Eleven: Hyperion Wins

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{Handsome Jack}

" I want you bastards to FIND MY FUCKING SON AND BRING HIM HOME!" 

" We-we're trying sir, but it's like he vanished." 

" Then you haven't searched hard enough! If he isn't home soon, and I mean instantly, I'll let him gut every last one of you!" 

" Yes Sir. We are doing our absolute best." 

" Have you searched Sanctuary?" 

" Yes, but if he's there, they're hiding him really well from cameras or other means of tracking him down." 

" Oh I know he's there. Axton is a predictable man." 

" Sir! I found him! He's in the city, underneath it in the old Dahl holding cells! Looks like he's been there a bit." 

" Show me!" 

A old image popped up on the screen, and it was of Axton and Leon talking.

" Get me audio now!" 

The audio gurgled to life, and my ears didn't believe what I was hearing. 

" Listen, bandit. I'm not going to believe this cock and bullshit story you've cooked up to make me feel sorry. I know Dad's a bad guy in how he handles certain things, but he would never shoot an unarmed woman carrying a child. He wouldn't! I've known him for 21 years. He has been nothing but good to me." 

" Xiper, I get that-" 

" My name is Leon, you ignorant prick!" 

" Sorry, Leon, you have to understand that he is a master in lying and manipulation." 

" I know he is, who the fuck do you think taught me how to do it?! I am his adopted son! I've known this for years. He's never once claimed to be my birth father. But I am not going to sit here and believe I'm the offspring of two bandits! I'm a Prince, a crusader, a slayer, I am not a bandit!" 

" And you are just as stubborn as I am! Boy, I have had all the Raiders come in and tell you the truth, you just don't want to listen!" 

" Truth is Relative, I've told you this! Why do you have to be so fuckin stupid!?" 

" And why did Jack get to steal you from me?! Why did that rat bastard think it was ok to rip my family from me?!" 

" Because you're a Vault Hunter and a bandit! You don't deserve a happy ending!" 

" Takes a bandit to know one!" 

" Watch your mouth before I stuff it with a pinless grenade!" 

" I wish you would at this point, be better than suffering!" 

I noticed the calm that laced over my son's face. He was a ruthless boy, but he did know when to show compassion. He always knew when the barbs went away, and when it was time to mend wounds.

" Sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I crossed a line. I know better." 

" Why bother apologizing? You don't actually mean it. You're Hyperion."

" I know when I've crossed a line, and I know when to own up to what I've done wrong."

" At least Jack taught you something useful. Compassion, who'd a thunk it." 

" Dad maybe a bit rough around the edges, but he has reasons as to why. You'd be too if everything you tried to love turned it's back on you, if everything you showed empathy to stabbed you in the back. He's been wronged by so many people, and hurt so many times. I can't even count them all. I refuse to join the ranks of those who've wronged him, who've turned their back on his kindness. He is my father, my Dad. He gave me something he holds very near and dear. His trust and love. I'm not about to have myself hurt him like so many others. If he gets one good thing in his lifetime, I want it to be me." 

I fell back into my seat, tears falling down my face. He really was loyal, and he truly did love me. He outright defended me to his actual father. The room was silent, both from the worker bees and from the live audio feed. I watched as Axton knelt down at the base of the prison door, and left something too small for the camera to pick up. 

" If you insist on being like this, then fine, I won't stop you. That ring was your mothers, I think she'd be happy to see you have it. It's obvious that even if you did believe me, you'd never turn coat on Jack. I'm shocked to say that he did well by you. He raised a good man and an even better soldier. I know by now he's probably hacked into the feed of Sanctuary, be it audio or otherwise, so let me say this loud and clear. He won. I'm giving up the fight. I am too old and too tired to keep this silly little war keep going. I won't fight our son. I refuse to. I may have brought him into this world, but you raised him, and I'll be damned if I'm the one to take him out." 

Axton then unlocked the door, and undid the cuffs. With better visuals, I noticed he had been given a change of clothes. Brown and red looked horrible on him. He loved his bright whites, sunny yellows, and deep blacks. 

" Take the ring and go. I won't fight you. I'm tired of fighting. Live the life you want. I promised Juniper I'd keep you out of this feud, this war, and I'm a man of my word. Go." 

Without any hesitation, he grabbed the small trinket and bolted, leaving the visual I had. The bees started buzzing around to get more visuals, and I watched him take off out of the headquarters, and made a beeline for the gate. He was leaving. He didn't want to be there anymore. I noticed his face wet with tears. Leon rarely cried, but I knew why he was. He knew that Axton hadn't lied, he knew that Axton told him the truth, but he also knew that he loved me and his life here at Hyperion. 

" Sir, the moonshots you requested for Sanctuary are ready." 

" Call it off. Leave that little bandit town alone. Sanctuary is to be left alone. No more fucking with it." 

" Sir, why?" 

" My son deserves to have that little shit hole safe and sound. The Raiders are calling it off. Let them have their little Sanctuary. We don't need it. Let the bandits have it. Let it be an ugly reminder of what Pandora was like before it got civilized." 

" Oh, alright. That's very kind of you sir." 

" I know it is. Where is my son?" 

" He's taken a car from a digi-struct in Three Horns Divide and is driving here as we speak. He has no echo for communication or anything to defend himself with. Should we send a team to collect him?" 

" No. Give him the space he needs. He's adjusting. Leave him alone right now. I want a hot bath drawn and ready for when he gets home, as well as fresh clothes, his favorite meal made, and his bed ready for him to sleep. He needs to know he's still loved and wanted here. Loyalty like what he displayed deserves reward. I'll check in on him personally once he's rested." 

I got up and left the room, my assistant following me. 

" And you sir?" 

" I'm going to my office to get in contact with the leader of the now disbanded Raiders. I am not to be disturbed." 

I opened my office door, locked them, and settled into my seat, calling the bandits for a man to man conversation.

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