Ladrien/Adrienette Father's Day Special part 4

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         Doctor Brown follows Marinette to the area where Adrien passed out. He checks his pulse, then frowns. "I need to get him to a room immediately, everyone out of the way, " Doctor Browns states.

           The doctor rushes Adrien into the emergency room. He tries to wake him up by speaking to him, then rechecks for a pulse. He finds none. He decides whatever I do I can not tell Emma's mother his heart has stopped. He shakes his head, then starts to perform CPR. When the CPR, fails, he calls for the instrument. He counts to three and uses the shock machine on Adrien Agreste's chest, after the four-try he hears the young man's heartbeat once more.

          Doctor Brown runs some tests and the results show exactly what he would expect. He makes a note of it. Next, he rolls Adrien Agreste into an empty room and hooks him up to a heart monitor. He also, gives him some water, and a few pills.

    "Young man that was quite the ordeal you went through there, " Doctor Brown tells him.

     "What do you mean, doctor?" Adrien asks.

           "I mean that you stopped breathing and your heart stopped. For a moment there you were dead, but I managed to bring you back. Something or someone must need you too much to let you go that easily. By the way the test we took shows it was a heart attack," Doctor Brown tells him.

         "Oh, my goodness. What about Marinette?" Adrien asks.

           "Do not worry, my staff is taking good care of her. She is fine, but she does not know you were in more danger than it seemed at first, so I plan to let you explain it to her. That is when you are ready," Doctor Brown says.

          The doctor goes to the waiting room where the young lady sleeps. He hates to wake her up like this, but he must speak to her.

           "Mrs. Cuffaine, I must speak to you, it is about Adrien Agreste," Doctor Brown says.

              "Is he dead?" Marinette asks with her hands over her face.

              "No, he is very much alive," Doctor Brown assures her.

             "Oh, thank goodness because it is bad enough Emma is sick, but I could not lose him either," Marinette says.

             Doctor Brown shows her to the room Adrien is in for the moment. Then, he goes to check up on Emma.  He smiles as he tells the nurse that they can start the treatments right away as all the paperwork is in order.

              "Adrien, it is me, Marinette,"  Marinette says she pulls up a chair.

               "Marinette, I glad to see you.  The doctor tells me I had a heart attack,"  Adrien tells her.

                  "I thought so,"  Marinette says sadly.

                     "Do not be so glume, I am here," Adrien says.

                       "I know, but..." Marinette says.

                             Adrien reaches out and holds her hand.  "I thought you did not want to hold hands anymore,"  Marinette reminds him.

                          "I will stop if you want me too," Adrien says with a frown on his face.

                             "It is fine, and do not sulk.  Adrien, I  can not believe I almost lost you,"  Marinette says with tears in her eyes.

                             "Mari, it is okay,"  Adrien says calmy.

                               "Adrien, Emma needs you. I need you,"  Marinette remarks.

                                   Adrien smiles at her, then closes his eyes and soon falls asleep. As he rests, Marinette brushes a tear away.  She can not believe how close she came to losing her best friend.

                                  Meanwhile, Emma pouts as she first round of chemo. Then, she laughs when the nurse tells her a story. 

                          Nurse Jenny is glad to see the toddler responds well to the storytime.  This is a good sign.  

                "We will do what you can to get you all better, so hang in tight," Nurse Jenny says.

               "Ok," Emma says.

           Emma frowns, then looks at the nice nurse lady.  

            "Say, is Adrien going to be my father?" Emma asks.

              The nurse does not know what to say when the small innocent little one asks her such a question, so she thinks for a moment.  

           "You know what that is up to your mother and him to decide," Nurse Jenny says.

               "Oh, I hope they decide to marry. I like Mr. Adrien,"  Emma states.

                  Emma yawns and soon she is napping just like the person she wishes to see marry her mother is at the moment. She smiles as she sleeps as she appears to have a nice dream.

                 Find out more in part 5

               -Summer out!

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