Four: Moments Of Weakness (Lemon/18+)

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It was the night before we were going to go to the BNK3R, and I felt so nervous, so sick to my stomach, I couldn't relax. I never drank any kind of booze, but right now, it seemed to be the only thing I wanted. I was sitting on one of the bottom bunks, and I was stewing in my own misery. I had come to love being around Axton, I loved how easy he was to be around, how nice he was, how he just would randomly compliment me, how he never questioned me. He wasn't at all like Jack, and it was so stark a contrast, it was blinding a bit. I was so used to Jack, that to finally meet a man that wasn't a total emotional roller coaster, it was a bit of a nice change of pace.

I was so wrapped up in myself, that I didn't notice Axton had sat down next to me, and was trying to get my attention. 

" Pandora to Juniper, hello?" 

" Huh? Oh, Ax, sorry, I got caught up in myself." 

" Nervous about tomorrow?" 

" You have no clue, hot shot." 

" I was wondering something. Is Juniper your real name, or is it June?" 

" Juniper Roseblood is my real name. I was born on Promethia, raised on Elpis, then joined Hyperion when I was 18."

" Easy tiger, didn't want the whole life story, but it's cool we share the same birth planet." 

" Right, you were Dahl, huh?" 

" Born and raised." 

" I wish I could go home to Elpis. I miss the gravity and the cryo-weapons I had growing up."

" Hey Juniper, I got a question for ya." 

" What's that?" 

" If you could do one thing tonight and hold no regrets about it, knowing full well we might die tomorrow, what would it be?"

" No regrets? I don't know, probably sleep with someone." 

" Really? Not what I expected from you. Why?" 

" I've never done it before. Moxxi makes it sound fun." 

I can't believe I said that. Axton gave a curt laugh. " Yeah well, Moxxi has slept with quite a few people, Jack included, and honestly, from her stories, you ain't missing much. Really though, you're still a virgin?"

" Yeah. Jack's not the kind to be intimate. He has this weird thing where for every peak you get behind the mask, you get a slew of backhanded insults." 

" Sorry to hear that. From where I'm sitting, he's missing out on a really beautiful woman." 

I was touched, genuinely. I felt like he deserved to know the truth. He deserved to know everything. Jack couldn't ever give me this. 

" Axton, I need to tell you something very important." 

" What's that?" 

" I've been lying this whole time. Jack and I staged this little infiltration-" 

" I know." 

I paused and hit my brakes. " You know?" 

 Axton gave one of his signature chuckles. " Yeah. I followed you to the rooftop of Scooter's place. I also went through and disarmed all the grenades. I also know that if you really were loyal to Jack, you'd never be so complacent with all the barbs about him we throw around. Be honest with yourself. Where do you really wanna be come tomorrow? Do you wanna be a Raider, or do you wanna be just another pawn in his schemes?" 

I thought about it, and looking into Axton's eyes, I knew. Those real, honest, sweet pea green eyes wouldn't ever hurt me. I leaned in, and kissed him, and it was rough, powerful, filthy, and absolutely perfect. I had kissed Jack, and it was mean, bitter, and always tasted like mint and black coffee. Axton was shitty beer, passion, and a different kind of mint, a menthol kind. I pulled back, and I felt it start to rain, the dye I was wearing getting washed out, showing my perfect honey blonde hair. Axton's eyes went wide, and the absolute love and admiration he already showed me, it was as if it was all he could portray. 

" You do look better with the honey gold, darlin'. Matches those Pandora blue sky eyes." 

" You think my eyes are blue like the sky?" 

" I think you are Pandora all wrapped up in one perfect package, Juniper Roseblood." 

He kissed me again, and instantly, I felt compelled to just exist within Axton and all he represented. I felt him kiss along my jaw and neck, the stubble he's had for days now gingerly scratching my skin, his nose grazing my ear before I felt his hot breath on my ear.

" Follow me." 

  His words sparked something in me I never knew, and it made me feel like a teenager again. Axton took my hand and we made our way to what I recognized as the roof of the garage, but we moved past it, to a little place just above it, a lone turret mounted on the porch pointed at the entrance to the town working as security. 

" Welcome to my place." 

He picked me up, and I giggled as he kicked in the door, using the same foot and grace to slam it shut, forcing the bar next to the door to fall, locking it. I was carefully placed on a mat that was covered in pillows and make shift raggedy blankets, and for some reason, it was perfect. 

" I'm sorry it's not what you're used to." 

" I want nothing less right now." 

" Are you sure about this?" 

" Absolutely. Now, show me how a bandit makes a woman's toes curl, hot shot."

He gave me his signature smirk, and kissed me. I was in a fog, and I couldn't tell where I started and where he stopped. Axton was everything, his arms so toned and sinewy from both the military and from being a Vault Hunter, his hands that I've seen rip apart Loaders and kill men were now tenderly and gently caressing my bare hips and chest. I could feel his breath on my neck, the heat between my legs and his bringing me out of said fog. 

" This might hurt a bit, and for that, I'm sorry." 

He kissed me, deeply, and as he did, I felt him push into me, and it stung. I let out a yelp, his kiss swallowing it with a practiced ease. I felt him move, never once breaking the kiss, until we both needed to breathe. His kisses fluttered across my face, my tears vanishing with each kiss. Before I knew it, I was wrapped up tightly in the throes of not hot and heavy sex, but making love with a man who actually cared about me somehow, even after all the betrayal I posed. 

" June, I love you." 

As the pressure that had been building released, I felt myself see stars, and before I really could stop myself, my heart spoke before my brain could. 

" I love you too, Axton." 

Axton kissed me, and it felt so real, so powerful and genuine, it was perfect. He rolled off me, and I curled into him, letting myself feel so safe, so happy, so ready to follow through with what had to be done tomorrow. 

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