Lukanette Mother's Day Special part 1

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        Marinette yawns, goes back to bed, and soon is asleep again.  Thirty minutes later she wakes up to the nice aroma of her breakfast.  Luka carries the try of food to the room and sets it down gently on the bed.  

      "Hope you enjoy the meal, Marinette," Luka says.

        "Thanks, Luka," Marinette says.

      "It is nothing," Luka remarks.

    "Nothing, you bring me breakfast in bed and call it nothing?" Marinette asks. She can not believe him sometimes.

      "Momma, momma, are you sick?"  Olivette asks from the doorway.

     " Olivette, I just did not sleep well last night that is all, but I feel better rested now that I have a nap," Marinette says.

       "Told you she was just tired," John says as he sticks his tongue out at his sister.

        Olivette cries some pitiful puppy-eyed tears.  She always was rather sensitive when it came to such things.

    "John Carl Cuffaine, you apologize to your sister right now, young man," Marinette scolds him.

       "Yes, Mom,"  John says kindly.

         John apologizes to his sister and hugs her.  "Sorry, I hurt your feelings," He says.

      Marinette smiles as she eats her meal.  When she finishes it, she says, "Go on you two, so I can get dressed."
         John and Olivette back away from the door so their mother can do as she says.

          Marinette closes the door, and changes from her nightgown to a nice dress, and a cute pair of sandals.  For some reason, she feels like she is forgetting something important, but for the life of her has no idea what it could be anyway. She shrugs her shoulders as she brushes her hair, and expects her contact lenses in the mirror. She grins as she exits the room to be greeted by her family.

        Luka smiles at his wife and says,  "Well, now you sure dressed up nice for the occasion."  He sees her scowl and laughs.  He was sure his sweetheart would have remembered by now what day it is, but by the reaction, she gives him it appears she still has no clue.

         "Honestly darling, have you forgotten the holiday that easily?"  Luka asks.  He appears to be surprised she would forget such a thing.  It is a day he knows she looks forward to every year.  

        "Are you kidding, of course not, honey," Marinette responds.  Deep down she knows she is too embarrassed to admit that he is right.

        Marinette's Flashback

        "Marinette, are you listening to me?"  The doctor asked her.

      "Hmm, what was it?"  Marinette asks. She appears to have been distracted for a while there.

    "As I was saying, your fiance is a coma, and might never wake up," The doctor repeats himself with eyes that show how genuinely sorry he is for her.

      "Wait, but how could this happen?  I assure you he was fine the other night," Marinette tells him.

      "Sorry, but that is how it is with such an injury as this one," The doctor says and shakes his head.  He leaves the room.

       Marinette approaches the bed and says, "I know the doctor claims you will probably never pull through, but I know better than this, Adrien."  

        She came back every day to support him.  Then, came the horrible day she found out his family was taking him off the life support. She begged him to wake up for her and their future.  Only he never did...

     This was the day she felt as if she would lose it and she almost did... 

     Two years later, Marinette brushes snow off Adrien's grave as she places flowers there. Then, she places some on her mother's tomb as well. She thinks it rather cruel that her mother should die a few months after Adrien, but life has a funny way of throwing trials our way now does it not?  These are things she thought to herself.

      "Hi, Miss!'' A voice says a few minutes later as she enters the local pizza place.

     "Hi, yourself!" Marinette says to the cute guy behind the register.

     "Marinette, give him your number," Alya insists.

    "Are you kidding, I hardly think this is the place too..." Marinette starts to protest.

          "Look, if she does not want too, then the lady does not have too," Luka says.

       It was only a matter of time before Marinette gave Luka a chance and Alya was ever so happy for her best friend.   A few months later, Luka and Marinette got engaged.  It was a long engagement since Marinette did not want to rush things.  

      Two years later, they got married on Mother's  Day which she felt was ironic since this was the day her Adrien died after he was taken off life support, and the same day years later her mother passed away on.

     It was no wonder she was in shock that she got married this day, and every year afterward was their anniversary.  The good thing was Luka and she made so many new memories together she fast got over her sad past.

  End of Flashback

       Marinette blinks and smiles as she thinks it is a nice day.  She knows it must be why else did she have a flashback of the day she and Luka met.  It is one of those things she did not tell anyone about since she did want them to think she is crazy.

      Luka, John, and Olivette ride along with Marinette to Tom and Agnes' place.  Agnes was the lady Tom married years after his wife Sabine's passing.  They all get out of the car, and Luka smiles as Tom and Agnes greet them all with smiles and hugs.

    "It is so great to see our daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren," Tom says.

    "Yes, it sure is," Agnes agrees.

      "Mom, Dad, it is great to see you as well," Marinette says. She is glad Agnes is not one of those cruel stepmothers.   It is so cool how Agnes refers to her as her own and even lets her call her Mom.

      "Now you two have a great time, and we will make sure to entertain John and Olivette, here," Tom says.

    "Yes, you go on ahead, now, you here,"  Agnes states.

    Marinette and Luka leave together, and Marinette feels embarrassed that she still does not recall why they left the kids at their grandparent's house for a bit.

     Will, she ever figure it out, or will Luka have to remind her?

    Find out more in part 2

   -Summer out!

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