Nine: A Prince's First Bloodshed

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I woke up to the same old alarm, but I wasn't anything but excited. Dad was going to let me go out with a soldier squad and lead my first bandit raid. I was extremely excited, as I threw on my usual blue jeans, my sneakers, and my white tee shirt, grabbing the Hyperion yellow dress shirt I always wore, and I quickly brushed out my hair. I made a bee line for Dad's office, and once there, I knocked three times. It opened on it's own, Dad sitting at his desk with a wide smirk. 

" Morning, Leon. How did you sleep?" 

" Wonderful, as usual. So, do you know what today is?" 

" I do. You get to do a bandit raid. All that military training is getting put to use. Your first mission is in here, the Fridge. A camp of Rats has set up and you get to go in and eliminate. This is a test run to see if you can handle real threats like bandits in areas like the dam and the like. If I know you can do good today, then you'll get to live up to your title as Bandit Slayer. You'll be needing to change, and report to the loading bay. Your teacher is there waiting for you. You are in charge, but a good leader listens to his underlings. Take there advice if they give it." 

" Yes, Dad." 

" Oh, before you go, you'll want this. This is a special gun, use it wisely, and make me proud." 

He hands me a black and scarlet shotgun, and I smile like a madman. 

" Your Conference Call? Isn't this thing your favorite gun?" 

" Yes, well, this one does max incendiary damage, and is set to max stats, so be careful. You are only 18. I'd hate to see you not come home on your first mission. I love you, be safe, and have fun, kiddo." 

He gave me a hug, and I left with the Conference Call strapped to my back, double checking for the safety to be on before doing so. I made my way down to the loading bay, where a truck full of soldiers were looking antsy. I went to the locker room, changed into my Hyperion military uniform. Mine was black, with yellow trim and a high collar, my helmet was buckled on, visor was up, and I had my other guns all packed up and ready in my digi-struct backpack, the Conference Call still equipped, along with my Bee shield, and my photo of Dad in my inner coat pocket. It was of us when I had gotten my first pistol at age 7, and he showed me how to shoot it.

" You ready, boss?" 

" Yeppers. Give me a sec and I'll be right out. Just doing a double check on my gear and we can get rolling." 

" Smart soldier. Truck and team's ready when you are."

I watched my teacher, Wilhelm, leave and I wasn't too far behind him. I got in the front seat, Wilhelm was driving us there. 

" A Conference Call? Your father spoils you, I hope you know that." 

" I'm dad's heir and favorite, so of course on my first mission ever, he's gonna give me his personal maxed out Conference Call." 

" Really? What elemental?" 

" Fire. I'm going to have the boys in the gun lab see if I can make it a rainbow one, you know, change out elements if necessary." 

" They just might try, but I doubt it." 

The rest of the ride was quiet, and once we got to The Fridge, I could tell why they called it that. It was freezing. I hadn't really left Opportunity much in my 18 years, but this was almost as cold as Liar's Burg. I turn to the soldiers under me, and it was a small team of 5, not including me and Wilhelm. 

" Alright boys. Remember we are here to clear this place out of all the Rats and scum like them. Try to avoid the wildlife if you can. Stay as a group of two if you need to break off. One of you along with Wilhelm is to be by my side watching my six. Understood boys?" 

" Sir yes Sir!" 

" Good. Now, let's kill us some heathen scum!" 

I cocked my new shotgun, and made my way into the area, not once did I let them really have a chance, occasionally I'd switch to my sniper rifle and pop them off in the head as to keep the bigger ones subdued. I noticed how some of them had lazers for eyes, and Wilhelm called them Lab Rats, and it made my stomach curdle. So fucking gross. We found where the main nest was, and blew it sky high with my Quasar grenade. It was over in a few hours, and nothing was left alive. I was pleased as peach to call into Dad's private Echo line, and see him smiling. 

" I did it! All of them are cleared out with only one casualty due to a dumbass not remembering how I said not to provoke the fucking wildlife, Dick!" 

" I said I was sorry!" 

" You will be when you get benched for the damage that crysalisk did to your leg, you fucking moron! Uhg. We should be back shortly." 

" Please hurry back. I noticed a pack of Raiders lurking near by and you are not ready for them yet. Get back here asap, alright kiddo?" 

" Yes Dad. 10-4. Over and out." 

Dad ended the Echo, and with a little help, we got Dick back into the truck, Wilhelm fixing up his wounded leg as best he could, so I was driving. We had made it back to Opportunity with no other issues. I had the other soldiers bring Dick to the med bay while I changed and went to Dad's office. I knocked, and he opened the door with a button on his desk. 

" Welcome back. I'm glad you did it so smoothly. Run into anything?" 

" Nope. I took the long way to avoid possible issue." 

" Smart boy. I knew I raised you right. Come here, I think your ready for your next mission to train for." 

" Oh really? Who's the target?" 

Dad pulled up a picture of a old looking soldier, and I could tell he was a Vault Hunter. 

" This is Commander Axton. He's the leader of the Crimson Raiders. Him and a siren named Maya have been leading this band of heathens for years now." 

" He looks so old. How is he still fighting?" 

" Because, bandits never know when to quit. He's been after Hyperion, more literally after me, since he got off the train when he landed here. He's former Dahl, a wanted man by all accounts by Dahl and by Hyperion. He is the end goal. To kill him and all those scummy bastards in Sanctuary." 

" Dad, did he- was he the guy to-" 

I knew better than to say her name. Dad was touchy about it, and understandably so. Mom was killed by a bandit, Dad just barely saving me. I knew he wasn't my real dad, but he treated me like I was his own, so I grew to call him Dad all the same. 

" Yes. This was the sick bastard who stole your mother from you, Leon." 

I walked over to Dad, and gave him a hug, mostly because even if he won't admit it, he liked knowing I cared without saying it. I grew up noticing when he needed the silent affection, and when it was best to stay back and leave him be. He never hit me, but his voice and gaze felt like whips when provoked. He returned it, with the hair ruffle he always did afterwards. 

" I'll do it, Dad. I'll slaughter them all for Mom. I promise." 

" I know you will, my little crusader. Now, go rest and relax. I have more work to do today. I won't be back for dinner tonight, so have the staff make you whatever you want within reason." 

" Alright. Night Dad." 

" Night, Leon." 

I went back to the living quarters me and Dad occupied, the image of that woman murderer burned in my brain. I'll make him pay, Mom. I'll slit his throat and bathe in his blood for you. I'll baptize myself in his blood to be the Hyperion crusader that Dad deserves and needs.       

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