me. In three days, Sanctuary is going to be rubble, I'm going to see my husband again, and I will be home sweet home in Opportunity. 

After my fake out crying fit, I righted myself, and made my way to the door. 

" I need some air and alone time." 

" You gonna be alright?" 

" I'll be fine. I just need some air." 

I left, and went to go find the most secluded place in Sanctuary, only to find it was the top of the local mechanics. I climbed up, and notice I had perfect echo signal. 

" Beautiful to Handsome, come in." 

" Juniper! Oh good grief I've been worried sick about you! How is my beautiful little princess?" 

I groaned. " Please, for the love of all that is fucking sacred, let there be a shower in my near future. This dye is itchy as hell." 

" I know, maroon is such a shitty bandit color. Your natural blonde is so much better." 

" I know. These stupid bandits really think I want to take you down. Like, how fucking stupid do you have to be?" 

" The Bloodshots didn't beat on you too badly did they? We did have to make it realistic, sadly." 

" Nah. They listened like champs. A small amount of bruising and a minor bone injury. I'm fine. That super healing serum worked wonders." 

" Oh good. I was worried it wouldn't. I'll have it sent out as an emergency dose for all Hyperion field workers from here on. How long until I get to see you again?" 

" Three days. Be at the BNK3R." 

" I already rescheduled the meeting on Helios. I miss you, and I know Angel does too." 

" Tell her I'll see her soon. I have to go. I love you." 

" I love you too, beautiful." 

Jack hung up, and I let myself search for the weakest points of the shield from where I was. I found them relatively easy, and made my way around the shield border, leaving a grenade next to it and set the timer to go off in three days time. They would all go off at the exact same time down to the milisecond, and once the shield was down, Jack will send moon shots into the town. 

I made my way back, and found Lilith and Axton arguing. 

" Since when do we play sypathetic to Hyperion stooges, especially to those who were high enough on the hog to have once been intimate with Jack?!" 

" She was abandoned and left for dead by the bastard! I am not letting her try to survive out there on her own, she'd never make it! She's been pampered for far too long. Sure she has soldier training, but that only works for so long!" 

" Axton, I think you are only feeling bad for her because she reminds you of Sarah!" 

A hard chill settled over everything, and the voice of the Commando reminded me exactly of Jack. 

" You ever bring up my ex wife again, Lilith, and I will personally hand you over to Jack.  Never mention her again. Got it?!" 

He smacked the table, making it rattle the stuff on it, and the fear was very there in her eyes. 

" Right. Of course. I'm sorry, I was out of line." 

" Never forget where that line is again. Roland may have made you in charge, but he trusted my judgement as much as yours. We run this shit show together, remember?" 

" Right. I'm sorry. 

Lilith left, and I hid so she didn't see me, and carefully walked in. I knew the dangers of being in the room with a man who knew how to kill you, having been with Jack as long as I have been. 

" You ok, Axton?" 

His demeanor shifted as if day from night, and he wore a bright smile. 

" Eh, I'm fine. Lil just gets out of control sometimes. Grief will do that to ya." 

" You know, you reminded me of Jack for a second there." 

" Really? How?" 

" Not afraid to do drastic things to make a point very clear to everyone involved." 

" Oh. Well, I normally don't get like that. I'm just touchy because tomorrow is the day I left Dahl and took up mercenary as a job instead." 

I genuinely felt bad for him. I can tell how much his wife meant to him, and I felt my longing for Jack, but I knew better to voice it as such.

" I understand. It's never fun to be the one left behind." 

Axton stood up, a chuckle leaving his lips. Typical soldier bravado. 

" Ah, it's not all bad. I made good friends, make better bank than I ever did on a military salary, and I get to kill things with zero consequences, well, most of the time." 

" Not to mention the guns are much better, I'm guessing?" 

" You have no clue. My sniper rifle is a Jakobs, my SMG a Maliwan, and hell, my Shield is a ten times better version of the shitty one you get as a standard model." 

" Ever used Hyperion weaponry?" 

" Yeah, and I gotta say, the pistols pack a punch. The Sniper rifles aren't too bad, but nothing beats a Jakobs." 

" I sadly have to agree. Don't get me wrong, I loved my sniper rifle, but damn was it unstable. It would either not stop shaking after a round was fired, or the elemental chance was super low." 

We shared a laugh, and Axton grabbed a beer from the small fridge in the HQ, and offered me one. 

" I don't drink, but thanks." 

" Really? Alright, your loss." 

The rest of the night was just the two of us on the balcony, talking as if we were old friends. Somehow, this bandit, this rough and gruff ex-soldier, he made me feel safe, happy, and like things were ok. It was like the best qualities of Jack, with none of the side effects that came from him opening up. It was nice, not having to brace for the quick rejection that came from trying to see beneath the mask. 

Could this bandit really be making me double think all this over?     

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